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Phase Equilibria and Phase Diagrams (Phase Equilibria of Materials) 재료 상평형 (Fall Semester, 2013)

Phase Equilibria and Phase Diagrams (Phase Equilibria of Materials) 재료 상평형 (Fall Semester, 2013). Intro. phase equilibria  thermodynamics equil thermo: materials take on and the in which states would ideally be assumed thermo: kinetics, rate of evolution toward equil

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Phase Equilibria and Phase Diagrams (Phase Equilibria of Materials) 재료 상평형 (Fall Semester, 2013)

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  1. Phase Equilibria and Phase Diagrams(Phase Equilibria of Materials)재료 상평형(Fall Semester, 2013)

  2. Intro

  3. phase equilibria  thermodynamics • equil thermo: materials take on and the in which states would ideally be assumed • thermo: kinetics, rate of evolution toward equil • one of the important subfields of thermo  theory of • since this course is theoretical, best to begin with a brief outline of what a physical theory is • physical theory: attempting to understand and predict by modeling • it replaces the world: • useful ↔ useless (O) • right ↔ wrong (X)

  4. theory → common underlying structure ① 정의 (definitions or vocabulary) ② 가정 (assumptions or postulates): laws, axioms, assumptions ③ 수학 (math): mathematical consequences of postulates, used to explain and predict the detailed behavior of the model ④ intuitive extrapolations: the final step of a theory, interpreting and explaining the behavior of systems outside the strict range of the model → a familiar example is classical ‘ ’

  5. thermo → science of heat, a quantity defined by laws of thermo, not a thing • (classical) thermo • thermo laws 0th: defining empirical temp, eq. of state 1st: internal energy, eq. of state 2nd: entropy, absolute temp, eq. of state 3rd: entropy complement

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