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Medical Terminology

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Medical Terminology

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Medical Terminology Chapter 16 Special Senses

    2. Structures of Eyes Sclera conjunctive choroid retina cornea lens anterior cavity aqueous humor

    3. Structures of Eyes Iris pupil vitreous chamger vitreous humor rods and cones optic nerve optic disc

    4. Eyelids canthus epicanthus Eyebrows/Eyelashes cilia or eyelashes Conjunctiva

    5. Eyeball

    6. Eye Chambers

    7. Lacrimal Apparatus Structures that produce, store, and remove tears lacrimal glands lacrimal fluid lacrimation

    8. Ears auditory audi/o and audit/o acoustic ot/o

    9. Outer or External Ear pinna or auricle auditory canal cerumen

    10. Middle Ear tympanic membrane auditory bones malleus incus stapes eustacian tube oval window

    11. Inner Ear cochlea cochlear duct organ of Corti semicircular canals equilibrium

    12. Action of Eyes Accommodation - process whereby the eyes make adjustments for seeing objects at various distances constriction or dilation of pupil changes in shape of lens Refraction - ability of lens to bend the light rays to help them focus on the retina

    13. Refractive Errors ametropia myopia hyperopia presbyopia astigmatism

    14. Cataract Intracapsular extraction cryoprobe Extracapsular extraction

    15. Glaucoma Intraocular pressure miotics partial iridectomy tonometer

    16. Strabismus Extropia esotropia amblyopia

    17. End Lesson 13 Chapter 16 Special Senses

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