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1. antiquated (AN tuh kwat id)

1. antiquated (AN tuh kwat id). Definition: obsolete, out of fashion, no longer usable Synonym: Antique, Archaic Antonym: Modern Sentence: His antiquated high waisted pants made him look like he was from the 70’s Activity: Write your own sentence. 2. Arable.

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1. antiquated (AN tuh kwat id)

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  1. 1.antiquated(AN tuhkwat id) Definition:obsolete, out of fashion, no longer usable Synonym: Antique, Archaic Antonym: Modern Sentence: His antiquated high waisted pants made him look like he was from the 70’s Activity:Write your own sentence.

  2. 2. Arable Definition: fit for plowing Synonym: tillable Antonym: untillable Sentence: The farmer used his tractor on the arable land because it had just rained. Activity: Write your own sentence.

  3. 3. Ascendancy Definition: Growing power Synonym: Domination Antonym: Decline Sentence: Her ascendancy to power was marked by her growing income. Activity: Write another antonym for this word and use this word in a sentence.

  4. 4. Atrophy Definition: to waste away, to wither Antonym: to thrive or to grow Sentence: He had developed muscular atrophy which meant his muscles began to wither away. Activity: Write your own antonym and sentence for this word.

  5. 5. Clandestine Definition: secret Synonym: covert, furtive, stealthy Antonym: Open or Obvious Sentence: It was clear by his clandestine appearance that he was undercover. Activity: Write another synonym and use this word in a sentence with ascendancy.

  6. 6. Conciliate Definition: to reconcile or to pacify Synonym: appease or placate Antonym: to estrange Sentence: My boyfriend tried to conciliate me with roses. Activity: Write your own sentence?

  7. 7. Cursory Definition: superficial, casual, hastily done Antonym: meticulous Sentence: His cursory note-taking method showed on his test grade. Activity: Write your own synonym and sentence.

  8. 8. Derision Definition: scoffing at, mockery, ridicule Antonym: Applause or praise Sentence: His derision toward the teacher was uncalled for. Activity: Write your own synonym and your own sentence.

  9. 9. Enmity Definition: absolute hatred Synonym: antipathy, animosity Antonym: love, admiration Sentence: My enmity toward peas was very apparent by the look on my face. Activity: Think of another antonym and your own sentence.

  10. 10. Extricate Definition: to free, to disentangle Sentence: She extricated herself from the situation because she knew these kids had infamous reputations. Activity: Write a synonym and antonym for this word.

  11. Definition: patience, leniance Antonym: impatience Sentence: The teacher had too much forbearance for her unruly children. Activity: Write a synonym for this word and your own sentence. 15. Industrious 11. Forbearance

  12. 12.Frivolous Definition: lacking in seriousness or importance Antonym:serious, sober Sentence: Kim Kardashian’s frivolous marriage annoyed me. Activity: Write a synonym and your own sentence.

  13. 13. Garrulous Definition: talkative, rambling Synonym: voluble Sentence: The garrulous politician would not stop talking. Activity: Write an antonym and your own sentence.

  14. 14. Impetuous Definition: violent, hasty, rash, impulsive Sentence: The impetuous crowd was unruly and scary. Activity: Write a synonym and antonym for this word.

  15. 15. Industrious Definition: skillfully busy or occupied Synonym: diligent Antonym: slothful Sentence: The industrious workers built a house in two days. Activity: Write a sentence using this word.

  16. 16. Definition: having a bad reputation of the worst kind Synonyms: disreputable Sentence: Puck from “Glee” is known for his infamous reputation. Activity: Write an antonmym, part of speech, and your sentence using this word.

  17. 17.Insolence Definition: insulting or contemptuous behavior Synonyms: Arrogance or haughtiness Sentence: The two men’s insolence toward each other was disrespectful and shocking. Activity: Write an antonmym, part of speech, and your sentence using this word.

  18. 18. Definition: excessive frivolity, flippancy Antonym: Seriousness Sentence: The two women’s levity toward money when they went shopping was ridiculous. Activity: Write a SYNONYM, part of speech, and your sentence using this word.

  19. 19. Oblivion Definition: state of being forgotten Antonym: remembrance Sentence: The children were living in oblivion as the rest of the world lived their lives in levity. Activity: Write a SYNONYM, part of speech, and your sentence using this word

  20. 20. Paradoxical Definition: Something that appears false, but is actually correct Activity: You write a synonym, antonym, part of speech, and your own sentence.

  21. 21. Perjury Definition: false testimony under oath Antonmym: Truthful Testimony Sentence: He was charged for perjury for lying under oath to the grand jury Activity: Write a synonym, part of speech, and your own orginal sentence.

  22. 22. Rancor Definition: bitter deep-seated ill will, enmity Synonym: animosity, hostility Antonym: affection and kindness Sentence: Her rancor toward her sister increased when her sister stole her boyfriend. Activity: Write your own original sentence using perjury and rancor.

  23. 23. Sycophant Definition: a self- serving flatterer, brownnoser Antonym: affection and kindness Sentence: Ms. Beal ignored the sycophants in her classroom who praised her cute shoes right before they asked for an extension on their essay. Activity: Write a synonym, antonym, and your own original sentence using perjury and rancor. Definition

  24. 24. Vacillating Definition: changing, fluctuating, Synonym: shifting, altering Antonym: static, stable; not easily changed Sentence: The weather’s vacillating nature makes it hard for me to get dressed in the morning. Activity: Write your own sentence using this word.

  25. 25.Vivid Definition: bright, distinct, and clear Synonym: graphic Antonym: Lackluster Activity: Write a sentence for this word using the image above.

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