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Wind. Wind. Population density for Great Britain: 250 people / km 2. W per person ?. Population density for Great Britain: 250 people / km 2. in kWh/day: ?. Population density for Great Britain: 250 people / km 2. in kWh/day: 200 kWh/day.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wind

  2. Wind

  3. Population density for Great Britain: 250 people / km2 W per person ?

  4. Population density for Great Britain: 250 people / km2 in kWh/day: ?

  5. Population density for Great Britain: 250 people / km2 in kWh/day: 200 kWh/day

  6. Be realistic and assume that only 10% of the land in Great Britain

  7. Be realistic and assume that only 10% of the land in Great Britain If we want wind power to truly make a difference, thewind farms must cover a very large area.

  8. Importance of Averaging

  9. Estimate potential wind energy production in Turkey.

  10. Estimate potential wind energy production in Turkey. Total area: 814.578 km2 Total Population: 80 million

  11. Estimate potential wind energy production in Turkey. Total area: 814.578 km2 Total Population: 80 million = 2 W/m2 x 10000 m2/person = 20 kW/person = 480 kWh/day-person

  12. http://www.ecoenerji.net/haber_detay.asp?haberID=16

  13. http://www.alternatifenerji.de/ruzgar.htm

  14. The Physics of Wind Power

  15. The Physics of Wind Power

  16. The windmill slows the air down quite a lot, but it has to leave the air with some kinetic energy,otherwise that slowed-down air would get in the way. If the departing windspeed is one third of the arriving wind speed, the power extracted is 16/27of the total power in the wind. 16/27 is 0.59.In practice let’s guess that awindmill might be 50% efficient.

  17. Variation of wind speed with height

  18. AC Generator http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRMZ3K2pzcE Components of a wind Turbine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNXTm7aHvWc&feature=fvwrel Winds of Change https://ieeetv.ieee.org/player/html/viewer?dl=#winds-of-change-full-documentary

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