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Flooding in Europe

Flooding in Europe. Reference : PESETA. Impacts in European coastal areas. Impact of adaptation measures on damage due to sea level rise for a high emission scenario. Cost "with" and without ("no") adaptation measures. PESETA Model. 2 – The Kyoto Protocol.

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Flooding in Europe

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  1. Flooding in Europe Reference : PESETA

  2. Impacts in European coastal areas Impact of adaptation measures on damage due to sea level rise for a high emission scenario Cost "with" and without ("no") adaptation measures PESETA Model

  3. 2 – The Kyoto Protocol

  4. The Kyoto instruments The Flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol : • Emissions trading (regional/company level) of GHG (American choice of incentive measures) • Clean development mechanism (cdm) • Joint implementation (ji)

  5. GHG Emissions in the World (2004)...

  6. GHG Emissions by sector In Europe Reference : EEA, European Commission

  7. 3 – The EuropeanTarget Climate Changepolicies

  8. New objectives • Cutting greenhouse gases by at least 20% of 1990 levels (30% if other developed countries commit to comparable cuts) • Increasing use of Renewable (RES) to 20% of total energy production (currently ± 8.5%) & 10% of “clean fuels” • Cutting Energy consumption by 20% of projected 2020 levels (Energy efficiency)

  9. Key measures of European policy • 1°) Reduction of the emissions • Emissions of a few sectors • ETS System • Sustainable Energies : • RES (Renewable Énergies) (and Liberalisation) • Energy Efficiency • Transports • Clean Vehicules • Alternatives to the road and sustainable transports • Aviation • 2°) Communication and Adaptation • 3°) International Negociations

  10. A key priority for EU 1) SDS : Sustainable development Strategy (2001, reformed in 2006) 2) 6th PAE (2002-2012) : Environment Action Plan (4 priorities including climate change) 3) ECCP : European Climate Change Programme (2000) 4) Climate-Energy Package (January 2007)

  11. 4 – The European policies of GHG emissions reduction

  12. a) European commitments in Kyoto : • EU 15 : Collective commitment of cutting combined emissions of GHG to 8% below the 1990 level (preindustrial period) during the 1stperiod of commitment (2008-2012) : • Each MS has got its objective (but free allowances) • New Member States : • Individual objective : cutting GHG of 6 to 8% • None for Cyprus and Malta

  13. Objectives by Member State Contributions of each EU-15 member state to the collective 8% emissions reduction target under the KyotoProtocol EU member states with individual emissions reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol Austria -13% Bulgaria -8% Belgium -7.5% Czech Republic -8% Denmark -21% Estonia -8% Finland 0% Hungary -6% France 0% Latvia -8% Germany -21% Lithuania -8% Greece 25% Poland -6% Ireland 13% Romania -8% Italy -6.5% Slovak Republic -8% Luxembourg -28% Slovenia -8% Netherlands -6% Portugal 27% Spain 15% Sweden 4% United Kingdom -12.5%

  14. b) The European ETS(Emissions Trading Scheme) Directive « Allowances » of 2003 • Came into effect on January 1st 2005 • Limiting emissions of CO2 from 11.500 installations in Europe (from energy-intensive industrial sectors: ciment, glass, ceramics, ..) • Each MS must define NAPs (National Allocation Plans) for the 2005-2007 period and then 2008-2012. (=> settlements and national plafonds) • Companies can use credits from the Kyoto project based mechanisms (CDM & JI)

  15. c) Reform of the ETS system • 1) New objectives to be respected

  16. c) Reform of the system • 2) ETS => allowance by sector non ETS=> allowance by MS • 3) Enlarged to new sectors • Aluminium, ammoniac • Aviation Sector (2006) • Non ETS Sectors : with less emissions (building, agriculture, waste, road transports, small plants) • 4) Principle of Allowances by auctioning => Exceptions for Power Sector and Manufacturing sector • 5) Objective of a Worlwide Carbon Market

  17. Carbon markets in the world

  18. Other elements of the debate : • Competivity and et mondialisation : • Tax on carbon products • Incentive for green products • Integration of maritime transports in the ETS system

  19. c) Other regulations for limitation of emissions of GHG • Regulations on a few individual GHG : • 1991 : Nitrates Directive on reduction of N2O in soils • 1996 : Directive for prevention of emissions from industrial and agricultural installations • 1999 : “Landfill Directive” on reductions of methane emissions from landfills • 2001 : NEC Directive (National Emission Ceilings) • 2006 : Regulation on regulation of fluorinated GHG • Legislation on sustainable Transports • Energy Directives

  20. Clean vehicules • Clean Vehicules Package (1995) : Clean Cars Directive (2000) : Volunteer agreement of car manufacturers on CO2 e emissions of new cars : => half failure => New legislation (2008) : 130g CO2/km on 2012 (obligatory) • Euro 5/6 – Directive on emissions from light duty vehicles (light passenger and commercial vehicles) (2008) • Directive on heavy-duty vehicules for the use of road infrastructures (in process) • Energy taxation Directive (2003) on minimum taxation of mineral oils, coal, natural gas (as motor and heating fuels) and electricity • Quality of fuels Directive on quality of petrol and diesel fuels (1998, reformed in 2008)

  21. Clean transports schemes • White Paper of 2003 (European Transport policy for 2010) : => TEN-T (Motorways of the Sea & Intermodality) since 1994 => MARCO POLO : intermodality (DG TREN) • Research projects : (DG RECHERCHE) • on new energies (hydrogene cells for electric vehicules) • CIVITAS : innovative projects for sustainable Urban transport

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