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What is propaganda?

What is propaganda?. Propaganda is ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause Propaganda relies on emotions and values to persuade Propaganda focuses on its own message, without considering other positions

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What is propaganda?

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  1. What is propaganda? Propaganda is ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause Propaganda relies on emotionsand values to persuade Propaganda focuses on its own message, without considering other positions Propaganda relies on biases and assumptions and may distort or alter evidence to make the case

  2. Propaganda is • a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position. Examples: • Cleanliness is next to Fordliness • MX-Missile is renamed “The Peacekeeper” • Actors in white lab coats tell us that Brand X is the most effective pain reliever that can be bought over the counter

  3. Propaganda often • presents facts selectively to encourage a particular behavior • omits any information that reflects poorly on its cause • uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response • is often used in politics

  4. What words go with propaganda? Biased One-sided Balanced Selective Rational Omits Emotional Politics Unbiased Slanted Manipulation Distorts Reliable Factual (Choose 9)

  5. What words go with propaganda? Biased One-sided Balanced Selective Rational Omits Emotional Politics Unbiased Slanted Manipulation Distorts Reliable Factual (Choose 9)

  6. Propaganda • can be used to accomplish positive social ends, as in campaigns to reduce drunk driving • can also be used to win elections and to sell malt liquor • Can be spread faster and more easily through the Internet than ever before

  7. To defend against propaganda • Look at the available evidence in unbiased, reliable sources • Consider the merits of the idea when separated from the individual or entity promoting it (separate it from emotional charges) • Trust but verify

  8. War Aims Through Art: The U.S. Office of War Information http://americanhistory.si.edu/victory/victory5.htm

  9. Propaganda Techniques http://www.propagandacritic.com/ Apple Commercial http://www.curtsmedia.com/cine/1984.html The "1984" commercial launched Apple's Macintosh personal computer in the United States in January, 1984. The 45-second ad, which aired during a break in the third quarter of Super Bowl XVIII, was declared the best ad of the last 50 years in 1995. Directed by Alien and Blade Runner director Ridley Scott, the advertisement cost $1.6 million to produce and was aired only once.

  10. Work Cited Delwiche, Aaron. "Propaganda." Propaganda Critic: Index of Site Dedicated to Propaganda Analysis. Institute for Propaganda Analysis, 29 Sept. 2002. Web. 02 Dec. 2010. <http://www.propagandacritic.com/>.

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