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Week Three

Week Three. 荷馬的《伊里亞德》 ( 張玉燕 ). 今天課程安排. 1. 整理與回應上週同學問題 (15 分鐘 ) 2. 摘要 Iliad 的主題與內容 (30 分鐘 ) 3. 分組準備 (5 分鐘 ) 4. 小組討論 (20 分鐘 ) 5. 小組討論結果分享 (20 分鐘 ) 6. 總結 (10 分鐘 ). A Synopsis. 介紹 Achilles 盾牌中刻劃的對比世界 : 戰爭與和平。閱讀 The Iliad (Book XXIV) ,探討古希臘的喪禮與英雄生命的意義。 小組 討論主題 :

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Week Three

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  1. WeekThree 荷馬的《伊里亞德》(張玉燕) 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  2. 今天課程安排 1. 整理與回應上週同學問題(15分鐘) 2. 摘要 Iliad的主題與內容(30分鐘) 3. 分組準備(5分鐘) 4. 小組討論(20分鐘) 5. 小組討論結果分享(20分鐘) 6.總結(10分鐘) 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  3. A Synopsis 介紹Achilles盾牌中刻劃的對比世界:戰爭與和平。閱讀The Iliad (Book XXIV),探討古希臘的喪禮與英雄生命的意義。 小組討論主題: 1. 英雄的倫理價值觀: 死亡與不朽、生命與永恆 2. 生命的美學:榮譽 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  4. 主題一 英雄的倫理價值觀: 死亡與不朽、生命與永恆 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  5. Gods Heroic age • 2.1 Era of gods • 2.1.1 Cosmogony and cosmology • 2.1.2 Greek pantheon • 2.2 Age of gods and mortals • 2.3 Heroic age • 2.3.1 Heracles and the Heracleidae • 2.3.2 Argonauts • 2.3.3 House of Atreus and Theban Cycle • 2.3.4 Trojan War and aftermath 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  6. 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  7. Readinghttp://www.gutenberg.org/files/6130/6130-h/6130-h.html#toc5Readinghttp://www.gutenberg.org/files/6130/6130-h/6130-h.html#toc5 The Iliad/ Book One 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  8. The Iliad Wrath—in Greek mēnis—is the opening word of Homer’s Iliad and thereby the first word in Western literature: “Sing, O goddess, the anger of Achilles son of Peleus, that brought countless ills upon the Achaeans.” μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆοςοὐλομένην, ἣ μυρί᾽ Ἀχαιοῖς ἄλγε᾽ ἔθηκε, 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  9. Μῆνις/ wrath/ indignation Anger, rage, fury, irritation, resentment acerbity, acrimony, asperity, boiling point, fierceness, flare-up, frenzy, furor, impetuosity, ire, rabidity, savagery, slow burn, tempestuousness, turbulence, vehemence 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  10. War and Peace This tragic action is the center of the poem, but it is surrounded by scenes that remind us that the organized destruction of war, though an integral part of human life, is still only a part of it. The yearning for peace and its creative possibilities is never far below the surface.

  11. The Shield of Achilles

  12. Peace and war • These two poles of the human condition—war and peace, with their corresponding aspects of human nature, the destructive and the creative—are implicit in every situation and statement of the poem, and they are put before us, in symbolic form, in the shield that the god Hephaestus makes for Achilles, with its scenes of human life in both peace and war.

  13. 神之巧手:Hephaestus • a Greek god whose Roman equivalent was Vulcan. • He was the god of technology, blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals, metallurgy, fire and volcanoes

  14. 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  15. Lame Hephaestus Hephaestus was lame, which gave him a grotesque appearance in Greek eyes. He served as the blacksmith of the gods, and he was worshipped in the manufacturing and industrial centers of Greece, particularly in Athens. The center of his cult was in Lemnos. 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  16. 普羅米修斯(Prometheus) Alice Y. Chang • 普羅米修斯是一個為了人類而從奧林帕斯山山上偷走火的泰坦巨人,因而遭到宙斯給予他極為可怕的懲罰。他是艾爾佩提斯的兒子;亞特拉斯和艾皮米修斯的兄弟。 "普羅米修斯(Prometheus)"在希臘語中是 "遠見(foresight)"的意思。 • 普羅米修士與智慧女神雅典娜共同創造了人類,並教會了人類很多知識。

  17. The sculptor of this Roman sarcophagus has portrayed Prometheus as a workman creating mini-humans. Alice Y. Chang

  18. Prometheus and the eagle Alice Y. Chang • 當時Zeus禁止人類用火,他看到人類生活的困苦,幫人類從奧林匹斯偷取了火,因此觸怒宙斯。 • 宙斯將他鎖在高加索山的懸崖上,每天派一隻鷹去吃他的肝,又讓他的肝每天重新長上,使他日日承受被惡鷹啄食肝臟的痛苦。然而普羅米修士始終堅毅不屈。幾千年後,赫剌克勒斯為尋找金蘋果來到懸崖邊,把惡鷹射死,並讓半人半馬的肯陶洛斯族的喀戎來代替,解救了普羅米修士。 • 但他必須永遠戴一隻鐵環,環上鑲上一塊高加索山上的石子,以便宙斯可以自豪地宣稱他的仇敵仍然被鎖在高加索山的懸崖上。

  19. Alice Y. Chang

  20. PROMETHEUS & THE EAGLE Alice Y. Chang

  21. 生命的美學:榮譽 主題二 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  22. Heroes in Homer’s Iliad英雄榜 Achilles Agamemnon Menelaus Macheon Hector Odysseus 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  23. A Mycenaean funeral mask known as the “Mask of Agamemnon”

  24. Kleos— glory, fame • is the concept of glory earned in heroic battle; • for most of the Greek invaders of Troy, notably Odysseus, kleos is earned in a victorious nostos (homecoming), yet not for Achilles, he must choose one reward, either nostos or kleos. • Fame imperishable

  25. Menelaus a legendary king of Mycenaean (pre-Dorian) Sparta, the husband of Helen of Troy, and a central figure in the Trojan War. He was the son of Atreus and Aerope, and brother of Agamemnon king of Mycenae and, according to the Iliad, leader of the Spartan contingent of the Greek army during the War. 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  26. Agamemnon and Menelaus 是真英雄嗎? 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  27. Machaon:一個醫生勝過十個大將 a soldier at the Troy war as well as a surgeon during the Trojan War. fight in the army of Nestor, who, fearing for Machon’s safety and deeming that a doctor is worth many men, took him into his chariot. made known to Asclepius by Chiron. 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  28. 醫術高超 When Menelaus was wounded, Menelaus sent a messenger for Machaon, who skillfully treated Menelaus’ injury by extracting the barbed arrow, sucking the wound and applying a secret ointment. 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  29. Machaon (Son of Asklepios),The first Greek military surgeon, attending to the wounded Menelaus. 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  30. Asclepius: the god of medicine and healing

  31. 希臘-羅馬的醫藥神。他是阿波羅和仙女科羅尼絲的兒子。半人半馬怪喀戎(Chiron)教給他醫治的技藝,但是宙斯擔心他會使所有的人長生不死,就以雷霆把他擊死。對他的崇拜始於色薩利,後來傳到希臘許多地方。由於人們認為他能在夢中治病並給病人開藥方,所以通常都睡在他的神殿裡。他的表徵是一個有蛇纏繞的手杖。希臘-羅馬的醫藥神。他是阿波羅和仙女科羅尼絲的兒子。半人半馬怪喀戎(Chiron)教給他醫治的技藝,但是宙斯擔心他會使所有的人長生不死,就以雷霆把他擊死。對他的崇拜始於色薩利,後來傳到希臘許多地方。由於人們認為他能在夢中治病並給病人開藥方,所以通常都睡在他的神殿裡。他的表徵是一個有蛇纏繞的手杖。

  32. Hector:捍衛家園與家人的英雄 The great champion of the Trojans, Hector, fights bravely, but reluctantly. War, for him, is a necessary evil, and he thinks nostalgically of the peaceful past, though he has little hope of peace to come.

  33. Achilles slays Hector

  34. Achilles slays Hector

  35. Hector and Achilles We see Hector, as we do not see Achilles, against the background of the patterns of civilized life—the rich city with its temples and palaces, the continuity of the family. The duel between these two men is the inevitable crisis of the poem, and just as inevitable is Hector’s defeat and death.

  36. Hector’s death At the climactic moment of Hector’s death, as everywhere in the poem, Homer’s firm control of his material preserves the balance in which our contrary emotions are held; pity for Hector does not entirely rob us of sympathy for Achilles.

  37. The Funeral of Hector

  38. 小組討論主題 1. 怎樣才是真英雄? 2. 怎樣的生命最美? 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  39. 小組討論與總結 小組討論結果將公布在課程網頁 同學可繼續深思相關問題,並整理為期中報告資料 2011--Alice Y. Chang

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