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Fall of the Roman Republic

Fall of the Roman Republic. Discontent with Roman Republic . Widening gap between patricians and plebeians Issue of Roman citizenship in colonies Wealth from wars and expansion made leaders (governors and generals) greedy and dishonest, and it also caused the poor people to want more rights

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Fall of the Roman Republic

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  1. Fall of the Roman Republic

  2. Discontent with Roman Republic • Widening gap between patriciansand plebeians • Issue of Roman citizenship in colonies • Wealth from wars and expansion made leaders (governors and generals) greedy and dishonest, and it also caused the poor people to want more rights • Several consuls were assassinated as others tried to take position by force • Increasing slave rebellions against severe treatment Solutions • continuous attempts to control tensions and help poor (Gracchus brothers) • Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus= sought land reforms, proposed free grain and more citizen rights… but both were killed Reasons for Fall of Republic • state’s inability to bridge the gap between rich and poor • Lack of effective control of Rome’s new found wealth & commercialism • social uprisings of non-Roman Italians over Roman citizenship • Military reforms of standing army and legions increased power and influence of Roman Generals (ie. Julius Caesar)

  3. The First Triumvirate In 60 BCE, three Roman Generals: Pompey, Crassus and Caesar formed the First Triumvirate: Rule of Three Men Plan was to usurp the Roman Republic, backed with the power of their armies Crassus was killed in battle, and then Caesar set out to defeat Pompey (which he did) Rome torn by civil war. In 46 BCE, Julius Caesar, appointed dictatorfor 10 years (by Sentate) andthen himself extended it for life; as well appointed himself PontifexMaximus (Chief Priest) 44BCE- March 15th, the Ides of March, Caesar was assassinatedby self proclaimed “defenders ofliberty”

  4. The Birth of the Roman Empire After Caesar’s assassination= civil war ensued Second Triumvirate: Octavian, Marc Antony and Lepidus in 43 BCE and divided the Republic between them (sealed with a marriage between Octavian’s sister and Marc Antony) Lepidus was pushed from power Marc Antony met and married Cleopatra in 36 BCE, but Octavian defeated Antony’s armies and Anthony and Cleopatra committed suicide Octavian was left as master of Roman world 27 BCE- End of Roman Republic

  5. Timeline of Ancient Rome Founding of Rome: 753 BCE (Romulus) Etruscan Monarchy: 753 BCE-509 BCE Roman Republic: 509 BCE – 27 BCE Roman Empire: 27 BCE – 476 CE

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