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Unit 2 Let’s Eat! Lesson B Eating out

Unit 2 Let’s Eat! Lesson B Eating out. Revision. Unscramble the adjectives for the food described. j i c y. u e r y. p i c y. s o u. s w e e. s a l y. 1.tutryeb b_tt_ _ _ 5.ijucy _u_ _ _ 2.ycpsi s_ _ _ _ 6.rous _ _ _r

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Unit 2 Let’s Eat! Lesson B Eating out

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  1. Unit 2 Let’s Eat! Lesson B Eating out

  2. Revision

  3. Unscramble the adjectives for the food described. j i c y u e r y p i c y s o u s w e e s a l y 1.tutryeb b_tt_ _ _ 5.ijucy _u_ _ _ 2.ycpsi s_ _ _ _ 6.rous _ _ _r 3.tewes _ _ _ _t 7.talys _ _ _t_ 4.ylio _ _ _y 8.yricps c_ _ _ _ _ r i s p y o i l Describe the food with words from the above. D A C B E

  4. Do you like eating out or at home? Why? • If you eat out, what food do you prefer? • Where do you prefer to go?

  5. g ___ 1. drive-through window a. a bag or box to carry extra food home from a restaurant ___ 2. takeout b. a dish served as a main meal ___ 3. junk food c. unhealthy food ___ 4. appetizer d. a sweet food served after a meal ___ 5. entrée e. food that you buy at a restaurant to eat at home ___ 6. dessert f. food eaten before the main meal ___ 7. doggie bag g. a restaurant window that serves food to people in their cars e c f b d a Q1: Why did Sylvia get takeout? Q2:What did Hiro have for appetizer, entrée and dessert?

  6. Appetizers Entree Desserts pickles tomato soup salad noodles fried chicken fish steak chocolate cake strawberry pie Snacks Drinks popcorn potato chips candy apple juice green tea milk

  7. Think about these Qs Junk food has lots of fat, salt and sugar, but few nutrients. 1.What is fast food / junk food? Is it healthy? 2. Why is junk food / fast food popular? 3. What should we do to junk food? It’s cheap, quick, delicious and can be kept for a long time. It is OK to have some junk food sometimes. But we should have enough dairy products, fruits, vegetables and cereals.

  8. Pre-listening 减速, 放慢速度 slow down celebrate local food 庆祝 当地的食品 传统 tradition fast/instant food international 快餐/速熟食品 国际的, 世界性的 appreciate protect the environment in addition 领会, 充分意识 保护环境 另外,此外

  9. Listening

  10. “慢餐文化”的起源Origin of the Slow Food movement 食物的确是个神奇的东西!当你获得满足感的时候,它会使你快乐得想跳华尔兹;但是当它是你所厌恶的,你会皱起鼻子,发誓再也不去碰这道菜,永不!!但是你有没有被一次吃饭的糟糕经历逼得要发起一个世界性的运动呢?

  11. 只有一个人,一个意大利人会梦想着将这些烂事彻底结束!15年前,以激进而著名的意大利记者Carlo Petrini正漫步于罗马的Piazza di Spagna(西班牙广场),这时飘来了一股气味,简直是对他嗅觉的一种侮辱。就是这从旁边的麦当劳里传出的薯条味让Carlo彻夜未眠。

  12. 思考了一夜,Carlo决定了,他要发起一个名叫慢餐的运动,一个到处宣传快餐害处的运动,团结起来一致反对批发式的快餐的运动,激励农民们有机地种植植物和水果的运动。换句话就是鼓励大家对农作物和吃进嘴的东西的一种尊重。从其字面的意思也可以看出来,慢餐文化运动区别于眼下流行的装配线式的吃法以及囫囵吞枣式的快餐。慢餐运动的标志是一只蜗牛。慢餐运动就是用蜗牛的速度去保存食物的优良传统。慢餐的最终目的就是将吃饭时间中的味觉感受进行重视,能在社会上获得一席之地。

  13. 这个慢餐文化运动是名副其实的缓慢运动,只有极少数的拥护者参加进来,以一种救世主的面目出现在世人的面前。在后来的10年中,运动很明显地从只限于欧洲的局面一跃而开拓到了美国乃至整个世界。它的总部位于意大利北部皮尔多蒙的Bra,其他的办事处分布于世界各地:瑞士、德国、美国纽约,另外在巴黎也即将设立一个新的办事处。如今慢餐文化组织在世界的45个国家拥有65000位成员。意大利当地就有大约35000名成员,组成了340个小组。除了意大利之外,还有220个小组,成员不断壮大。“慢餐”运动的支持者一直保持着高度的热情和强烈的参与感。他们不仅每个季度用五种语言发行自己的杂志,出版关于美酒佳肴、各色餐馆知名菜点的小册子,还在各地出资开办烹饪学校,或赞助“慢餐”食品的生产商。这个慢餐文化运动是名副其实的缓慢运动,只有极少数的拥护者参加进来,以一种救世主的面目出现在世人的面前。在后来的10年中,运动很明显地从只限于欧洲的局面一跃而开拓到了美国乃至整个世界。它的总部位于意大利北部皮尔多蒙的Bra,其他的办事处分布于世界各地:瑞士、德国、美国纽约,另外在巴黎也即将设立一个新的办事处。如今慢餐文化组织在世界的45个国家拥有65000位成员。意大利当地就有大约35000名成员,组成了340个小组。除了意大利之外,还有220个小组,成员不断壮大。“慢餐”运动的支持者一直保持着高度的热情和强烈的参与感。他们不仅每个季度用五种语言发行自己的杂志,出版关于美酒佳肴、各色餐馆知名菜点的小册子,还在各地出资开办烹饪学校,或赞助“慢餐”食品的生产商。

  14. 和许多欧洲人一样,Piazza di Spagna市民对于美国人那种拼命工作、纵情消费的生活方式感到难以接受。于是在“慢慢吃”的过程中,他们在其他领域也有意慢慢来,还立了许多“慢慢来”法令,如:城市广场内不得有汽车进入,因为“汽车是精神紧张的前奏”,由此逐渐形成了自己的慢餐文化。

  15. Discussion: Q: What should people do to keep healthy?

  16. Okinawa 冲绳岛

  17. Find these words in the reading lifestyles researcher centenarians habits attitude 1) ways of living 2) people who study something 3) people who have lived 100 years or more 4) things that you do often 5) the way you feel about something lifestyles researcher centenarians habits attitude

  18. Reading – The Healthiest Lifestyle in the World? Okinawan Centenarians fresh fruits water relaxing activities sit quietly vegetables green tea gardening, walking deep breathing

  19. 形容词比较级的用法 1. 表示两者(人或物)的比较,与than连用,than后可接名词,代词,动名词,从句等. Eg. Skiing is more exciting than skating .形容词最高级的用法 表示三者或三者以上(人或事物)的比较,其中一个在 某一方面超过其他几个时,用最高级.最高级的前面一 般要加冠词the,后面可带of(in)短语来说明比较的范 围. Eg. YaoMing is the tallest of the three.

  20. 形容词比较级和最高级的构成 1.规则变化

  21. funnier funniest 1.funny 2.happy happiest happier 3.interesting more interesting most interesting 4.large larger largest 5.smart smarter smartest 6.thin thinner thinnest more important most important 7.important strongest 8.strong stronger 9.wide wider widest tidiest 10.tidy tidier hottest 11.hot hotter

  22. 12.bad worst worse 13.generous more generous most generous 14.close closer closest more handsome most handsome 15.handsome 16.sad sadder saddest more cheerful most cheerful 17.cheerful shortest 18.short shorter 19.nice nicer nicest most dangerous 20.dangerous more dangerous most popular more popular 21.popular slowest slower 22.slow

  23. 2.不规则变化

  24. Liu Xiang is taller than Pan Changjiang. Yao Ming is the tallest of the three.

  25. The dog is bigger than the mouse. The horse is thebiggest of all.

  26. The Canon camera is more expensive than the Olympus camera . The Sony camera is the most expensive of all. Olympus 2,130.00元 Canon 2,420.00元 Sony 2,595.00元

  27. Simon is _______________(tall) Kitty. • Peter is _________________(tall) student of the six students. • 3. Sandy is _________________(heavy) Millie. • 4. Peter is _________________(heavy) student of the six students. • 5. Millie is ________________( slow) swimmer of the six students. • 6. Amy is _________________(fast) swimmer of the six students. • 7. Millie’s drawing is _____________________( beautiful) Simon’s. • 8. Sandy’s drawing is ___________________(beautiful) in • the drawings. • 9.Peter’s English is________________(bad). taller than the tallest heavier than the heaviest the slowest the fastest more beautiful than the most beautiful the worst

  28. 用比较级或最高级填空 1.A feather is ________________(light) a stone. 2. My mother is _______________(busy) in my family. 3.The lion is __________________(heavy) the dog. 4. Tom is _________________(clever) student in our class . 5.This question is _________________(easy ) of the five. 6. Chinese New Year is____________________( important) festival for Chinese people. 7. Shanghai is one of _____________(large) cities in China. 8. Mosquito is _____________________( dangerous)animal of all. lighter than the busiest heavier than the cleverest the easiest the most important the largest the most dangerous

  29. Use comparatives and superlatives to make a dialogue with your partner (1) A:I have a long ruler. B:My ruler is longerthan yours. (2) A:Who do you think is the most popular basketball player? B:Yao Ming is. A: I think Michael Jordan is more popular than Yao Ming.

  30. C 1.The sun is ______than the earth. A big B very big C bigger D the biggest 2. ‘My Heart Will Go On’ was one of____songs of 1998. A popularest B more popular C popular D the most popular 3.This film is ____interesting than that one. A more B much C very D the most 4. Which do you like____, tea or coffee? A well B better C best D most D A B

  31. D 5.David is taller than ____in this class. A any student B the students C any students D the other students 6.The baby cried ______. A harder and harder B hardest and hardest C more and more hard D hard and hard 7.He is _____of the two. A taller B the taller boy C the tallest boy D the tall boy A C

  32. Homework • Finish the exercises on the workbook. • Finish the grammar exercises on page 20.

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