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THE SYNTHESIS OF YOGA. THE PROMISE DIVINE. In the jail he had received the Divine Message: “I am raising up this nation to send forth my word..... It is for the world and not for themselves that they arise. I am giving them freedom for the service of the world.”. MOTHER.

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  2. THE PROMISE DIVINE In the jail he had received the Divine Message: “I am raising up this nation to send forth my word..... It is for the world and not for themselves that they arise. I am giving them freedom for the service of the world.”

  3. MOTHER The conditions in which men live upon earth are the result of their state of consciousness. To want to change the conditions without changing the consciousness is a vain chimera. Synthesis of Yoga

  4. CHAPTER 27 THE LIFE DIVINE The Sevenfold Chord of Being

  5. Page 277 In the ignorance of my mind, I ask of these steps of the Gods that are set within. The all-knowing Gods have taken the Infant of a year and they have woven about him seven threads to make this weft. Rig Veda.

  6. Page 279, second para We pose eight principles instead of seven, and then we perceive that our existence is a sort of refraction of the divine existence, in inverted order of ascent and descent, thus ranged,-- Existence Matter Consciousness-Force Life Bliss Psyche Supermind Mind The Divine descends from pure existence through the play of Consciousness-Force and Bliss and the creative medium of Supermind into cosmic being; we ascend from Matter through a developing life, soul and mind and the illuminating medium of Supermind towards the divine being.

  7. page 279, last line …The knot of the two, the [280] higher and the lower hemisphere, is where mind and Supermind meet with a veil between them. The rending of the veil is the condition of the divine life in humanity; for by that rending, by the illumining descent of the higher into the nature of the lower being and the forceful ascent of the lower being into the nature of the higher, mind can recover its divine light in the all-comprehending Supermind, the soul realise its divine self in the all-possessing all-blissful Ananda, life repossess its divine power in the play of omnipotent Conscious-Force and Matter open to its divine liberty as a form of the divine Existence.

  8. CHAPTER 13 The Super mind and the yoga of works Synthesis of Yoga

  9. Page 281, second para It must be kept in mind that the supramental change is difficult, distant, an ultimate stage; it must be regarded as the end of a far-off vista; it cannot be and must not be turned into a first aim, a constantly envisaged goal or an immediate objective. For it can only come into the view of possibility after much arduous self-conquest and self-exceeding, at the end of many long and trying stages of a difficult self-evolution of the nature. Synthesis of Yoga

  10. Page 281, second para, line 7 …..One must first acquire an inner Yogic consciousness and replace by it our ordinary view of things, natural movements, motives of life; one must revolutionise the whole present build of our being. Synthesis of Yoga

  11. Page 281, seond para, line 10 …Next, we have to go still deeper, discover our veiled psychic entity and [282] in its light and under its government psychicise our inner and outer parts, turn mind-nature, life-nature, body-nature and all our mental, vital, physical action and states and movements into a conscious instrumentation of the soul. Synthesis of Yoga

  12. Page 282, first para, line 4 …Afterwards or concurrently we have to spiritualise the being in its entirety by a descent of a divine Light, Force, Purity, Knowledge, freedom and wideness. Synthesis of Yoga

  13. Page 282, first para, line 7 …It is necessary to break down the limits of the personal mind, life and physicality, dissolve the ego, enter into the cosmic consciousness, realise the self, acquire a spiritualised and universalised mind and heart, life-force, physical consciousness. Then only the passage into supramental consciousness begins to become possible, and even then there is a difficult ascent to make each stage of which is a separate arduous achievement. Synthesis of Yoga

  14. Page 282, first para, line 13 …Yoga is a rapid and concentrated conscious evolution of the being, but however rapid, even though it may effect in a single life what in an unassisted Nature might take centuries and millenniums or many hundreds of lives, still all evolution must move by stages; even the greatest rapidity and concentration of the movement cannot swallow up all the stages or reverse natural process and bring the end near to the beginning. A hasty and ignorant mind, a too eager force easily forget this necessity; they rush forward to make the supermind an immediate aim and expect to pull it down with a pitchfork from its highest heights in the Infinite. This is not only an absurd expectation but full of danger. Synthesis of Yoga

  15. Page 283, second para Another error that has to be guarded against is also one to which our mentality is easily prone; it is to take some higher intermediate consciousness or even any kind of supernormal consciousness for the supermind. Synthesis of Yoga

  16. Page 284, first para, line 27 ..Even the achievement of a complete inner liberation and a high spiritual consciousness is not that supreme transformation; for we may have that achievement, a status perfect in itself, in essence, and still our dynamic parts may in their instrumentation belong to an enlightened spiritualised mind and may be in consequence, like all mind, defective even in its greater power and knowledge, still subject to a partial or local obscuration or a limitation by the original circumscribing nescience. Synthesis of Yoga

  17. Introduction Conditions of the Synthesis Synthesis of Yoga

  18. CHAPTER 1 Life and Yoga Synthesis of Yoga

  19. Page 5, Line 5 • Every form tends towards harmonized complexity and totality which again breaks apart into various channels of special effort and tendency, only to unite once more in a larger and puissant synthesis. 2. Development of forms is an imperative rule of effective manifestation, yet all truth and practice too strictly formulated becomes old and much, if not all, of its virtue; it must be constantly renovated by streams of spirit revivifying the dead or dying vehicle and changing it , if it is to acquire a new life. Page 5, Line 14 TO BE PERPETUALLY REBORN IS THE CONDITION OF A MATERIAL IMMORTALITY. Synthesis of Yoga

  20. Page 5, Line 15. We are in a age full throes of travail, when all forms of thought and activity that have in themselves any strong power of utility or any secret virtue of persistence are being subjected to a supreme test and given their opportunity of rebirth. Synthesis of Yoga

  21. Page 5, Line 23 …Indian Yoga in its essence is a special action or formulation of certain great powers of Nature, itself specialized, divided and variously formulated, is potentially one of these dynamic elements of future life of humanity. Page 5, Line 27 …The child of immemorial ages, preserved by its vitality and truth into our modern times, it is now emerging from the secret schools and ascetic retreats in which it had taken refuge and is seeking its place in the future sum of living human powers and utilities. Synthesis of Yoga

  22. Page 6, line 4 …Reorganizing itself, it will enter more easily and powerfully into the reorganized race of the life which its processes claim to lead within into the most secret penetralia and upward to the highest altitudes of existence and personality. Synthesis of Yoga

  23. Page 6, Line 22 Yoga, as Swami Vivekananda has said may be regarded as a means of compressing one’s evolution into a single life or a few years or even a few months of bodily existence. Synthesis of Yoga

  24. Page 7, Line 2 Yogic methods have something of the same relation to the customary psychological working of man as has the scientific handling of the force of electricity or of steam to their normal operations in Nature. Page 8, Line 6 from below The true and full object and utility of Yoga can only be accomplished when the conscious yoga in man becomes, like the subconscious yoga in Nature, outwardly co-terminus with life itself and we can once more looking out both on the Path and the achievement, say in a more perfect luminous sense …. Synthesis of Yoga

  25. ALL LIFE IS YOGA Synthesis of Yoga

  26. CHAPTER 2 The three steps of Nature

  27. Page 19, Last para. • A bodily life which is the basis of our existence here in this material world Sthoola shareera : A: Annamaya Kosha, B: Pranamaya kosha (Nervous system) Page 12, Line 12 2. A mental life A : The mind material and nervous B : Pure intellectual mind which liberates itself from the illusion of the body and senses and C : A divine mind above intellect which liberates itself from the imperfect modes of logically discriminative and imaginative reason Synthesis of Yoga

  28. Page 14, Line 1 The Mental life far from being a recent appearance in man, is the swift repetition in him of a previous achievement from which the Energy in the race had undergone one of her deplorable recoils. Page 15, Last para The assertion of a Higher than the mental life…its acquisition and organization … is the object of yoga. Synthesis of Yoga

  29. Yogic Terminology Page 16, Para 2, Line 9 Sthoola shareera : Annamaya and Pranamaya Koshas Sookshma shareera : Manomaya Kosha Karana shareera : Composed of Vignana and Anandamaya koshas Synthesis of Yoga

  30. Page 16, Para 2, Line 16 The fourth vehicle vignanamaya kosha is not a systematized result of mental questioning and reasoning, not a temporary arrangement of conclusions and opinions in the terms of highest probability, but rather a pure self existent and self luminous Truth. The bliss… is also self existent and independent of objects… of a transcendent and infinite existence Synthesis of Yoga

  31. CHAPTER 3 The three fold life

  32. Page 20, Line 1 Nature… 3 successive forms as Her three steps of Ascent… The condition of all our activities (have) 3 mutually interdependent possibilities, The bodily life The mental existence The veiled spiritual being which in the involution, is the cause of the others and in the evolution, their result. Synthesis of Yoga

  33. Page 29, Last para But what Nature aims at for the mass in a slow evolution, Yoga effects for the individual by a rapid revolution. It works by quickening all Her energies, a sublimation of all Her faculties,[Page 30, 2nd para, line 7] and as the mental life uses and perfects the material, (Science and social situations are a reflection of this) so will the spiritual use and perfect the material and mental existence as the instruments of a Divine self-expression . Synthesis of Yoga

  34. CHAPTER 4 The systems of Yoga

  35. Page 31, Last Para …Yoga ; … three consenting parties to the effort – God, Nature and Human Soul Page 32, Para 2, Line 9 …Bhagavan, Bhagavat and Bhakta Synthesis of Yoga

  36. Hatha Yoga (Kundalini) Page 34, Para 2 Asana and Pranayama Page 35, Para 2, Last line Hatha yoga attains large results but at an exorbitant price and to a very little purpose… Page 34, Line 1 Hatha Yoga therefore seeks to rectify Nature and establish another equilibrium by which the physical frame will be able to sustain the inrush of an increasing vital or dynamic force of Prana indefinite, almost infinite in its quantity or intensity (Samarpana Yoga) Synthesis of Yoga

  37. Raja Yoga Page 35, Para 3, Line 3 … mastery of the whole apparatus of thought and consciousness. It fixes its eye on the chitta, that stuff of mental consciousness in which all these activities arise, and it seeks,… even as Hatha Yoga with its physical material, first to purify and to tranquilize – (samadhi the goal). Synthesis of Yoga

  38. Page 37, Last para The triple path of devotion (Bhakti), knowledge (gnana) and works (karma) attempts the province which rajayoga leaves unoccupied …It does not occupy with the elaborate training of the whole mental system …but seizes on certain central principles the intellect, the heart, the will …converts their normal operations …and concentrating them on the divine. Synthesis of Yoga

  39. CHAPTER 5 The synthesis of the systems

  40. Page 41, Para 2 An undiscriminating combination in block, would not be a synthesis, but a confusion nor would a successive practise of each of them in turn be easy in the short span of our human life. And with our limited energies, to say nothing of the waste of labour implied in so cumbrous a process … Line 7 Ramakrishna Paramahamsa … first driving straight to the Divine Realization … then seizing one yogic method upon another … such an example cannot be generalized Synthesis of Yoga

  41. Synthesis Page 42, Para 2 The synthesis … Line 6 (should be based) on some central dynamic force which is the common secret of their divergent methods and capable therefore of organising a natural selection and combination of their varied energies and different utilities. Synthesis of Yoga

  42. Tantra Page 42, Para 3 … A great dynamic force of Nature … is the way of tantra Page 43, Para 2, Line 9 …The Lord of the Yoga is Purusha … But in tantra it is rather Prakriti Page 43, Para 3 … line2 …Worship of energy the Shakti, as the sole effective force for all attainment … line 6In integral conception, line 11the relation of the two, (Siva and Shakti) exists between the poles of action Synthesis of Yoga

  43. Page 44, Line 11 The eventual omnipotence of Tapas (will) and the infallible fulfilment of the idea (faith) are the very foundation of all Yoga … Page 44, Line 18 Yo yah shraddhah sa eva saha Page 45, Second Para, Line 14 … If indeed our aim be only an escape from world to God, synthesis is unnecessary. … Line 19 But if our aim be a transformation of our Integral being into the terms of God existence it is then that a synthesis becomes necessary. Synthesis of Yoga

  44. Page 45, Last para … The method we have to pursue then, is to put our whole conscious being into relation and contact with the Divine and to call Him in to transform our entire being into His. Thus in a sense God Himself, the real Person in us, becomes the sadhaka of the sadhana as well the Master of the Yoga. Synthesis of Yoga

  45. Page 46, Para 2 … This method translates itself into the progressive surrender of ego with its whole field and all its apparatus to the Beyond-Ego with its vast and incalculable but always inevitable workings. Certainly, there is no short cut or easy sadhana. It requires a colossal FAITH, an absolute COURAGE and above all, an unflinching PATIENCE. Synthesis of Yoga

  46. Page 46, Para 2, Line 6 … Three stages • The attempt of the ego to enter into contact with the Divine. • The wide, full and laborious preparation of the whole lower nature by the Divine working to receive and become the Higher nature. • The eventual transformation. Synthesis of Yoga

  47. Page 46, Para 3 There are 3 outstanding features of this action of the Higher when it works integrally on the lower nature. • It does not act according to a fixed system and succession as in the specialized methods of yoga…free, scattered, … purposeful working determined by the temperament of the individual … but broad lines of working can be developed as a shastra of a synthetic yoga Synthesis of Yoga

  48. Page 47, Para 2 …2. Accepts our past evolution without rejecting anything essential compels all to undergo a divine change. Page 47, Para 3 …3. The Divine power uses all life as the means of this Integral Yoga. Every experience and outer contact with our world-environment, however trifling or however disastrous is used for the work, and every inner experience, even to the most repellent suffering or the most humiliating fall, becomes a step onto the path of perfection. Synthesis of Yoga

  49. Page 49, Para 2 Perfection includes perfection of mind and body so that the highest results of Rajayoga and Hathayoga should be contained in the widest formula of synthesis finally to be effected by the mankind. Page 50, last para The widest synthesis of perfection possible to thought is the sole effort entirely worthy of those whose dedicated vision perceives that God dwells concealed in humanity. (vasudevah sarvamiti samahatma sudurlabhaha) Synthesis of Yoga

  50. Part-1The Yoga of Divine WorksKarma Yoga

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