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ICA/SUV: Subcommittee on Science Archives .

Archives of science: An International Perspective and Comparison on Best Practices for Handling of Scientific Records – results 2004. ICA/SUV: Subcommittee on Science Archives.

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ICA/SUV: Subcommittee on Science Archives .

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  1. Archives of science: An International Perspective and Comparison on Best Practices for Handling of Scientific Records –results 2004 ICA/SUV: Subcommittee on Science Archives . SLU, Renata Arovelius

  2. Results of the Survey on Science Archives:18 respondents, 12 countriesA: Extent of the definition of science12= A 1 (all sciences)3=A 2 (except of social sciences and humanities)2= A 3 (other definitions) SLU, Renata Arovelius

  3. B: The term research5=B 1 (only academic)12= B 2 (non-academic)0= B3 (other definitions) SLU, Renata Arovelius

  4. C: The term ”records of science”7=C 1 (records created during scientific project)8=C 2 (during the entire research activity)6=C 3 (all records)4=C 4 (private papers)4=C 5 (other definition) SLU, Renata Arovelius

  5. D: External and internal rules13=D 1(archival law)12=D 2 (university/institution policy)4=D 3 (rules stated by the research team)7=D 4 (request of the donor)2=D 5 (other definition) SLU, Renata Arovelius

  6. E: The owner of records of science5=E 1 (private property)5=E 2 (university/institution)5=E 3 (public property)6=E 4 (others) SLU, Renata Arovelius

  7. F: Way of collection/ingest2=F 1(obliged by the archival law to deliver)3=F 2 (obliged by the university policy)10=F 3 (donation)10=F 4(persuation to deliver)1=F 5 (purchasing)3=F 6 (other way) SLU, Renata Arovelius

  8. G: Types of records11=G 1(project description/plan)11=G 2 (funding application, contracts)12=G 3 (corespondence/contracts)3=G 4 (application to ethical committees)11=G 5 (methods description)10_G 6 (raw data)8=G 7 (analyzed data)12=G 8 (results)12=G 9 (personnel records)7=G 10 (other records) SLU, Renata Arovelius

  9. H:Types of records created and preserved electronically0=H 1 (all records)0=H 2 (raw data)4=H 3 (results)12=H 4 (other records) SLU, Renata Arovelius

  10. I: Policies for digital preservation2=I 1 (yes)15= I 2 (no) SLU, Renata Arovelius

  11. J: Methods of preservation7=J 1(native formats)1=J 2 (emulation)2=J 3 (migration)0=J 4 (conversion to analogue media)3=J 5 (other methods) SLU, Renata Arovelius

  12. K: Responsibility on appraisal2=K 1 (university board)0=K 2 (faculty dean)4=K 3 (scientist)2=K 4 (scientist group)1=K 5 (chief of the department)9=K 6 (archivist)3=K 7 (others) SLU, Renata Arovelius

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