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The context for today’s workshop: A continued focus on student learning, engagement and success.

Intrusive Academic Advising: An Effective Strategy to Increase Student Success Tom Brown Innovative Educators Webinar May 11, 2011 www.tbrownassociates.com tom@tbrownassociates.com.

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The context for today’s workshop: A continued focus on student learning, engagement and success.

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  1. Intrusive Academic Advising:An Effective Strategy to Increase Student SuccessTom BrownInnovative Educators WebinarMay 11, 2011www.tbrownassociates.comtom@tbrownassociates.com

  2. Intrusive Academic Advising1. What is it?2. Why consider using it?3. What does it involve?4. Is it effective?5. Can it work for your students, your work, and your campus?

  3. The context for today’s workshop:A continued focus on student learning, engagement and success.

  4. Shift in emphasis…. • 1970s and 80s Access • 1980s and 90s Retention • Today Student Success

  5. A continuing shift….

  6. The ChallengeEnhancing student persistence is an increasing concern in higher education…

  7. Higher retention rates matter to policy makers, including federal and state legislators, who have a concern about low college graduation rates….USA Today, 10/12/05

  8. National Graduation* RatesMA Public 39.0%MA Private 54.4PhD Public 47.8PhD Private 64.7 Two-year Public 28.0 *Graduation in 5 years for BA/BS degree; 3 years for AA/AS degreeACT Institutional Data File, 2010

  9. Retention practices with greatest impact (What Works in Student Retention, 2010)

  10. Next to the quality of instruction, academic advising is consistently the next most important area of the college experience to students.Five Year Trend Study- National Student Satisfaction Report Noel Levitz 2006

  11. National Student Satisfaction Report 2010Four-year Private Institutions • Instructional effectiveness (6.36) • Academic advising (6.31) • Student centeredness (6.20) • Recruitment and financial aid (6.19) • Registration effectiveness (6.18) • Safety and security (6.18) • Concern for the individual (6.17) • Campus climate (6.17) • Campus support services (6.04)

  12. National Student Satisfaction Report 2010Four-year Public Institutions • Academic advising (6.38) • Instructional effectiveness (6.36) • Safety and security (6.33) • Registration effectiveness (6.24) • Recruitment and financial aid (6.19) • Concern for the individual (6.16) • Campus climate (6.15) • Student centeredness (6.14) • Campus support services (6.09)

  13. Community CollegeStudent Priorities 2010 • Instructional effectiveness 6.19 • Registration effectiveness 6.17 • Academic Advising/Counseling 6.15 • Concern for the individual 6.09 • Academic services 6.06 • Admissions and financial aid 6.04 • Safety and security 6.02 • Student centeredness 5.99 • Campus climate 5.98 • Service excellence 5.97 • Campus Support Services 5.47

  14. National Adult Student Priorities ReportNoel-Levitz, 2008. • Instructional effectiveness • Academic Advising/Counseling • Registration Effectiveness • Campus Climate • Service excellence

  15. TRIAD FOR STUDENT SUCCESS ComprehensiveSupportPrograms High Quality Teaching Developmental Academic Advising

  16. A key question:Does academic advising matter to student success?

  17. Research has shown that advising improves student retention rates through the establishment of relationships with faculty or staff members who help students to clarify their academic and career goals. Noel Levitz 2006

  18. Academic advising is the onlystructured activity on campus in which all studentshave the opportunity for on-going one-to-one interactionwith a concerned representativeof the institution.Wes Habley, ACT

  19. Redefining academic advising

  20. Academic Advising assists students to make full use of campus and community resources…

  21. Academic Advising Counseling Registration Financial Aid Orientation Career Center TRIO/SSS MulticulturalAffairs Faculty Assessment Learning Center

  22. Attributes of an environment that supports student success:

  23. What happens to students after they enroll frequently has a more powerful impact on whether they stay and achieve their goals or leave.Tinto 1987, 1993

  24. Why do students leave college?

  25. Some Institutions seem to be more effective than others in helping students from a wide range of abilities and backgrounds succeed…How College Affects Students Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005

  26. Colleges being more proactive…

  27. What is intrusiveacademic advising?

  28. Origins of Intrusive Advising “Reduction of Attrition Through Intrusive Advising” Robert Glennen & Dan Baxley NASPA Journal, v22 n3 p10-14 Win 1985

  29. The intrusive model of advising is action-oriented in involving and motivating students to seek help when needed. Utilizing the good qualities of prescriptive advising (expertise, awareness of student needs, structured programs) and of developmental advising (relationship to a student's total needs), intrusive advising is a direct response to an identified academic crisis with a specific program of action. Earl, 1987

  30. The theoretical framework of intrusive advising is based on three postulates:

  31. Guiding Principles of Intrusive Advising

  32. Advantages of intrusive advising.

  33. Intrusive advising has been shown to improve the effectiveness of advising, enhance student academic skills and increase retention. Earl, 1987

  34. There is compelling evidence regarding the importance students place on the value of intrusive advising relationships in the context of their ability to persist. DeAnna Burt, 2009

  35. Active Outreach Advising:People AND Programs

  36. Intrusive Advising Strategies • Mandatory Assessment & Placement • Required Advising Meetings • Early Alert Systems • Mentor programs, including peer mentors • Midterm grade reports • Supplemental Instruction

  37. Intrusive Advising Strategies • Clear statements of responsibility • Interventions for specific student cohorts • Advising contracts

  38. Why Intrusive Advising Works

  39. Academic Advising: A Shared Responsibility

  40. In loco parentis has been replaced by the philosophy hat students are responsible for their own survival and relate to their experiences in the same way that other adults relate to their environment…

  41. While functioning relatively well for [many] services, it is not functioning well in the campus environment for the delivery of academic assistance services. Earl, 1987

  42. Need for Information Changing Environment & Changing Students1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th, 5th, 6th Year Changing Needs for Advising Need for Consultation Moving In Moving Through Moving On I I/S I/S S/I S I = Faculty, advisors, etc. S = Student PRESCRIPTIVE DEVELOPMENTAL Lynch, 1989;Brown& Rivas, 1994; Creamer, 2000; Brown, 2006

  43. HIERARCHY OF ADVISINGA framework for academic advising

  44. Student Expectation of Advisors

  45. Using Active Outreach Advising with Specific Student Cohorts:Some examples

  46. Adult students often “recycle” through developmental issues faced by younger students.Chickering and Reisser, 1993

  47. 40% of first-generation students leave college without a degree….they are more likely to come from low income families. US Department of Education, 2005

  48. Students with disabilities are far less likely to finish high school or college, far more likely to be unemployed, and, when they find work, to be paid less than minimum wage…. Johnson, 2006

  49. Undecided StudentsUndecidedness has been linked to low achievement, lack of involvement and attrition. Peterson & McDonough

  50. LGBT StudentsStudents, staff, professors, or administrators who identify as LGBT report significant harassment at their colleges and discomfort with the overall campus climate….Chronicle of Higher Education, 9/14/2010

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