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Welcome Elementary School “Welcome to the Possibilities!”. Ms. Garrett Mrs. Simmons jogarret@greenville.k12.sc.us (864)355-3925. Kindergarten. Kindergarten. Curriculum. Common Core State Standards. The Common Core State Standards guide what we teach and how we assess students.

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  1. Welcome Elementary School “Welcome to the Possibilities!” Ms. Garrett Mrs. Simmons jogarret@greenville.k12.sc.us (864)355-3925 Kindergarten

  2. Kindergarten Curriculum Common Core State Standards • The Common Core State Standards guide what we teach and how we assess students. • More rigorous and complex instructional strategies • Assessment items and task types: • Selected-response items • Technology-enhanced items • Constructed response items • Performance tasks

  3. Curriculum Kindergarten Common Core State Standards Subject Overview: Reading Compare and Contrast, Main Idea, Key Details, Retelling and Sequencing, Ask and Answer Questions, Text Features,

  4. Kindergarten Curriculum Common Core State Standards • Literacy Instructional Shifts as a district: • Balancing informational and literary texts • Close reading of complex text • Text-based answers and evidence • Writing from sources with evidence • Academic vocabulary • Digital literacy

  5. Kindergarten Curriculum Common Core State Standards Subject Overview: Math Numbers to 20, Counting to 100, Geometric Shapes (2D and 3D), Addition, Subtraction, Place Value (ones and tens), Compare Measurement, Sort and Classify

  6. Kindergarten Curriculum Common Core State Standards • Math Instructional Shifts as a district: • Explain and apply mathematical concepts • Interpret and carry out mathematical procedures with precision and fluency • Solve a range of complex well-posed problems • Clearly and precisely construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the reasoning of others • Analyze complex, real-world scenarios • Construct and use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems

  7. Kindergarten Curriculum Common Core State Standards Subject Overview: Science Scientific Inquiry, Characteristics of Organisms, My Body, Seasonal Changes, Exploring Matter *Integration

  8. Kindergarten Curriculum Common Core State Standards Subject Overview: Children as Citizens Maps, Rules, Authority Figures, Values of American Democracy, American figures, holidays, and symbols, Families past and present *Integration

  9. Homework Kindergarten Expect weekly homework reflecting Common Core aligned activities. Homework should be completed and returned by Friday at the latest. Read a minimum of 20 min each night and document on your child’s reading log.

  10. Communication Kindergarten Student agendas Weekly class newsletter School Newsletter: Welcome Home School and Teacher Websites Parent portal Fall conferences

  11. Parent Responsibilities Kindergarten Read your child’s class newsletter each Monday. Regularly check your child’s agenda for behavior documentation. Regularly check your child’s class website. Please contact teacher first when questions or concerns arise. Contact by email, phone, or handwritten note Allow time for the teacher to receive your message and respond (within 24 hours)

  12. Kindergarten School-Wide Policies Attendance and Tardies Our students learn best when they are at school! Good attendance is required for this to take place. According to South Carolina Compulsory School Attendance Law: Accrued student absences, either excused or unexcused, or any combination thereof, may not exceed ten (10) days during the school year. Any absence in excess of ten (10) days may cause the student to lose credit for the year. Students are required to attend 170 days out of the 180 day school year. All excuses should be submitted within two days of the absence (see Excuse for Student Absence in back of your child’s Student Assignment Book). Excuses are not accepted after two days because we are no longer able to add them into the state system. A medial excuse is required for any absence after 10 days. Parent/guardian is required to attend a conference with school administration after a student has accrued 5 unexcused absences. Three (3) consecutive unexcused absences or five (5) cumulative absences will result in a referral for truancy. The school is required to report to the proper authorities any excessive absences.

  13. Kindergarten School-Wide Policies PBIS at Welcome Elementary School “Reach for the STARS!” Welcome Elementary is a PBIS school, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. As part of PBIS, we have expectations for all of the different areas in the school. They are taught to students and practiced at the beginning of the year and again during booster sessions throughout the year. Positive student behavior is encouraged through the use of “Starbucks.” These are acknowledgement coupons that students are given when they are following the expectations and being recognized for positive behavior. There are two types. There are individual “Starbucks,” which are given to students for exhibiting positive behavior, and there are “Class Stars.” Starbucks can be cashed in by students and used at the Starbucks store, which is open on Wednesdays. Class Stars are given to classes that are following expectations. The Class Stars are displayed around each classroom door, and there is a menu of rewards to choose from when a class reaches ten. Each class also moves their class star up a rung in the grade level ladder at increments of five. The class ladders are displayed in the main hallway. We appreciate your support as we “Reach for the Stars” with PBIS at Welcome Elementary!

  14. Kindergarten School-Wide Policies PBIS at Welcome Elementary School “Reach for the STARS!” • S= Show Respect • T= Take Responsibility • A= And be • R= Ready to Learn • S= Success

  15. Kindergarten Breakfast / Lunch • We are a Universal Breakfast School and all children eat FREE • Please make sure you have completed and returned the lunch form. • Please make sure to add money to your child's lunch account. • Our lunch time is from 10:40-11:10.

  16. Special Events Kindergarten Zoomobile Wade Hampton High School Play Apple Orchard and Pumpkin Patch

  17. Kindergarten Daily Schedule Garrett/Simmons Kindergarten Schedule 2013-2014 7:45-8:00 Table tasks, announcements, pledge 8:00-8:30 Big Group -EDC calendar, weather/season -Writing to and for children: morning message -songs, interactive charts -Reading to children 8:30-9:00 Letter and Name Cycles -preview letters -name game -phonemic awareness: name game, introduce letters -songs and movement 9:00-9:30 Shared Reading -Interactive Chart -Big Book -Rhymes/Poems -Science/Social Studies Integrated 9:30-9:50 Shared Writing/Writing -predictable chart -independent writing - labeling/listing/stories 9:50-10:40 Math 10:40-11:10 Lunch 11:15-11:45 Recess 11:45-12:00 Independent Reading - Book Buckets/Bathroom Break 12:00-12:30 Related Arts Monday - Music Tuesday - Library Wednesday - P.E. Thursday - Art Friday - Computer Lab (12:30-1:00) 12:30-1:30 Literacy Rotations - Small Groups -teacher: Letter/Sound/Reading groups -Independent - literacy/phonics/math centers -Independent - pictionary/self-selected reading 1:30-1:50 Social Studies/Science/Ipads 1:50 - 2:30 Daily Fluency/Songs -Read Aloud -prepare for dismissal/pack up Big Group: Review the day 2:30-2:45 Dismissal

  18. Kindergarten Math Facts Students should be able to complete: • Addition facts to 5 with fluency. 0+0, 0+1, 0+2, 0+3, 0+4, 0+5, 1+1, 1+2, 1+3, 1+4, 2+2, 2+3 • Subtraction facts from up to 5 with fluency. 5-0, 4-0, 3-0, 2-0, 1-0, 0-1, 5-1, 4-1, 3-1, 2-1, 1-1, 5-2, 4-2, 3-2, 2-2, 5-3, 4-3, 3-3, 5-4, 4-4, 5-5

  19. Kindergarten PTA • Please Join PTA • Only $4.00

  20. Kindergarten Title I Welcome Elementary School is a Title I School. The goal of Title I is to help every child get a high quality education by directing Title I resources to those students most in need. • Parents have the right to: • See progress reports on your child and school. • Request information about your child’s teacher’s qualifications. • Help decide if Title I is meeting your child’s needs and offer suggestions. • Title I Programs generally offer: • More teachers • More training for teachers • Extra time for instruction • Variety of teaching methods and materials • Smaller classes • Parents can participate in their child’s education by: • Attending school events, parent meetings, parent/ teacher conferences, volunteering and joining parent organizations such as PTA.

  21. Kindergarten Whooo is in my class this year? Whooo is my teacher?

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