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The secret to changing behaviour…

The secret to changing behaviour…. Behaviour change is not new…. Where are we at?. Yes, people are more aware, but…. Few think they can effect any change because the problem is so big. Few people understand the issues. Few think they will be affected directly.

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The secret to changing behaviour…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The secret to changing behaviour…

  2. Behaviour change is not new…

  3. Where are we at? Yes, people are more aware, but… • Few think they can effect any change because the problem is so big • Few people understand the issues • Few think they will be affected directly … are they actually changing their behaviour?

  4. Defra’s habit busting package provide access to services & clear instructions on ‘how to do’… Enable educate, incentivise package to unlock habits & tackle existing norms Encourage Engage ‘seeing is believing’ personal contact, social networks, opinion formers, community action Exemplify

  5. Behaviour change basics: Know your target audience • Do they believe the issues you are tackling are important, or not? • Is your target audience homogenous?

  6. Behaviour change basics: Address personal values/norms • How does it fit into someone’s sense of identity/belonging? • Do they care? • Is it too alien?

  7. Behaviour change basics: Address social norms • Does it tackle the problem of “what others will think”? • Does it use “people like me” to sell the message?

  8. Behaviour change basics: Address social norms “Breaking out of habits and norms is difficult as an individual. Groups, however, can create a new momentum for change.”

  9. Behaviour change basics: Help people break bad habits • Does it fit into everyday, normal life? • Does it tap into “key moments of change”?

  10. Behaviour change basics: What works? • Use the 4 ‘E’s 2. Know you audience 3. Be clear and direct in your aims 4. Make it as easy as possible 5. Be consistent 6. Find ‘communities of meaning’

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