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Lecture Part III: Soteriology

Lecture Part III: Soteriology. Jintae Kim, PhD Alliance Theological Seminary Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 353-2020 E-mail: Jintae.kim@nyack.edu Website: http://all4jesus.net. Views on the Atonement. Background Factors of Atonement (Erickson, 257-58). 1. Divine nature: Perfect and holy 완전하고 거룩

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Lecture Part III: Soteriology

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  1. Lecture Part III: Soteriology Jintae Kim, PhD Alliance Theological Seminary Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 353-2020 E-mail: Jintae.kim@nyack.edu Website: http://all4jesus.net

  2. Views on the Atonement

  3. Background Factors of Atonement (Erickson, 257-58) 1. Divine nature: Perfect and holy 완전하고 거룩 2. Legal status: Sin  Death 죄의 삯은 사망 • Human condition: Total depravity or inability 인간의 전적 타락 3. Christ as God-man (Gal 4:4-5) 4. 예표: The OT Sacrificial System (Lev 1:4; Isa 53:6) 구약의 제사제도.

  4. “Such passages as Hebrews 1:1-3; 2:9-18; 9:9-14; 22-28 teach very plainly that the efficacy of Christ’ work is contingent upon the unique constitution of Christ’ person…. It is this consideration that gives such strength to the necessity, spoken of in 9:23, to the effect that while the patterns of things in the heavenlies should be purified with the blood of goats and calves, the heavenly things themselves should be purified by the blood of none other than the Son.

  5. In other words, there is stated to be a necessity that can be met by nothing less than the blood of Jesus. But the blood of Jesus is blood that has the requisite efficacy and virtue only by reason of the fact that he who is the Son, the effulgency of the Father’s glory and the express image of his substance, became himself also partaker of flesh and blood and thus was able by one sacrifice to perfect all those who are sanctified” (Murrary 1955: 14).

  6. NT Teachings on Atonement • Gospels (John 1:29; 3:17; Luke 22:37; Matt 16:21; 20:28) • Pauline (Rom 3:25; 5:9; Eph 1:7; Col 1:20)

  7. Basic Meaning of Atonement (261-63)

  8. Basic Meaning of Atonement

  9. Objections to the Penal Substitution Theory (Erickson, 263-64) 1. To the concept of the necessity of atonement: Why doesn’t God simply forgive man? 왜 성가시게 속죄가 필요한가? 2. To the concept of substitution: Is it fair? 불공평하지 않은가? 왜 죄없는 자가 죄인의 죄를 덮어쓰는가? 3. To the concept of propitiation: How can the loving God be angry? 사랑의 하나님과 진노의 하나님? 4. To the concept of imputation of Christ’s righteousness 그리스도의 의가 어떻게 우리에게 전가될 수 있는가? 말이 안된다.

  10. Implication of Substitutionary Atonement (Erickson, 264-65) 1. It confirms the biblical teaching of the total depravity of all humans. 인간의 완전타락한 존재이므로 스스로 구원할 수 없다. 2. God’s nature is not one-sided, nor is there any tension between its different aspects. He is not only righteous and holy, but also loving and merciful. 하나님은 의로우실 뿐 아니라 또한 사랑과 긍휼의 하나님이시다. 이 두 성품간에 모순은 존재하지 않는다.

  11. 3. There is no other way of salvation but by grace. 구원은 오직 은혜로만 받는다. 4. There is security for the believer in one’s relationship to God. Christ’s sacrificial death is complete and permanent. 예수님의 대속은 완전할 뿐 아니라 변치 않기 때문에 믿는 자는 하나님과 온전한 관계를 확신할 수 있다. 5. We must never take lightly the salvation we have. Although it is free, it is also costly. God sacrificed Himself. 구원은 거저 선물로 얻는 것이지만 이를 위해 하나님이 지불한 댓가는 성자 예수님이셨다. 그러므로 우리는 이 구원을 경시할 수 없다.

  12. 1. Conceptions of Salvation A. Basics • Problems • Medium • Extent B. Current Conceptions of Salvation • Liberation Theology • Existential Theology • Secular Theology • Contemporary Roman Catholic Theology • Evangelical Theology

  13. A. Basics

  14. What is the primary human problem? (Erickson, 291)

  15. The Medium of Salvation

  16. The Extent of Salvation

  17. B. Current Conceptions of Salvation

  18. Liberation Theology (Erickson, 292)

  19. Heidegger’s Existential Philosophy (Erickson, 292-3) 1. Our aim should be authentic existence, that is, being what we are meant to be, living in such a way as to fulfill the potential which is ours as humans. 2. Inauthenticity: (1) Failure to exercise one’s ability to make choices and act freely; (2) Unwillingness to accept the fact that one has acted freely and is therefore responsible. 3. Authenticity involves accepting responsibility for one’s acts.

  20. 2 Tendencies of Modern Human according to Bultmann (1) Guided by a self-orientation (happiness; security; usefulness, profit) 자기중심적. (2) Guided by a wrong hope that the real security can be obtained by their own efforts.

  21. Bultmann’s View of Scripture (Erickson, 292) 1. He applies the distinction between the subjective knowledge and the objective knowledge (Empirical science) of Heidegger. 2. Scripture: Not the objective, but the subjective knowledge. It is written for transformation of readers by calling them away from their selfishness and from the illusory security which they has built up for themselves.

  22. Bultmann’s View of Salvation (Erickson, 293) • Salvation is not, then, an alteration in the substance of the soul (regeneration), nor is it a forensic declaration that we are righteous in the sight of God (justification). Rather it is a fundamental alteration of our existence, our whole outlook and conduct of life.

  23. Secular Theology (Erickson, 293-4) There are two possible responses which the church makes to the secular views that don’t assume any transcendent or supersensible entities such as God.

  24. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “Religionless Christianity”: He saw the process of the human race’s coming of age not as rebellion against God, bus as God’s educating his highest creature to be independent of him.

  25. John A.T. Robinson and Death of God theologians: Salvation is not so much through religion as from religion. Realizing one’s capability and utilizing it, becoming independent of God, is the true meaning of salvation. Most people, even those who are outside the church, are already experiencing this salvation. In fact, in view of the church’s present “religious” orientation, those outside may be more genuinely Christian than those inside the church.

  26. Secular Theology (Erickson, 293-4) 1. 인본주의적 세속주의를 어떻게 볼 것인가에 대한 신학적 반응이다. 2. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “Religionless Christianity”: 인본주의는 하나님에 대한 거역이 아니고 하나님으로부터 독립하려는 시도이며 하나님의 교육과정이다. 3. John A.T. Robinson and Death of God theologians: 구원의 바른 의미는 자신을 깨닫고 하나님으로부터 독립하여 성숙하고 참된 인간으로서 세상에 참여하는 것이다. 따라서 교회를 다니지 않는 사람들도 이미 구원을 체험한 사람들이 많이 있으며 어떤 의미에서 더 진정한 기독교인들이다.

  27. 3 Levels of Christians according to Contemporary RC (Erickson, 294)

  28. 3 Levels of Christians according to Contemporary RC (Erickson, 294)

  29. 2 Aspects of Justification in RC

  30. Evangelical Position (Erickson, 295-6)

  31. 복음주의의 견해 (Erickson, 295-6)

  32. 2. Antecedent to Salvation: Predestination

  33. Antecedents to Salvation: 4 Terms

  34. Antecedents to Salvation: 4 Terms

  35. Historical Development of Predestination 1. Debate: Augustine vs. Pelagius 2. Semi-Pelagianism: AD 431 Ephesus. 3. Anselm & Aquinas: Augustinian. 11’th – 13’th c. 4. Duns Scotus – 14’th c. Predestination by “foreknowledge” (예지예정) – Pelagian. 5. Debate: Luther (Augustinian) vs. Erasmus (Free will). John Calvin. 6. J. Arminius: 16’th-17’th c. Semi-Pelagianism. 예지예정. 7. John Wesley: 18’th c. “Prevenient grace” 선행적 은총. 알미니안 주의를 일반화시킴.

  36. 2 Views of Predestination Calvinism vs. Arminianism

  37. Calvinism (TULIP) Key: 하나님의 절대주권과 인간의 전적인 타락을 근거로 함. Sovereignty of God and total depravity of man Total Depravity 인간의 전적 타락 Unconditional Election 하나님의 절대예정 Limited Atonement 제한적 속죄* Irresistible Grace 불가항력적인 은혜 Perseverance of Saints 성도의 완전한 견인

  38. Arminianism Key: Love of God and human free will. 하나님의 사랑과 인간의 자유의지에 근거함. 복음주의에서 자유주의까지 다양한 견해가 있다. A variety of views: Evangelicalism  Liberalism

  39. Calvinism vs Arminianism (5 Points)

  40. 5 Characteristics of Election according to Calvinism 1. An expression of the sovereign will of God and good pleasure of God. 하나님의 절대주권적인 뜻이며 선한 표현. 2. Efficacious. 절대적인 효력. 3. From all eternity. 영원전부터 이미 이루어짐. 4. Unconditional. 무조건적. 5. Immutable. 불변적.

  41. 3 Calvinistic Views on Predestination

  42. Objections to Calvinism (Mostly practical) 1. It is fatalistic. 운명론적. 무조건적 택정이라면 우리의 행위가 무슨 소용이 있는가? 2. It negates any missionary or evangelistic impulse. 하나님이 이미 택정했다면 선교와 전도는 왜 해야 하는가? 3. It is contradiction to human freedom. 인간의 자유의지와 조화가 되지 않는다. 모든 것이 하나님의 주권이라면 결국 하나님 책임이 아닌가?

  43. Arminianism: Its Starting Points 1. God desires all persons to be saved. (2Pet 3:9; Ezek 33:11; 1Tim 2:4; Isa 55:1). 2. All persons are able to believe or to meet the conditions of salvation. John Wesley “prevenient grace”: Grace that is given by God to all persons indiscriminately. Where in the Bible? 3. God foreknew those whom he will save (Rom 8:29; 1Pet 1:1-2). (foreknowledge). 4. Objections to the Calvinistic understanding of predestination as unconditional or absolute.

  44. Arminianism: Its Starting Points 1. 하나님은 모든 사람이 구원받기를 원하신다 (2Pet 3:9; Ezek 33:11; 1Tim 2:4; Isa 55:1). 2. 인간은 믿음을 선택할 능력이 있다. John Wesley “prevenient grace” (선행적 은혜): 하나님이 균등하게 인간에게 베푸시는 은혜. Where in the Bible? 3. 하나님은 구원할 자를 미리 아셨다 (Rom 8:29; 1Pet 1:1-2). 선지 (foreknowledge). 4. 칼빈주의의 예정에 대한 무조건적인 개념을 반대한다.

  45. Objections to Arminianism (Erickson, 302-303) 1. 칼빈주의에 비해 성경적 증거 빈약: “선행적 은혜”와 예정이 예지에 기초한다는 주장. 2. 그렇다면 만인을 구원으로 초청한 이유는 무엇인가? 3. 그렇다면 인간은 참 자유가 있다고 할 수 있나? 4. 그렇다면 인간은 하나님의 은혜를 거절할 수 있는 자유는 있는가?

  46. Six Implications of Predestination (Erickson, 303-4) 1. What God has decided will come to pass. 2. We need not criticize ourselves when some people reject Christ. 3. Predestination does not nullify incentive for evangelism and missions. 4. Grace is absolutely necessary. 5. God commands us to choose. 6. The problem of God’s sovereignty and human freedom cannot be solved by human mind..

  47. 예정론의 6가지 명심사항 (Erickson, 303-4) 1. 하나님이 결정하신 일은 반드시 이루어진다. 2. 예수를 모르는 사람들에 대해서 우리가 전적인 책임을 질 필요는 없다. 3. 예정은 전도나 선교의 열정을 파괴하지 않는다 4. 은혜는 절대적으로 필요하다. 5. 하나님은 나에게 선택을 명령하셨다. 6. 하나님의 주권과 인간의 자유에 대한 모순은 우리가 해결할 수 없다.

  48. 3. Beginning of Salvation: Subjective Aspects

  49. Ordo Salutis (Order of Salvation) 1. Antecedents: Election 택정 Effectual Calling 유효한 부르심 2. Beginning: (1) Objective: Union with Christ; Justification 칭의 Adoption 양자됨 (2) Subjective: Conversion 회심; Regeneration 중생 3. Continuation: Sanctification 성화 4. Perseverance 견인 5. Glorification영화

  50. Effectual Calling: Definition 1. It is God’s special work with the elect, enabling them to respond in repentance and faith, and rendering it certain that they will (Erickson, 307). 2. It involves the general calling of God in the Gospel made effective in an individual as he or she believes the Gospel and accepts Christ as Savior and Lord. It is given only to all of the elect, and since it is effectual and irrevocable, it necessarily results in salvation and is logically prior to conversion and necessarily leads to it (House, 102).

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