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Mitosis Fact Review. Mitosis Cycle Review. Meiosis History. Meiosis Identification. Meiosis Facts. More Meiosis Facts. JEOPARDY. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mitosis Fact Review Mitosis Cycle Review Meiosis History Meiosis Identification Meiosis Facts More Meiosis Facts JEOPARDY 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 FINAL JEOPARDY

  2. Mitosis Fact Review - 100 answer This is the number of cells produced from 1 cell through the process of mitosis

  3. Mitosis Fact Review - 100 question 2

  4. Mitosis Fact Review - 200 answer True or False Mitosis produces cells which are genetically different from the parent cell.

  5. Mitosis Fact Review - 200 question False Mitosis produces cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell

  6. Mitosis Fact Review - 300 answer True or False Mitosis results in cells that have diploid chromosome numbers

  7. Mitosis Fact Review - 300 question True Each daughter cell produced in mitosis contains both mother and father sets of genetic information

  8. Mitosis Fact Review - 400 answer By definition, this is the organelle which is being divided in mitosis

  9. Mitosis Fact Review - 400 question The Nucleus

  10. Mitosis Fact Review - 500 answer These are collectively the types of cells that utilize mitosis

  11. Mitosis Fact Review - 500 question Somatic

  12. Mitosis Cycle Review - 100 answer This is the phase shown in the following picture

  13. Mitosis Cycle Review - 100 question Metaphase

  14. Mitosis Cycle Review - 200 answer This is the phase shown in the following picture

  15. Mitosis Cycle Review - 200 question Anaphase

  16. Mitosis Cycle Review - 300 answer This is the phase shown in the following picture

  17. Mitosis Cycle Review - 300 question Telophase

  18. Mitosis Cycle Review - 400 answer This is the phase that is shown in the following picture

  19. Mitosis Cycle Review - 400 question Prophase

  20. Mitosis Cycle Review - 500 answer This is the phase that is shown in the following picture

  21. Mitosis Cycle Review - 500 question Cytokinesis

  22. Meiosis History - 100 answer This is the branch of science that studies heredity

  23. Meiosis History - 100 question Genetics

  24. Meiosis History - 200 answer This is the name of the monk who founded the branch of science studying heredity.

  25. Meiosis History - 200 question Gregor Mendel

  26. Meiosis History - 300 answer These are the types of cells which are involved in the process of Meiosis

  27. Meiosis History - 300 question Sperm and Eggs Gametes Germ Cells Sex Cells

  28. Meiosis History - 400 answer This is the correct choice for the following question What happens between meiosis I and meiosis II that reduces the number of chromosomes? • Crossing-over occurs • DNA Replication occurs twice • Metaphase occurs • DNA Replication does not occur

  29. Meiosis History - 400 question d) DNA Replication does not occur

  30. Meiosis History - 500 answer Which of the following is NOT one of Gregor Mendel’s principles? • An organism must inherit a single copy of every gene from both of its parents • An organism must separate its own chromosomes to place into its cells to give to the next generation • An organism must give only half of its chromosomes to its offspring • Alleles are segregated when gametes are formed

  31. Meiosis History - 500 question d) Alleles are segregated when gametes are formed

  32. Meiosis ID - 100 answer This is the name of the following phase:

  33. Meiosis ID - 100 question Metaphase 1

  34. Meiosis ID - 200 answer This is the name of the following phase:

  35. Meiosis ID - 200 question Telephase 1

  36. Meiosis ID - 300 answer This is the name of the following phase

  37. Meiosis ID - 300 question Anaphase 2

  38. Meiosis ID - 400 answer This is the name of the following phase

  39. Meiosis ID - 400 question Cytokinesis 2

  40. Meiosis ID - 500 answer This is the name of the following phase

  41. Meiosis ID - 500 question Metaphase 2

  42. Meiosis Facts - 100 answer This is the symbol used to depict the number of chromosomes in a gamete (remember the mathematical equation variable)

  43. Meiosis Facts - 100 question N

  44. Meiosis Facts - 200 answer This is what results from 1 complete meiosis in a male (spermatogenesis)

  45. Meiosis Facts - 200 question 4 sperm cells

  46. Meiosis Facts - 300 answer This is the name of the process shown in the following picture

  47. Meiosis Facts - 300 question Crossing Over

  48. Meiosis Facts - 400 answer This is the name of the phase in which tetrads are formed in Meiosis

  49. Meiosis Facts - 400 question Prophase 1

  50. Meiosis Facts - 500 answer This is what results from 1 complete meiosis in a female (oogenesis)

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