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Spread of Islamic Culture

Spread of Islamic Culture. November 15 2012. Islam religion united and strengthened the Arab tribes providing them a common language and religion They set out on Jihad “Holy War” against non-believers

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Spread of Islamic Culture

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  1. Spread of Islamic Culture November 15 2012

  2. Islam religion united and strengthened the Arab tribes providing them a common language and religion • They set out on Jihad “Holy War” against non-believers • Create a vast empire that will stretch from the Indus Valley, Northern Africa, and as far west as Spain Political Impact of Islam

  3. After Mohammed’s death, Muslim leaders chose a new leader called the Caliph • Caliphate’s introduced bureaucratic structure and established first Muslim Empire • Islam spread via trade routes to West Africa and to Southeast via the Indian Ocean to Central Asia and China via the Silk Routes Political Impact Continued

  4. Battle of Tours in 732AD stopped the Muslim advance into Europe and left only Spain in Muslim control. • In 1096 Western Christians marched through the Byzantine Empire to take back the Holy Land from the Muslims. This conflict (Crusades) brought about the end of the feudal system in Western Europe. Political Impact Cont. - Europe

  5. The Muslim Empire was linked by two major sea-trading routes—Mediterranean Sea & Indian Ocean • The Silk Roads connected China & India with Europe and Africa • The empire set up “banks”, offered credit, and checks • Increased interaction with the Islamic Empire during the Crusades led to a revival of European trade with Asia. This trade led to a rise in the economic prosperity of Western Europe Economic Impact - Europe

  6. Increased interaction with the Islamic Empire as a result of the Crusades opened Europeans up to new knowledge of science, medicine, and technology from the Muslims. • Cordoba, Spain was a cultural hub of the Islamic Empire in Europe. • Europeans adopted Indian numerals from the Muslims Social Impact - Europe

  7. Political • Abbasid caliphate politically unified North Africa, Arabia, Persia and Asia Minor. • Bureaucratic system was established and rule was centralized Economic • Silk Road trade flourished • Indian Ocean Trade Network thrived as Muslim merchants traded with Indian and Chinese merchants Political, Economic, and Social Impacts on Asia

  8. Social • Tolerance of“people of the book” led to conversions • Split between Shi’a (supporters of Muhammed’sdescendents) and Sunni (supporters of the Umayyad) • Geometric patterns • Architecture – Mosques – use of domes and minarets • Calligraphy – developed as a result of the ban on the use of human figures as decoration in mosques • Poetry – reflects oral heritage • Islam also spread through merchants and Sufis

  9. Political • Trade kingdoms emerged in West Africa – Ghana, Mali, & Songhay and rulers converted to Islam to gain trade advantages • Eastern coastal city-states gained power as rulers converted to Islam Economic • Trans-Saharan trade grew with trade in salt, gold and slaves. • Eastern coastal city-states were a source of slaves in Indian Ocean Trade Complex. Political, Economic, and Social Impacts on Africa

  10. Social • Islam spread to sub-Saharan African through trade contacts mostly merchants and rulers who converted, such as Mansa Musa of Mali. • Local beliefs mixed with Islamic beliefs • Swahili – mix of Bantu and Arabic became widespread

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