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INVENTION PROJECT. 6th Grade Inventors. The Invention. The invention project takes the students through the steps of the scientific method and helps them connect this process to a real-world situation. The idea is for the students to create simple solutions for simple problems.

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  1. INVENTION PROJECT 6th Grade Inventors

  2. The Invention • The invention project takes the students through the steps of the scientific method and helps them connect this process to a real-world situation. • The idea is for the students to create simple solutions for simple problems.

  3. Past Invention Examples • One student created a shield to put on a cereal box. • This helped him to avoid spilling cereal when he sat down to eat breakfast. • One student created a mop that attached to a grocery cart. • This invention allowed the grocery cart to clean the store while the shopper walked through the store.

  4. Interviews • Due Date: January 6, 2012 • Students should first answer the set of questions for themselves. • Then, they must choose 2 other people to interview. These can be parents, other family members, neighbors, etc. • The interviews should help the students think of possible invention ideas.

  5. Name of Invention • The students should come up with a catchy name that also tells what the invention does. • The “Meckster 3000” might be a catchy name, but it doesn’t give you a good idea about what my product can do. • Due Date: 1/19/12

  6. Purpose • Due Date: 1/19/12 • This section answers 2 questions: • 1.) What problem are you trying to solve? This should be written in the form of a question. (Ex. How can the inventor stop the cereal from pouring all over the table?) • 2.) Why is your problem something that needs a solution?

  7. Hypothesis • Due Date: 1/19/12 • What is your invention idea, and how will it solve the problem. • This must be written using the proper “if - then” format. • Ex. If the inventor builds a shield, then the cereal will pour into the bowl without spilling on the table. • Also, write about why you think your invention will work.

  8. Materials • Due Date: 2/3/12 • Create a list of all of the materials you think you will use to create your project. Be as specific as possible. • If you think you need buttons, state how big they need to be and how many you will use.

  9. Procedure • Due Date: 2/3/12 • State step-by-step how you will build your invention. • Be as specific and detailed as possible. • Do not use first person. • Say “The inventor” instead of “I.”

  10. Sketch • Due Date: 2/16/12 • This should be a sketch of what you think your invention will look like. • It should be drawn neatly and should have some color.

  11. Model • Due Date: 3/2/12 • Please do not bring this to school until the final due date. • You should create a small working model of your invention. • Please see Miss Meck and/or Miss Frost if you need help getting supplies.

  12. Data • Due Date: 3/9/12 • Discuss the invention process. • How many times did you have to change or tweak things in order for your invention to work? • How much would it cost if you sold it in the store? • This section must also include a chart/graph or pictures of your invention.

  13. Conclusion • Due Date: 3/9/12 • This section should be a reflection on the invention process. • What did you learn about inventing? • How would you change things if you had to do it over again?

  14. Oral Presentation • The students should complete the outline in the invention packet and be ready to give a brief presentation about their invention to the rest of the class. • They must be able to show their invention model and their invention board.

  15. Final Details • We plan to work on the invention boards in class March 12-22 during PSSAs • Posterboard, construction paper, and computers will be provided during that time. • The invention final due date will be_3/30/12_. • The students must have their invention board and model ready to hand in on that day.

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