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“Herding Sacred Cows – How To Lead Successful Change and Stay Ahead of the Competition”

“Herding Sacred Cows – How To Lead Successful Change and Stay Ahead of the Competition”. Stephen Quesnelle and Geoff Smith - Sacred Cow Company -. Change…. “The only person who enjoys change is a wet baby” “Change is good…you go first” “The only thing that remains constant is change”.

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“Herding Sacred Cows – How To Lead Successful Change and Stay Ahead of the Competition”

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  1. “Herding Sacred Cows – How To Lead Successful Change and Stay Ahead of the Competition” Stephen Quesnelle and Geoff Smith - Sacred Cow Company -

  2. Change… “The only person who enjoys change is a wet baby” “Change is good…you go first” “The only thing that remains constant is change”

  3. Agenda The Mitel case study: Heyday to Mayday Where Sacred Cows come from Reading the brands on sacred cows by identifying trends Tips for HR professionals Selecting a change program that leads change with employees rather than at them Leading change in difficult economic times Q&A

  4. Mitel – A Real Case Study The Mitel story The boom years..the up The near death experience The plateau…the down Things had to change Threats to our Core Business Quality and Time To Market focus Attacking the Organizational Immune System™ How OD provided new energy and insights to the organization The Result $2MM to $80MM in two years

  5. Sacred Cows…A Definition

  6. The Current Environment We are at the end of an 8 year bull run This recession has killed, and will continue to kill, companies who try to keep operating the same way. (Circuit City, Chrysler, Quebecor, Canadian Superior, Air Canada, Nortel) Bad practices, broken processes and poor performers are more likely to be hidden in boom times In time of drought the fat cows stand out

  7. The Organizational Immune System The Organizational Immune System™ is the enforcer of current culture “The Organizational Immune System™ grows slowly over time and is entirely self-serving. It is the Organizational Immune System™ that will have employees rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Organization culture is not a detractor to change; it is the Organizational Immune System™ that keeps the current culture from changing”. TM

  8. Where Sacred Cows Come From Slow evolving businesses or industries Bifurcations bring out the cows Fax: Teletype and taxis E-mail: Canada post and US Presidents The ups and downs of business cycles Ups breed & feed the cows (growth, focus, accountability) Down times expose (and can anoint) the cows Culture clash Bad marriage mergers

  9. Reading Brands on Sacred Cows Innocent Cow It’s not my fault / my job Naked Emperor Cow Your data is wrong – everything is fine Fat Cow It’s only company money Customer Focus Cow The customer is wrong / I am an artist The Royalty Cow Our department is important here The Dictator Cow I am in charge here. Turn your brain off and do as I say You know that you have a case of the Cows when…

  10. Performance Management Assessment Grid How many people here use this kind of performance management grid? WHAT HOW

  11. Organizational Assessment Customer Focus Cow Royalty Cow Dictator Cow Tough HIGH PERFORMING Business Results Innocent Cow Naked Emperor Cow Fat Cow Bankrupt Nice People Practices

  12. Organizational Assessment } HIGH PERFORMING Results Tough Business Results Bankrupt Nice People Practices

  13. Organizational Assessment } HIGH PERFORMING Results Tough Business Results } Support, Tools, Positive Reinforcement People Practices

  14. Organizational Assessment } HIGH PERFORMING Results Business Results } Nice Accountability People Practices

  15. The Change Role for HR Professionals The Strategic Business Partner / The Voice of Truth: Organizational diagnostics / data Leading change from the front lines vs from staff roles or support functions Leadership development programs Creating a culture of feedback

  16. Tips for HR Professionals HR the keeper of: Compensation, recognition and reward systems Performance management systems Leadership development programs Employee surveys, exit interviews The closer the feedback or consequence occurs after the behaviour, the greater the influence on the behaviour

  17. Making Change – Herding the Sacred Cows Our Framework For Change… Leadership Readiness Organizational Diagnostics Behavior Change Events Sustainability “It’s far easier to make change with people rather than at them”

  18. Making Change – Herding the Sacred Cows Our Framework For Change… 1. Leadership Readiness Focus on key business results Leading change from the front lines Prepared to go the distance Organizational Diagnostics Behavior Change Events Sustainability

  19. Making Change – Herding the Sacred Cows Our Framework For Change… 1. Leadership Readiness 2. Organizational Diagnostics Top down and bottom up Voice of customer Leading and lagging data Behavior Change Events Sustainability

  20. Making Change – Herding the Sacred Cows Our Framework For Change… 1. Leadership Readiness 2. Organizational Diagnostics 3. Behavior Change Events Deflect resistance to change: Frogs Big picture to first steps Give direction, tools and measures Sustainability

  21. Making Change – Herding the Sacred Cows Our Framework For Change… 1. Leadership Readiness 2. Organizational Diagnostics 3. Behavior Change Events 4. Sustainability: Change Behaviour Clear roadblocks Say something Follow the score

  22. PRESTO! Change Happens Parallel Reason Expectations Skills Tools Outcomes

  23. Leading Change in Difficult Economic Times Capitalize on momentum for change Begin with data Find a line champion Parallel – Deflect the pain of change Make the case for change: The big picture Call a cow a cow Pick your battles – search for the 1 -3 big rocks Pick key behaviours – select the 1 – 3 levers Turn your employees loose on the cows Recognize, reinforce and support employees

  24. Q&A Geoff Smith gsmith@sacredcowcompany.com (613) 868-9145 Steve Quesnelle squesnelle@sacredcowcompany.com (780) 717-5681

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