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Eunyoung Cho Kyu Hou Minho Jeung Heejoon Jung

EVR #3. Paper Prototyping. The Fast and Easy Way to Design and Refine User Interfaces by Carolyn Snyder. Eunyoung Cho Kyu Hou Minho Jeung Heejoon Jung. Nov. 1, 200 5. Contents. 1. What is Paper Prototyping? 2. Usefulness of PP 3. Process of Usability Study(1,2)

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Eunyoung Cho Kyu Hou Minho Jeung Heejoon Jung

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  1. EVR #3 Paper Prototyping The Fast and Easy Way to Design and Refine User Interfacesby Carolyn Snyder Eunyoung Cho Kyu Hou Minho Jeung Heejoon Jung Nov. 1, 2005

  2. Contents 1. What is Paper Prototyping? 2. Usefulness of PP 3. Process of Usability Study(1,2) 4. Role of Usability Testing 5. Task Creation Process 6. What Paper is (& Isn’t) Good For? 7. Issues on PP 8. Pros & Cons 9. User-Centered Design: MathWorks 10. Applicable to the Studio Project 11. Summary

  3. 1. What is Paper Prototyping? Paper Prototyping (PP) is a variation of usability testing where representative users perform realistic tasks by interacting with a paper version of the interface that is manipulated by a person “playing computer,” who doesn’t explain how the interface is intended to work. (p.4) cf. compositions, wireframes, storyboards

  4. 2. Usefulness of PP July 2002 survey of usability professionals

  5. 3. Process of Usability Study(1) Core team : Designer figure out what it should do or be Developer makes it happen

  6. 3. Process of Usability Study(2)

  7. 4. Role of Usability Testing • User: interacting directly with the prototype • Facilitator: conducts the test session • Computer: simulate how the interface behaves without explaining how it is supposed to work • Observer: note-taking

  8. 5. Task Creation Process • List the User Goals • List Your Questions • Prioritize Your Questions • Create a Task • Number and Order the Tasks • Write Instructions for Users • Reality-Check Your Tasks Task#: < Task Name > Good Usability Tasks

  9. 6. What paper is (& Isn’t) Good For 4 Dimensions • Breadth (What PPs won’t find) • Depth (What PPs will likely find) • Look (What PPs may find) • Interaction (What PPs won’t find)

  10. 7. Issues on PP • Validity: research, case studies • Bias: user, task, facilitator, etc. • Professionalism: appropriate expectation • Resource Constraints: time concerns

  11. 8. Pros & Cons • Pros • Fast way to find a variety of problems in an interface • Allows an interface to be refined before implementation begins • Encourages creativity from development team and users • Cons • Does notproduce any code • Does not find some functional issues • Looks unprofessional due to unfinished design

  12. 9. User-Centered Design: MathWorks • Project objective • Developing software based on user-centered design • Design Steps • Contextual interviewing • Watching and interviewing customers for collecting issues • Usability testing of paper prototypes • Sketching paper prototypes • Taking usability tests involved in developers and users • Usability testing of working software • Retesting design after implementation • Conducting an affinity diagramming exercise, grouping issues that arouse during the test • Usability feedback from users

  13. Korean 10. Applicable to the Studio Project

  14. 11. Summary - The fast and easyway to design and refine user interfaces - Solve design problems and user's needs before implementation - Reduce the arguing on interfaces - Minimization of the redesign: save time & money • Get user feedback early, communicate better and make creative • Applicable to VUI andGUI on Studio Project

  15. Thank you!

  16. Backup Paper Prototyping Materials White poster board Black paper Unlined Index Card Markers, pens Highlighter Scissors Transparent Tape (Scotch tape, invisible tape) Restickable glue Removable Tape Transparency Transparency pens, wet erase Correction Fluid Fome-Cor board Common office supplies Prototype with removable tape and transparency

  17. Backup Prototype Interface Widgets Drop-down Lists Radio buttons/checkboxes Tabbed Dialog Boxes Text Fields Selection bar/highlight Disabled (“grayed-out”) controls Cursors

  18. Backup Prototype Interface Widgets • Tooltips/mouseovers • Rollover/pop-up menus • Beeps • Drag & drop • Right mouse menus • Sliders, progress indicators • Animation and video • Web site links • Scrolling

  19. Backup Paper Prototyping (PP) VS. HTML

  20. Backup References http://www.uie.com/articles/prototyping_tips http://www.uie.com/browse/paper_prototyping http://www.paperprototyping.com http://www.snyderconsulting.net http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20030414.html http://dub.washington.edu/denim

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