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Acoustic Wave Equations: Hooke's Law, Newton's Law, and Solutions

This summary covers the concepts of Hooke's Law, Newton's Law, and the Acoustic Wave Equation, including solutions and fundamental properties of acoustic waves. Topics include plane waves, spherical waves, Green's function, dispersion relationships, and more.

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Acoustic Wave Equations: Hooke's Law, Newton's Law, and Solutions

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  1. Summary .. .. P - k r k ] u = P - [ 1. Hooke’s Law: P P = = - U 1 r 2. Newton’s Law: 3. Acoustic Wave Eqn: k c = 2 r .. 2 P c ; P = 2 Constant density assumption Body Force Term + F

  2. Solutions to the Acoustic Wave Equation

  3. Outline • Plane Wave: Dispersion relationship, freq., wavelength, wavenumber, slowness, apparent velocity, apparent wavelength. 2. Spherical Wave. 3. Green’s function, asymptotic Green’s function.

  4. Harmonic Motion: w=2pi/T T = sec/cycle Phase P = Acos(wt) Period Time (s) 1/T=f = cycle/s 2pi/T=w=radians/s

  5. Harmonic Ripples: k=2pi/ Phase P = Acos(kx) Wavenumber Time (s) Wavelength x

  6. Harmonic Ripples: k=2pi/ Phase P = Acos(kx) Time (s) Wavenumber Wavelength x

  7. Plane Wave Solution (1) Phase=O (2) i(kx-wt) P = Ae k 2 2 wavenumber (k - w ) P = 0 angular frequency k = w c = k = w = 2 pi 2 c c 2 r c .. 2 P c ; P = 2 dO = kdx/dt –w =0 dt dx/dt =w/k Faster Velocities = Stiffer Rocks Plug (2) into (1) [class exercise] k & w no longer independent Variables if dx/dt is a constant Dipsersion relation Wavefront = Line of constant phase Wavelength=shortest distance between adjacent peaks

  8. Dispersion Relation w l dx c = = = T k dt This says: a hamonic wave propagates one wavelength in one period

  9. Outline • Plane Wave: Dispersion relationship, freq., wavelength, wavenumber, slowness, 2D apparent velocity, 2D apparent wavelength. 2. Spherical Wave. 3. Green’s function, asymptotic Green’s function.

  10. k*r describes a straight line with k perpendicularto line i(k r - wt) (2) = Ae = |r||k| cos(O) k = constant Any pt along line phase is cnst O k r r z kis perpendicular to wavefront i(k x + k z - wt) P = Ae x z x (x,z)

  11. 2D Plane Wave Solution i(k r - wt) (2) = Ae Equation of a line: k r = cnst k = (k , k ) = |k|(sin , cos ) x z k Phase i(k x + k z - wt) P = Ae x z

  12. 2D Plane Wave Solution = = cosO sinO i(k r - wt) (2) = Ae Equation of a line: k r = cnst k = (k , k ) = |k|(sin , cos ) x z k k = 2pi/|k| z x z Phase i(k x + k z - wt) P = Ae x z

  13. Apparent Velocity dz/dt=apparent V dx/dt=apparent V = = z x x z T T sinO = T z x Time (s)

  14. Examples: dx/dt = v/sinO Examples: dx/dt = v/sinO=v = = O=90 z x Time (s)

  15. Examples: dx/dt = v/sinO = = = O=0 z x Time (s)

  16. Marine Experiment

  17. X (ft) 250 0 0.45 Each arrival type has different apparent x-velocity w/r to x Time (s) Reflection Refraction Direct 0.0 Direct Reflection Refraction

  18. x x 2 2 X (ft) 250 0 0.45 Each arrival type has different apparent x-velocity w/r to x Refraction Time (s) Reflection Direct 0.0 Direct Critical angle Refraction Reflection Or Head Wave

  19. Outline • Plane Wave: Dispersion relationship, freq., wavelength, wavenumber, slowness, apparent velocity, apparent wavelength. 2. Spherical Wave. 3. Green’s function, asymptotic Green’s function.

  20. Recall: Work on a Spring du dW = -Fdu=-kudu W = Fdu spring Work Performed: Mechanical work=amount energy transferred by a force acting through distance W = dW = -k udu = -ku /2 2

  21. Energy of an Acoustic Wave du F=Pdzdy W =- (Pdzdy)du =- PdV 2 = P V W = PdP V k 2 k dy Work Performed: dz Mechanicalwork=amount energy transferred by a force acting through distance dx dW = -(Pdzdy)du = -PdV but dV = -VdP/k Hooke’s Law Energy proportional to amplitude squared

  22. Outline • Plane Wave: Dispersion relationship, freq., wavelength, wavenumber, slowness, apparent velocity, apparent wavelength. 2. Spherical Wave. 3. Green’s function, asymptotic Green’s function.

  23. Spherical Wave in Homogeneous Medium i(k r - wt) (2) Ae satisfies P = r except at origin Geometrical speading Phase change perp. to circles .. 2 2 2 r = x + y + z 1 2 P c P = 2 2 3 4 Ray is traced such that it is always Perpendicular to wavefront r r is distance between pt source and observer at (x,y,z)

  24. Spherical Wave in Homogeneous Medium i(k r - wt) (2) Ae satisfies f = r except at origin Phase change perp. to circles .. 2 f c f = 2 (2) (1) 2 f (3) Class Exercise: Plug (1) into (2), then plug result into (3) to show it is satisfied everywhere except origin

  25. g(x,t |x ,t )= s s o Propagation time { Listening time Listening & source coords. 1 t=|r|/c (t-|r|/c) = 0 |r| ottherwise Geometrical Spreading 2 2 2 |r| = x + y + z Propagation time = c c What is a Green’s Function? Answer: Point Src. Response of Medium Answer: ImpulsePoint Src. Response of Medium

  26. { 2 2 + k [ ] G(A|x) =- (x-A); 1 t-t =|r|/c (t -|r|/c) = s |r| |r| g(x,t|x ,0 ) = s 0 ottherwise Fourier iwr/c e G(x|x ) = s p 4 What is a Green’s Function? Answer: Point Src. Response of Medium Answer: Impulse-Point Src. Response of Medium

  27. { 1 t-t =-|r|/c (t+|r|/c) = s a |r| |r| g(x,t|x ,0 ) = s 0 ottherwise Fourier -iwr/c a e G(x|x ) = s 2 2 + k [ ] G*(A|x) =- (x-A); p 4 What is an Acausal Green’s Function? Answer: Point Src. Response of Medium Answer: Acausal Impulse-Point Src. Response of Medium g(x,-t|x ,0 ) = G(x|x )* =

  28. { Listening time Listening & source coords. 1 t=-|r|/c (t+|r|/c) = 0 |r| ottherwise Geometrical Spreading r t=-1 t=-2 t=-3 2 2 2 |r| = x + y + z Propagation time = c t=-4 c What is an Acausal Green’s Function? Answer: Point Src. Response of Medium Answer: Impulse-Point Src. Response of Medium

  29. { 1 t-t =|r|/c (t -|r|/c) = s |r| |r| |r| |r| g(x,t|x ,0 ) = s 0 ottherwise derivative Fourier ~ d iwr/c e G(x|x ) = iw/c s 2 + O(1/r ) dr n n r iwr/c e G(x|x ) = iw/c s 2 + O(1/r ) What is a Green’s Function? Answer: Point Src. Response of Medium Answer: Impulse-Point Src. Response of Medium ~ iwr/c e G(x|x ) = s Far field approx k

  30. What is a 2D Green’s Function?

  31. Wave in Heterogeneous Medium i(wt - wt) G = Ae satisfies except at origin Geometrical speading w i i i i i i i Total time i Time taken along ray segment .. 1 2 G c G = 2 2 3 4 (2) kr = (kc ) r /c = wt r r i Valid at high w and smooth media

  32. = G(x |x ) s |r| What is Reciprocity? iwr/c e G(x|x ) = s x x s

  33. G(x|x ) = s = G(x |x ) = G(x |x ) s s |r| What is Reciprocity? Interchanging src & rec does not change value of r=|x – x| iwr/c e G(x|x ) = s x x s

  34. g(x,t|x ,ts) g(xs,-ts|x,-t ) = g(x,t-t |x ,0 ) g(x,t-t |x ,0 ) s s s s |r| { 1 t - t=|r|/c (t – t -|r|/c) = s g(x,t|x ,t ) = g(x,t|x ,t ) = s s s s s 0 ottherwise x x s What is Stationarity? Stationarity Reciprocity Observed wave depends on difference between observation and start times, not on absolute start time

  35. a G(B|x) = G(B|x)* 1. g(x,t|x ,ts) g(xs,-ts|x,-t ) = g(x,t-t |x ,0 ) s s i(wt - wt) G(B|x) = 2. Ae G(x|x ) = G(x |x ) s Bx s g(x,t|x ,t ) = s s x x 3. s x x s = Summary Causal & Acausal GF Source vs Sink Heterogeneous Hi-freq. Green’s function Reciprocity 4. Stationarity s

  36. Exercises

  37. Define Ricker and model variables Modeling MATLAB Exercise % twod.m computes forward model of 2-layer model and % % --^----x-----------A------------B------ % | % d v1 % | % -v------------------------------------ % % v2 % % Define 2-layer model: % d - input - depth of layer % (v1,v2) - input- velocities top/bottom layers % (dx, L) - input- src-geo (interval, recording aperture) %(np,fr,dt) –input -(# pts wavelet, peak frequency, time interval) clear all % Model input variables v1=1.0;v2=2.0;d=.2725;L=1;dx=.005;x=[0:dx:L];nx=round(length(x)); np=100;dt=.006;fr=15; % Define Ricker Wavelet [rick]=ricker(np,dt,fr); % Compute synthetic seismograms 2-Layer model figure(1);[seismo,ntime]=forward(v1,v2,dx,nx,d,dt,np,rick,x,fr); % Correlate G(A|x) and G(B|x) and sum over x % to get G(A|B) figure(2);A=round(nx/3);B=round(nx/2); [GABT,GAB,peak]=corrsum(ntime,seismo,A,B,rick,nx);

  38. Loop over srcs Loop over recs Compute traveltimes of primaries & multiples Seismogram calculation MATLAB Exercise function [seismo,ntime]=forward(v1,v2,dx,nx,d,dt,np,rick,x,fr) r=(v2-v1)/(v2+v1);r1=r*r;r2=r1*r; for ixs=1:nx % Loop over sources xs=(ixs-1)*dx; t=round(sqrt((xs-x).^2+(2*d)^2)/v1/dt)+1; %Primary Time t1=round(sqrt((xs-x).^2+(4*d)^2)/v1/dt)+1; %1st Multiple Time t2=round(sqrt((xs-x).^2+(6*d)^2)/v1/dt)+1; %2nd Multiple Time s=zeros(nx,ntime); for i=1:nx; % Loop over recievers s(i,round(t(i)))=r/t(i); %Primary s(i,round(t1(i)))=-r1/t1(i); % 1st-order Multiple s(i,round(t2(i)))=r2/t2(i); % 2nd-order Multiple ss=conv(s(i,:),rick); % Convolve Ricker & Trace s(i,:)=ss(1:ntime); % Synthetic Seismograms seismo(ixs,i,1:ntime)=ss(1:ntime); end c=seismo(ixs,:,:);c=reshape(c,nx,ntime); imagesc([1:nx]*dx,[1:ntime]*dt,c');xlabel('X(km)');ylabel('Time (s)') title('Shot Gather for Two-Layer Model') pause(.1) end Display CSG

  39. Summary t Period

  40. Summary 1. V = T k 2. k=|k|(sin O, cos O) i(kx-wt) P = Ae O k = r Wave motion Rock stress-strain ; = = z x cos O sin O ; V = V = x z x z T T

  41. x 2 Summary p Slowness Vector 3. k=|k|(sin O, cos O) = p w w 4. Geophone sampling: Avoid Spatial aliasing X < x 2 1/c P ~ ikP implies particle motion || propagation direction Geophone sampling interval

  42. Spherical Wave in Homogeneous Medium i(k r - wt) (2) Ae satisfies f = r except at origin Phase change perp. to circles .. 2 f c f = 2 (2) (1) 2 f (3) Class Exercise: Plug (1) into (2), then plug result into (3) to show it is satisfied everywhere except origin

  43. x x 2 2 250 Eyeball estimation Apparent Velocity 0 0.45 Each arrival type has different apparent x-velocity w/r to x Refraction Time (s) Reflection Direct 0.0 Direct Critical angle Refraction Reflection Or Head Wave

  44. Summary t =c =c t dx/dt =2w/2k dx/dt = w/k x x w w/k=c k Dispersionless medium c independent w Typically true for body waves at seismic w t Implication: Wavelet shape not distorted as wave propagates x 5. Dispersionless velocity: c = w/k = group velocity = dx/dt

  45. Summary t =c dx/dt = w/k x dispersion: group dw/dk = phase c w No dispersion: group dw/dk = phase c w dw/dk = c(w) = w/k dw/dk = c(w) = w/k k k Warning: Attenuation destroys high frequencies at large offsets and so wavelet shape distorted. This is not dispersion. In practice w vs k curves by FFT d(x,t). Can be Used to get shear velocity distribution for statics. dw(k )/dk = dw(k )/dk 2 1 6. Dispersion phase velocity: c(w) = w/k(w) w=4pi/T w=2p/T dx/dt =2w/k(2w) t =c(w) x Group velocity dw/dk not equal phase velocity w/k Typically true for surface waves at seismic w cone t Implication: Wavelet shape distorted w/r x x

  46. Summary t =c dx/dt = w/k x 6. Dispersion phase velocity: c(w) = w/k(w) w=4pi/T w=2p/T dx/dt =2w/k(2w) t =c(w) x

  47. data 0 Time (s) 2.0 Receiver (m) 0 3600 The original data from Saudi cone

  48. 0 0 Time (s) Time (s) 2.0 2.0 Receiver (m) 0 Receiver (m) 0 3600 3600 The removed: F-K VS NLF+Interferometry

  49. 0 0 Time (s) Time (s) 4.0 4.0 0 0 Receiver (m) 5000 Receiver (m) 5000 Line12 before & after removing surface waves

  50. 0 0 Time (s) Time (s) 2.0 2.0 Receiver (m) 0 Receiver (m) 0 3600 3600 Data from Saudi reflections reflections reflections Surface wave cone

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