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Metallic Character & Reactivity

Metallic Character & Reactivity. METALS. As we’ve seen, of the 111 named elements 87 are metals. This is about 78% of the periodic table!. What defines metallic character? Are some metals more Metallic than others? What determines metallic reactivity?. Metals.

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Metallic Character & Reactivity

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  1. Metallic Character & Reactivity

  2. METALS As we’ve seen, of the 111 named elements 87 are metals. This is about 78% of the periodic table! What defines metallic character? Are some metals more Metallic than others? What determines metallic reactivity?

  3. Metals One of the characteristics of metals is that they have A tendency to want to lose electrons (they have low IE-Ionization Energy) - Will form positive ions - Metals have positive oxidation numbers As we go down a group what happens to IE? IE Decreases And as we go across a period what is the trend for IE? IE Increases

  4. Ionization Energy Trends Increasing I.E. Decreasing IE

  5. Relative Atomic radii Metals We know that the ease with which a metal loses it’s valence electrons increases with increasing atomic radii Lithium IE = 520 Rubidium IE = 403

  6. Metallic Character Since losing electrons is a characteristic of metals How easily a element can lose it’s electron defines METALLIC CHARACTER - i.e The lower the IE the greater the metallic character METALLIC CHARACTER INCREASES GOING DOWN A GROUP AND… METALLIC CHARACTER DECREASES LEFT TO RIGHT ACROSS A ROW (PERIOD)

  7. Metallic Character Decreasing Metallic Character Li BeBC N O F Na Mg Al SiP S Cl K Ca… GaGe As Rb Sr Cs Ba Fr Ra Increasing Metallic Character

  8. Metallic Character So if metallic character increases down a group and Decreases across a period what is the most metallic element and what is the least metallic of all elements? Most metallic: Francium Least Metallic of all elements: Fluorine

  9. Metal hydroxide Reaction Equation for Alkali metals with water: Group 1 Group 2 Metal (2K) + 2H20  H2 + 2KOH H2Gas How can you tell which metal is more reactive? How could you predict one to be more reactive than the other? Reaction of K (top) and Ca with water

  10. Group 1 Metallic Reactivity Li Na K Rb Cs Fr Lithium is the least reactive Alkali metal Na and K react violently with water; K even more so Than Na. It’s reaction is so exothermic it will ignite the Liberated Hydrogen Rubidium will burst into even if exposed to air The most reactive Alkali metals are Cesium & Francium (the most reactive)

  11. Potassium will react violently with water These metals will react with many different elements and Compounds. Sodium, less reactive than potassium, still reacts violently with Chlorine. Movie: Reaction of Na and Cl2 (requires Quicktime) http://jchemed.chem.wisc.edu/JCESoft/CCA/CCA0/MOVIES/NACL1.html

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