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Why Oral Hygiene is Important?

Keeping your teeth clean and your gums pink is more important for your health than for your appearance. Here are few points why oral hygiene is important. To know more, visit: https://cuspdental.ca/

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Why Oral Hygiene is Important?

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  1. Why Oral Hygiene is Important? Cuspdental.ca

  2. Keeping your teeth clean and your gums pink is more important for your health than for your appearance. Although having neat, white, and clean teeth is more aesthetically pleasing than the alternative, the health of your mouth is extremely important to the health of your overall body, and your quality of life. Seeing a dentist in Langley regularly can improve not only your health, but your self-confidence as well.

  3. Rotting, crooked, or missing teeth can all impact your speech, your self-confidence, your ability to chew food, and your mental and physical health. If left untreated, tooth pain can become debilitating. Cavities happen when decay has eaten through the enamel on your tooth, exposing the pulp or the root. The tooth root is a highly sensitive part of your body. Hot and cold foods or liquids exposed to the root, or pressure from chewing can cause extreme amounts of pain.

  4. Often, cavities go unnoticed until they are very painful. This is why it is important to regularly have dental appointments and get your teeth cleaned twice a year, or every six months. Treating cavities earlier is not only less painful and time consuming, but less expensive. The best way to avoid paying costly dental bills is to regularly see your dentist or dental hygienist, and to maintain a healthy oral hygiene routine at home.

  5. If you have a fear of the dentist, there are some dental offices in Langley that offer sedation. While this option is often more expensive, if a fear of the dentist is keeping you from seeing one regularly, sedation dentistry might be worth looking into.

  6. Sedation dentistry is exactly like any dental appointment. The difference being that medication to help the patient relax is used. While the patient is actually awake during the appointment, they are relaxed enough that their appointment is easy for them to sit through.

  7. General anesthesia is primarily done in hospital settings and is generally only used for complicated dental procedures and surgeries, or in extreme cases of fear and anxiety. More often, an oral sedation is used. It involves taking a prescribed pill about an hour before your appointment. While the patient will feel drowsy, they will still be conscious.

  8. In order to have a sedation dentistry appointment, the patience must be accompanied by an adult to the appointment and escorted home. After taking the sedation, the patient cannot drive, operate machinery, or sign any legal documents for 24 hours.

  9. While often taken for granted or ignored, your teeth are a vital part of your body that you use every day. Missing, loose, or sore teeth can influence your speech, and your self-confidence. Prolonged tooth pain can also impact quality of life.

  10. If you have not been to the dentist in quite some time, then booking an appointment for a dentist in Langley is within your best interest. Ensuring that you have a dentist that is close to home, professional, knowledgeable, and highly educated will ensure that your mouth, gums, teeth, and bones are all healthy.

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