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Integrative Ayurveda

Integrative Ayurveda. What is Integrative Ayurveda?Integrative Ayurveda is the integration of other modalities or types of medicine with Ayurvedic MedicineIn the West we refer to Integrative Medicine as Alternative Medicine or Complementary MedicineIntegrative Medicine does not fall within the re

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Integrative Ayurveda

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    1. Integrative Ayurveda AAPNA Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America Presentation on March 1, 2010 Dr. Denise Tarasuk, RN, ND MA Ayurveda Phone: (408) 370-5291 Email: drsunshine99@yahoo.ca

    2. Integrative Ayurveda What is Integrative Ayurveda? Integrative Ayurveda is the integration of other modalities or types of medicine with Ayurvedic Medicine In the West we refer to Integrative Medicine as Alternative Medicine or Complementary Medicine Integrative Medicine does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine Integrative Medicine is not considered allopathic medicine

    3. Integrative Ayurveda What are some examples of Integrative Medicine? Naturopathic Medicine Biomedical Medicine Homeopathy Chiropractic Medicine Chinese Medicine Anthroposophical Medicine Biofeedback, Neuro-feedback Cranial Sacral Therapy Trager: movement education When these examples are used together with Ayurveda, the term Integrative Ayurveda can be used

    4. Integrative Ayurveda Integrating other modalities or types of medicine with Ayurveda can lead to diverse types of treatment Foundations and methodologies can vary and may be based on different guiding principles Integrative medicine is a vast subject and may require many hours allocated towards studying for another medical degree, board requirements or certification which may or may not be recognized by the state

    5. Integrative Ayurveda Integrating another form of medicine may help an Ayurvedic Doctor broaden their scope of medicine and allow them to practice and widen their diagnostic and treatment abilities in United States where Ayurvedic medicine is not licensed

    6. Integrative Ayurveda Licensed Naturopathic Doctor The California Naturopathic Doctors Association is a professional association of licensed, board certified Naturopathic Doctors Naturopathic doctors are primary care doctors who are clinically trained in both natural and conventional medicine Naturopathic Doctors practice true integrative medicine

    7. Naturopathic Medicine Naturopathic medicine is a distinct and comprehensive system of health care that combines a variety of natural medicines and treatments with conventional medical diagnostics and standards Ayurvedic Medicine combines well with Naturopathic Medicine and the two types of medicine compliment each other

    8. Naturopathic Medicine Naturopathic Doctors seek to restore health and promote wellness using the safest, most effective and least invasive therapies available Naturopathic Doctors primarily use a wide range of natural therapies, but also write prescriptions for pharmaceuticals when appropriate

    9. Naturopathic Medicine Naturopathic doctors are skilled in diagnosis and treatment of disease utilizing natural therapeutics including clinical nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, physical medicine, and hydrotherapy Naturopathic Doctors may be able to study Ayurveda in their medical school

    10. Naturopathic Medicine Training for Naturopathic Medicine consists of studying anatomy, physiology, pathology, microbiology, immunology, clinical and physical diagnosis, laboratory diagnosis, cardiology, gastroenterology, gynecology, and a detailed study of a wide variety of natural therapies During clinical training Naturopathic Doctors incorporate and integrate the principles of naturopathic medicine into clinical practice

    11. Integrating Ayurveda and Naturopathic Medicine What do I do? I use the principles of Ayurveda, Naturopathic Medicine and Homeopathy to diagnose and treat the patients Ayurveda is the mother of all medicine and Naturopathic Medicine uses many of the same principles to heal the patient Homeopathy compliments Ayurvedic medicine and helps speed up the healing process

    12. Integrating Ayurveda and Naturopathic Medicine Case History 44 year old female History of IBS and constipation Stress from marriage which ended in a divorce Sensitive to fatty foods, eggs, milk, cheese, doughnuts and greasy food

    13. Emotions Does not express herself well Does not express any anger When upset feels intimidated Will cry if she is angry Feels worse with any confrontation or disagreement Any emotions are worse if she is eating Worries a lot Performance anxiety

    14. Mind Symptoms Difficult thinking Brain fog Trouble retaining information Difficult getting her words out Shy Has to formulate her words before speaking Takes a long time to get her thoughts out Loses her thoughts Repeats the question before answering Slow to answer Worse with noise

    15. Gastro-intestinal Symptoms Constipation Gas and bloating Smelly B/M Stomach ache while eating Stomach shuts down like a vault Worse eating in restaurants, wine, fatty food or any salad dressing

    16. Ayurvedic Diagnosis High Vata Worry, fear and anxiety Stomach is worse with emotions and anxiety Processing disorder with thoughts and speech Foggy brain Constipation and IBS Ama Difficulty with digestion Gas, bloating and spasms Krimi: Bowel bacteria shown on lab test

    17. Naturopathic Diagnosis Nutritional deficiency Mineral deficiency IBS Constipation No beneficial flora on stool test results Variety of bowel bacteria: Bacillus, Gamma Strep, Alfa Haemolytic Strep Processing disorder Difficulty understanding and answering questions

    18. Naturopathic Diagnosis Zinc deficiency Sensitive to noise Repeats the question before answering Repeats what others have said to her Zinc-copper imbalance Presently taking a vitamin that contains copper

    19. Care Plan Constitutional Homeopathic Remedy Probiotics for good bacteria in the intestines For the treatment of bacteria and Krimi Bacillus is from leftover rice Throw out leftover rice Chamomile tea Treats bowel bacteria and spasms in the intestine Drink one cup in the evening

    20. Care Plan Bach Flower Remedy: Larch For confidence 2 drops 2 times per day Switch the multi-vitamin that contains copper with one that is free from copper and contains zinc

    21. Care Plan Tranquil Mind (Banyan) For mental stress, worry and anxiety 1 tablet in the am and the pm Contains Bhringaraj, Skullcap, Passion flower, Gudduchi, Chamomile, Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Fennel, Pippali and Vidari Kanda

    22. Care Plan Chyavanprash: ˝ tsp after lunch and dinner Kindles the digestion Stimulates the digestion Triphala 2 tablets in the evening For constipation T.A.P.’s (Thorne) Contains: Turmeric, Picrorhiza (artichoke), Milk Thistle 1 capsule am and pm daily For detoxification

    23. Care Plan Vata Nasya Oil Start with 1 drop of oil per each nostril For thinking and brain power Great for worries and anxiety Clarity of the mind Magnesium Sulfate Cream 1 scoop in the am and the pm Apply to the skin Helps with detoxification and increases glutathione Increases natural sulfur Increases thought process Calms worries, fear and anxiety

    24. Dietary Suggestions Increase the fiber in your diet Increase your vegetables Sweet potatoes, potatoes, carrots, hicama, parsnips, yams and asparagus Try making Huts Pot: Traditional Dutch Dish 2 carrots 2 potatoes 1 Granny Smith apple Boil and mash together Add 1 shake of the Vata Churna Mix

    25. Dietary Suggestions Warm foods only Try cooked oatmeal in the morning Serve with soy milk Try turmeric, coriander and cumin on your grilled chicken These are good spices to aid digestion Plantain Banana Bliss Boil a plantain banana for 5 minutes with the skin on Remove the skin and mash the banana Add 2 TBS of Soy milk Add 1 pinch of nutmeg Calms the stomach

    26. Dietary Suggestions Ghee: start with a small amount daily Ľ tsp to begin with For cooking and baking “Bird Seed” after meals Fennel and anise seeds Take this with you when you eat out at restaurants Soy Yogurt Add a sprinkle of Vata Churna mix Try a small amount first

    27. Dietary Suggestions Restaurant thoughts Bring your Bird Seed with you Ask for the salad dressing on the side You can bring your own salad dressing Ask the cook to lightly sauté your salads No raw food at the restaurants Wine will make you feel worse

    28. Progress Over Time Better with memory and focus Better with her flow of words and thoughts Does not repeat herself Increased confidence Able to express herself in difficult situations with her family Speaks her mind Has open conversations with her boy friend Brave

    29. Progress Over Time If she has stomach problems, she feels better taking homeopathic Coffea For ailments worse from emotions She knows the culprits that upset her stomach She is able to use Chyavanprash and a small amount of spices now Constipation is gone

    30. Thank You Thank you Dr. Shekhar for all the support and guidance Thank you to such a great organization with a great mission

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