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CCOW Support for Kerberos

CCOW Support for Kerberos. Problem Statement: Application is CCOW User Link-compliant and uses Kerberos to connect to back end services Application needs Kerberos service ticket CCOW user at workstation may be different than user logged on to workstation's operating system

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CCOW Support for Kerberos

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  1. CCOW Support for Kerberos • Problem Statement: • Application is CCOW User Link-compliant and uses Kerberos to connect to back end services • Application needs Kerberos service ticket • CCOW user at workstation may be different than user logged on to workstation's operating system • Application needs to obtain ticket for CCOW user, as opposed operating system user HL7 CCOW Meeting, Sept. 2003

  2. Simplified Kerberos Architecture Kerberized Service 3. Use Application Kerberized Application 5. Use Service Ticket to Access Service 4. Get Service Ticket Kerberos Distribution Center (KDC) Client Operating System 1. Authenticate 2. Get Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) HL7 CCOW Meeting, Sept. 2003

  3. Ticket Facts • Tickets are bound to a service • Forwadable tickets can be used to get to a nested service • Tickets expire or can be used once (I.e., fast expiration) • Tickets are doubly encrypted: • first so only authenticating application can decrypt • second so only service can decrypt HL7 CCOW Meeting, Sept. 2003

  4. CCOW Kerberos Architecture 5. Use Service Ticket to Access Service Kerberized Service 3. Use Application Kerberized Application 4. Get Service Ticket Context Manager Authenticating Application 2. Get Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) 1. Authenticate Kerberos Distribution Center (KDC) Client Operating System HL7 CCOW Meeting, Sept. 2003

  5. CCOW Kerberos Details Define a “Get Kerberos Service Ticket” context action Action agent would effectively be the CCOW authenticating application Based inputs/outputs/errors on GSS-API specification (RFC 1964) Keep this action Kerberos-specific as generalization yields complexity HL7 CCOW Meeting, Sept. 2003

  6. Kerberos Action Specification HL7 CCOW Meeting, Sept. 2003

  7. Discussion • Need real use-cases and Kerberos knowledgeable engineers willing to work on this. • Can the solution also work for other authentication methods (Certificates, Biometrics, etc). • SAML ? HL7 CCOW Meeting, Sept. 2003

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