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1. Ice Cores

1. Ice Cores. Essential Question: How do ice cores provide clues about Earth’s geologic history? Learning Target: I can explain how ice core samples are used to study Earth’s geologic history and provide evidence for climate change.

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1. Ice Cores

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1.Ice Cores • Essential Question: How do ice cores provide clues about Earth’s geologic history? • Learning Target: I can explain how ice core samples are used to study Earth’s geologic history and provide evidence for climate change. • Learning Tasks: I will describe ice cores and the ways scientists use them to interpret Earth’s past.

  2. Welcome! Warm Up Monday 3/31/14Week of 3/31 – 4/4 How does an increase in algae growth have a negative effect on water quality in an lake? • Enter your response at www.goo.gl/vta7d1

  3. Today we will be talking about ICE CORES and what they can tell us about Earth’s past

  4. 4th Quarter Table of Contents 1 Title Assignment # Ice Cores 2

  5. Ice Cores 2 I. Climate and Ice Show All (Total Time 5:26) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5BrOLkRgRI&feature=relmfu • What do glaciers record? • List 3 additional facts

  6. In your notebook, copy the RED questions and write their answers. • Put this plus your additional facts in the Google form available at this QR code

  7. Click on black box to show movie

  8. II. Recovering Ice Cores Only show Time 0:00 to 2:04 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fssy7FWTpMA • What is an Ice Core? • List 3 additional facts

  9. Click on black box to show movie

  10. III. Predictions in IceShow all (Total Time 4:25) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BEMeA9rVL8&feature=relmfu • What do Ice Cores Reveal about Climate Change in the past and future? • List 3 additional facts

  11. Click on black box to show movie

  12. Ice Core Webquest • http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/warnings/stories/

  13. Exit: • Looking at our Learning Target, how are ice cores used to predict and show climate change?

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