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Pre-Civil War, Civil War and Reconstruction Review

Pre-Civil War, Civil War and Reconstruction Review. Why was slavery more dominant down South?. The north was more industrialized and the South had plantations. Slavery was needed in the South to pick cotton on these large plantations.

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Pre-Civil War, Civil War and Reconstruction Review

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  1. Pre-Civil War, Civil War and Reconstruction Review

  2. Why was slavery more dominant down South? • The north was more industrialized and the South had plantations. Slavery was needed in the South to pick cotton on these large plantations.

  3. What is sectionalism? Describe the economies of each section and if they favor tariffs. • Sectionalism is when people were more interested in the interests of their particular section of the country instead of the country as a whole. • North-industry and manufacturing (favored tariffs) • South-plantations and free labor (slavery)-opposed tariffs • West agriculture

  4. As the United States acquired more land, what was the controversy? • Would the new state be a slave state or free state

  5. What are the terms of the Missouri Compromise? • Missouri would enter as a slave state • Maine entered as a free state • Everything above Missouri’s southern border would be a free state—(36-30)

  6. What are the terms of the Compromise of 1850? • California was a free state • Popular soverienty born-(people vote on slavery in Utah and New Mexico) • Fugitive Slave Act- people are required by law to return any runaway slaves found

  7. What are the terms of the Kansas-Nebraska Act? How did the Act lead to Bleeding Kansas? • Popular Sovereignty in Kansas and Nebraska • Slaver and Non-Slavery governments formed in Nebraska and killings occurred for 10 years.

  8. What was the decision and importance of Scott v. Sandford? • Court ruled that Dred Scott was still a slave and slaves had no rights. They were considered property.

  9. List the reasons for secession. What was the immediate cause? • Failed Compromises, Dred Scott • Election of Abraham Lincoln

  10. “A house divided against itself cannot stand…I do not expect the Union to be dissolved; I do not expect the house to fall; but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other…” -Abraham Lincoln, 1858According to the quote, what is the reason the House is divided? • Slavery Issue

  11. What was Lincoln’s primary purpose in fighting the Civil War? • To preserve, or save the Union from breaking apart

  12. What are the plans and advantages for the North and the South during the Civil War? • North- factories to produce goods needed for war, railroads, people, food, operation anaconda • South- wait it out

  13. How was the Federal Government power increased during Civil War? • Suspended Writ of Habeas Corpus, closed telegraph stations, the draft, federal income tax

  14. What are some political and economic changes as a result of the Civil War? • Mank will do this

  15. Define Reconstruction. • The period of time after the Civil War when the South was being put back together.

  16. Define Popular Sovereignty. • People would vote over the issue of slavery directly.

  17. Describe the three Reconstruction plans. • Lincoln- be easy on the South and let them rejoin Union with few consequences for leaving • Johnson- Similar to Lincoln but that they committed treason and could not join the Federal Government • Radical Republicans- wanted to punish the South-divided South into 5 military sections, states could not join the Union until suffrage (freedom to vote) was guaranteed to all African Americans and they were deemed Citizens

  18. Andrew Johnson • Impeached for the violation of the tenure of the office act

  19. What political party is in control during the Reconstruction? • Radical Republicans

  20. What is the KKK? • Group of whites who terrorized blacks in the South during Reconstruction. • This group is still around today, but they don’t use violence

  21. Define the13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. • 13th- freedom of African americans (abolished slavery) • 14th- African Americans receive citizenship • 15th- right to vote for blacks • Memory trick—Free Citizens Vote

  22. What is the Freedmen’s Bureau? • Group organized to help feed, cloth, and support newly freed slaves

  23. Define Jim Crowe Laws and Black Codes. • Jim Crowe Laws- stated that separate but equal was legal • Black Codes-rules created at the local level to suppress the rights of the freedmen

  24. Define sharecropping and tenant farming. • Sharecropping- a farmer (usually freed slave) will raise crops on a piece of land owned by someone else, and in return the farmer will get some of the money made from that crop. • Tenant farming- a person who farms land owned by someone else and will pay rent for the land

  25. Define and what is the purpose of poll tax, literacy test, and grandfather clause. • Poll tax- African Americans had to a pay a tax if they wanted to vote • Literacy test-African Americans had to take a reading test if they wanted to vote. • Grandfather clause-a man can vote if their granfather voted. • The purpose was to get around the rights of African Americans to vote through the passage of the 15th amendment

  26. What was the decision of Plessey v. Ferguson? • Says Jim Crowe Laws are constitutional and that separate facilities for black and whites are fine, as long as they are equal

  27. How do Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois want to achieve equality for African Americans? • Washington- Vocational Training • DuBois- College • Both men wanted blacks to have more rights, but they wanted to achieve these rights using different methods.

  28. What Act marked the end of Reconstruction? What are the terms of the Act? • Compromise of 1877 • No more military Reconstruction • Southerner added to President’s Cabinet • Fix the South • Republican Rutherford B. Hayes is Presdident

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