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Note Final Exam-please check final schedule

Learn how nutrition can completely prevent or cure diseases arising from nutritional deficiency, and partially prevent or cure atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes. Discover dietary measures, functional foods, and nutraceuticals that can support optimal health.

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Note Final Exam-please check final schedule

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  1. Note Final Exam-please check final schedule

  2. Note Nutrition 2106-Winter 2019- Principles of Nutrition in Metabolism Nutrition 2104-Introduction to Nutrition-Fall 2020 Nutrition 2107- Introduction to Sports Nutrition-Winter 2019

  3. Lecture 18- 8 November 2019 Elementary Chemistry and Biology of Nutrition

  4. Introduction Nutrition can completely prevent or completely cure, partially prevent or partially cure disease

  5. Completely prevent Example-Diseases arising from nutritional deficiency eg blindness and vitamin A Same could be said for toxicity- never take toxic amounts of a nutrient eg calories from any source re: obesity

  6. Completely cure Example-Diseases arising from nutritional deficiency eg blindness and vitamin A deficiency Same could be said for for toxicity- eliminate consumption of toxic amounts of a nutrient- eg iron

  7. Partially prevent Example-atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, cancer -partially because of genetic factors

  8. Partially cure Example-atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes -partially because of genetic factors

  9. Atherosclerosis Pathology Plugging of arterial wall with cholesterol and platelets

  10. Atherosclerosis Pathology Lipoproteins High density lipoprotein (HDL) -pulls cholesterol out of arterial wall Low density lipoprotein (LDL) -pumps cholesterol into arterial wall most of cholesterol in the blood is on LDL this is why increased levels of cholesterol in the blood are a concern- ie as blood cholesterol goes up so does LDLc

  11. Atherosclerosis Pathology triglycerides are also a concern as blood triglyceride increases, HDLc goes down and LDL becomes more aggressive in putting cholesterol into the arterial wall so there is a constant competition between HDL and LDL to control levels of cholesterol in the arterial wall

  12. Atherosclerosis Pathology Platelets Cells in blood that are part of the clotting process As blood cholesterol goes up platelets become more active ie stick together more easily This platelet stickiness causes plugged arteries

  13. Atherosclerosis-Nutritionally Can slow or partially reverse atherosclerotic process Diet -eating in accordance with Canada’s Food Guide -keep fat calories percentage of total calories to equal to or less than 30 % and saturated fats calories to equal to or less than 10 % of total calories These dietary measures keeps a good ratio between HDL and LDL and cholesterol and keeps triglycerides and platelet function at normal levels

  14. Atherosclerosis Nutritionally Functional foods – eg fish and flax- these keep a good ratio between HDL and LDL and keep cholesterol and triglycerides and platelet function at normal levels Nutraceuticals- eg flax oil and fish oil- these keep a good ratio between HDL and LDL and keep cholesterol and triglycerides and platelet function at normal levels

  15. Type 2 diabetes  Pathology Metabolic syndrome-precursor to type 2 diabetes Obesity- body mass index (BMI) (kg/m2) equal to or greater than 30 Increased blood pressure (>140/90) Dyslipidemia- low HDLc, increased triglycerides, aggressive LDL Increasing platelet clumping

  16. Type 2 diabetes Pathology Metabolic syndrome continued Decreased insulin sensitivity-may result from trouble with the interaction between the insulin and its receptors on the cells obtaining glucose via the action of insulin and/or decreased insulin sensitivity can result from inefficient intracellular signalling arising after the binding of insulin to its receptor- this inefficient intracellular signalling can also result in decreased glucose uptake into the cells obtaining glucose via the action of insulin

  17. Type 2 diabetes Pathology Reduced insulin sensitivity is the starting point for type 2 diabetes according to many researchers but others have suggested that reduced insulin secretion can be the start of type 2 diabetes All of the features listed for metabolic syndrome can be part of post-onset type 2 diabetes  

  18. Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 diabetes Nutritionally-pre- and post-onset Diet-Follow that stated above in terms of diet for atherosclerosis Additionally this controls weight, blood pressure, plasma lipid levels, platelet aggregation levels and increases insulin sensitivity

  19. Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes Functional foods-pre- and post-onset Canola and fish Can partially alleviate Leading edge research- flax seed

  20. Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 diabetes Nutraceuticals Canola oil, fish oil

  21. Please go to sli.do and enter the code: #nutr1101-q10

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