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The role of public science & technology in supporting the maritime activities (focused on MED)

This presentation explores the importance of public science and technology in supporting maritime activities in the Mediterranean region. It discusses the partnership between the European Union and the Southern Mediterranean, the role of research and innovation, the impact of science and technology on the maritime industry, and the challenges and opportunities for growth in the region.

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The role of public science & technology in supporting the maritime activities (focused on MED)

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  1. The role of public science & technology in supporting the maritime activities(focused on MED) Pier Francesco Moretti R&I in the service of Economy and Society - Thessaloniki, 30 May 2014

  2. ECONOMY does not act in isolation…. COM (2011) 200: A PARTNERSHIP FOR DEMOCRACY AND SHARED PROSPERITY WITH THE SOUTHERN MEDITERRANEAN + Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership Focus on: support for the private sector and creating an investment-friendly environment. Trade and investment are engines for growthand help to reduce poverty. They bring people together, securing ties between nations and contributing to political stability. CAIRO DECLARATION OF THE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE ON THE ENVIRONMENT (2006): peace vs prosperity Inclusive Wealth Report 2012: prosperity is not only limited to GDP…human and natural capital. The health of human and natural capital is fundamental for investments-labor-growth.

  3. The role of RESEARCH & INNOVATION (1/2) Support to economy: R&I as a new source of Growth (EC COM 2014) Support to policy Knowledge / technology advance Policy makers & Society Researchers & Technologists Industry & Services

  4. The role of RESEARCH & INNOVATION (2/2) …credible salient Not a comparative advantage but a shared value (Porter & Kramer 2011, Harvard Business Review) …responsible …sustainable

  5. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY should no more act in isolation… EU 27 DE • PUBLIC-PRIVATE interaction/partnerships, • Member States vs EU, • EU vs NON-EU. Diversities vs Priorities EU MED Countries in 2011 MAIN EU POLITICAL DRIVERS (for marine & maritime issues) Directive MSFD 2008/56/EC, Directive 2009/28/EC renewable energy, Common Fishery Policy, Bioeconomy COM (2010)546, Integrated Maritime Policy COM (2007)575, Aquaculture COM (2009) 162,Fishery COM (2010) 546, Healthy seafood COM (2007)539, Marine knowledge 2020 COM (2010)461, Strategy for marine research COM (2008)534, Raw materials COM (2011)25, Marine Spatial Planning COM (2010)771, Integrated Coastal Zone Management COM (2007)308, Common Information Sharing Environment COM (2012)584, Blue Growth COM (2012)494.

  6. Only this? • MEDITERRANEAN: • small and crowded… • competing claims • shared space and resources Marine Environment & Resources Human Activities Climate change

  7. EMPLOYERS Maritime industries and sectors (in EU, 2012, source DG MARE): Mature activities: Growth stage: Pre-dvlpmnt stage: • tourism, • shortsea shipping, • shipbuilding • fishery & aquaculture • offshore oils & gas • coastal protection • marine aquatic products • offshore wind • cruise shipping • monitoring and surveillance • bio-tech, • renewable energy • mining Productivity Eurostat, 2012 Be careful to aims… GDP ≠ employment ≠ prosperity Employment

  8. From the DIAMOND of national advantage (Michael E. Porter, Harvard) “Only companies can achieve and sustain competitive advantage…. Companies achieve competitive advantage through acts of innovation, skills and knowledge” Skilled labor/ infrastructure Domestic rivalry/ management Home market Related and supporting industries The role of public research: shaping the opportunities for knowledge-intensive economy: a problem of timescales and budgets (but legislation…) CHANGE is UNNATURAL act: static efficiency or dynamic improvement?

  9. In practice, a challenge: many Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas…to boost economy?Technology Platforms: WATERBORNE, EFTP, EATiP…Member States initiatives: Seasera , COFASP, JPI Oceans Shopping lists? Common denominators? Enablers?

  10. From the “Study to support the development of sea-basin cooperation in the Mediterranean, Adriatic and Ionian, and Black sea (Feb 2014)Contract MARE/2012/07 N°2“ From the MAPPING of EXISTING INITIATIVES AND PROJECTS with a specific focus on Blue Growth and related initiatives: MED SEA extract from the main findings: Environmentalissues represent a major concern Tourismis major topic for Med cooperation Maritime transport: (i) major sector in most countries; (ii) cooperation justified by integrated procedures and management systems, and by the need for common rules and common risk prevention systems; (iii) especially critical for islands Marine aquaculture: focuses on research and capacity building between old/new EU countries and EU/non-EU countries. BLACK SEA extract from the main findings: The vast majority of initiatives have been implemented by – and provided benefits for - the public sector….. this suggests that there should be greater future emphasis on public-private partnerships and the development of business to business linkages , coastal tourism, ship building.

  11. Example from Seasera MED Sea Priority areas: Renewable energy Marine biotechnology Maritime transport Living marine resources • Climate change and impacts • Biodiversity and conservation biology • Deep sea ecosystems • Biological invasions • Marine pollution • Ocean & health • Socioeconomics & policies • MSP & ICZM • Marine hazards • Living marine resources • Ocean energy • Marine biotechnology • Maritime transport & marine environment • Operational oceanography Example from Seasera BLACK Sea Priority areas: Renewable energy Exploitation of mineral resources, energy and communication projects Marine biotechnology Maritime transport Sustainable Fishery and aquaculture Research gaps….but feasibility + timescales vs impact + coherencybetween instruments and actions for cooperation and funding

  12. Strategies & programmes vs actions: a governance and motivation challenge CIVIL SOCIETY INDUSTRY POLICY BOTTOM-UP (market/ self-organization) TOP-DOWN (hierarchy) New modes of governance RES FUNDING ORG Research levels and research fields RES PERFORMING ORG RESEARCHERS + INFRASRUCTURES

  13. Consultation in the marine & maritime issues… i.e. Marine knowledge etc., lobbyists WEB et al. ADVISORY GROUPS (selected individuals) Tech Platforms waterborne, aquaculture, fishery Seasera, Cofasp, Marine bio-tech, ECORD ERANETS JPIs JPI Oceans Marine Board, ICES, CIESM, EFARO, OSPAR, WOC, SCOR, IOC, IMO, Modeg, Bemont Forum Boards Eurofleet, Jerico, Mesoaqua, Seadadanet, Marinet, FixO3, Assemble, Aquaexcell, hydralab IV Infrastructures I3 Infrastructures ESFRI EMSO, Euro-Argo AMPERA, ARICE, ECCSEL, LTER-Europe, MarSITE, SCIDIP-ES-SCI, COOPEUS, ENVRI, COPERNICUS, MY Ocean 2, EMODNET, Euro-Goos, EMBRC, MARTEC, BONUS, BIOT Others

  14. So: “The role of public science & technology in supporting the maritime activities”… Key messages:coherency, feasibility, timescales, adopting the right instruments/actions…: Horizon 2020? Structural funds? Trans-national cooperation? P2P? “Another surprise is that corporate-sponsored inventions spur more 'knowledge spillovers', on average, than federally sponsored research” (Wright et al. 2014, Nature) so: industry should not write the agendas for academy, but indeed science should focus on relevant and salient issues with impacts on reasonable timescales. Some ideas… Pollution: mitigation and remediation? Offshore: surface infra + environmental impacts? Human Capacity: Marine & Maritime programme? Observing/Infra: relevant support/services? New topics: response to emergencies? Impacts of climate change on jobs? Cross-cutting approach: focusing on SUSTAINABILITY? ...a possible ERA scenario…, or: next slide…

  15. JPI Cultural Heritage JPI Urban Landscape Wellbeing Smart use of territories & resources / Tourism Mediterranean Diet Fishery JPI FACCE JPI Oceans JPI Healthy Diet GOOD ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS JPI WATER SPATIAL PLANNING A MED integrated approach… HUMAN ACTIVITIES HERITAGE BIO- RESOURCES

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