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The LGBTQQIA-XYZ Alphabet CM Hall, Ed.M.

The LGBTQQIA-XYZ Alphabet CM Hall, Ed.M. LGBTQQIA-XYZ…?!. L G B T Q Q I A. Who I Am. Trainer for the GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) I lead Train the Trainers on LGBT Educational Programming at Western Oregon University for our Safe Zone

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The LGBTQQIA-XYZ Alphabet CM Hall, Ed.M.

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  1. The LGBTQQIA-XYZ Alphabet CM Hall, Ed.M.

  2. LGBTQQIA-XYZ…?! • L • G • B • T • Q • Q • I • A

  3. Who I Am • Trainer for the GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) • I lead Train the Trainers on LGBT Educational Programming at Western Oregon University for our Safe Zone • Worked for pay and as volunteer on LGBT political and equality issues professionally for 20 years in Oregon and nationally. • Volunteered in LGBT community as an interpreter at Pride and community events for 20 years • I love this topic area. This is my passion.

  4. Shared Understandings • We all are here to share information. • Hopefully, this will helpful and useful to you in your Human Sexuality studies (and life!) • High value of respect in communication and questions. • This is a safe, non-judgmental environment to ask any and all questions. Audience participation is welcomed! • Some of you may be versed in this topic area, please contribute as it pertains. • No one’s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression will be assumed. • There is fluidity around sexual and gender identity and expression. • Every person is entitled to love, understanding, support, dignity, and respect.

  5. Q & A Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about LGBTQQIA issues, sexual orientation and gender identity! Please all write a question to turn in something. If you have no questions, turn in something that says “no questions.”

  6. Sexuality—and LGBTQQIA Terms Goals for today: • Education on the proper use of these sexual orientation, gender identity and expression-related terms • Gain sensitivity in how these terms can be used to inflict distress or empower • Invite you to learn more and come to a Safe Zone Ally Training Session

  7. Terminology

  8. Terms Related to Sexual Orientation

  9. Sexual Orientation An enduring physical, romantic, emotional, and/or relational attraction to another person; may be a same-sex orientation, different-sex orientation, or bisexual orientation.

  10. GLBTQ Acronym used to describe people of a non-heterosexual orientation. Implies inclusivity to people of all gender and sexual orientations. LGBT GLBT LGBTQ…

  11. Heterosexual/Straight The adjective used to describe people whose enduring physical, romantic, emotional, and/or spiritual attractions are to people of the “opposite” sex.

  12. Gay An adjective used to describe a person whose enduring physical, romantic, emotional and/or relational attractions are to people of the same sex. In addition, term used to describe anyone with a homosexual or bisexual orientation, regardless of whether a man or woman.

  13. Lesbian Refers to a woman whose enduring physical, romantic, emotional, and/or relational attractions are to other women.

  14. Bisexual A person who is physically, romantically, emotionally and/or relationally attracted to both men and women, though not necessarily simultaneously; they may not be equally attracted to both sexes.

  15. Pansexual Defined as someone who is attracted to other people regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. Essentially, they mention “falling in love with a person” or being “gender blind”. “hearts, not parts”

  16. Asexual Person who does not experience sexual attraction. Each asexual person experiences things like relationships, attraction, and arousal somewhat differently.  www.asexuality.org

  17. Queer Term used by some GLBTQ people to refer to anyone whose sexual orientation, gender identity or expression is not “standard” in society. Synonym for gay. Traditionally was a slur reclaimed by many in the GLBTQ community.

  18. Same-Gender Loving Some prefer to use this term instead of lesbian or gay to express attraction to and love of people of the same gender.

  19. Homophobia The fear, hatred of, or discomfort with people who love and are sexually attracted to members of the same sex.

  20. Biphobia The fear of bisexuals, often based on inaccurate stereotypes, including associations with infidelity, promiscuity, and transmission of sexual transmitted diseases.

  21. Break! 5 minutes

  22. Terms Related to Gender Identity and Expression

  23. Biological Sex The classification of people as male or female. Determined by our chromosomes (XX for females, XY for males); our hormones (estrogen/progesterone for females, testosterone for males); and our internal and external genitalia (vulva, clitoris, vagina for females; penis and testicles for males).

  24. Gender Identity Refers to a person’s innate, deeply felt psychological sense of gender, which may or may not correspond to the person’s assigned sex at birth.

  25. Gender Expression Refers to all of a person’s external characteristics and behaviors – such as dress, grooming, mannerisms, speech patterns, and social interactions – socially identified with a particular gender.

  26. Gender Role Set of socially-defined roles and behaviors assigned to females or males. Can vary from culture to culture in society. Often described in terms of masculinity or femininity.

  27. Transgender Used as an umbrella term for people who experience and/or express gender differently from what others might expect based on the sex they were assigned at birth. Their sex at birth is different than who they know they are on the inside. “It’s what’s between your ears, not between your legs.” This includes people who are transsexual, cross-dressers, or otherwise are gender non-conforming. These people may identify as: trans man, trans woman, genderqueer, bigender, androgynous, or gender variant.

  28. Trans* Inclusive term to refer to anyone who is transsexual, transgender, or intersexed. Transgender people may be straight, lesbian, gay, or bi/pansexual.

  29. Cisgender/”Cis” A neologism meaning "not transgender," that is, having a gender identity or performing in a gender role that society considers appropriate for one's sex. A match between an individual's gender identity and the behavior or role considered appropriate for one’s sex. Someone who is comfortable in the gender they were assigned to at birth. “cis” in Latin: “on the same side as”

  30. Common Third-Gender or Gender Neutral Pronouns ze, zie, zir, hys, hir, per, they Pronouns used in the trans community instead of “he/she” or “him/her”. These invented pronouns offer inclusion and accuracy for someone who doesn’t identify by the male/female gender classifications.

  31. Transsexual A term referring to a transgender person who changes their physical and/or legal sex to better conform to their internal sense of gender identity. The term can also be used to describe transgender people who, without undergoing medical treatment, identify and live their lives as a member of the gender opposite that which conforms to their sex assigned at birth.

  32. Cross Dresser A person who occasionally wears clothes and/or makeup and accessories traditionally associated with people of a different gender. This person is usually comfortable with the sex they were assigned at birth and do not wish to change it. who generally have no intention or desire to change their anatomical sex. Cross-dressing is more often associated with heterosexual men, is more often engaged in on an occasional basis, and is not necessarily reflective of sexual orientation or gender identity.

  33. Transphobia The systematic oppression, irrational fear or discomfort with people who do not fit societal expectations or who do not conform to cultural gender norms. Sometimes manifested through ignoring or invalidating the existence of trans people, stereotyping and hate crimes ranging from verbal harassment to assault, rape and murder.

  34. Stats on Trans Folks • Between ¼ and 1% of the population is transgendered. • Over 50% of anti-LGBT homicides are committed against trans women • 29% of trans people have been raped or assaulted by someone known to them. • 48% of trans people have been raped or assaulted more than once in their lifetime. • 82% of trans people do not report their abuse/sexual assault(s) to the police.

  35. Intersex People born with with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male. They exhibit varying degrees of the biological aspects of both biological males and biological females. Often “assigned” a male or female identity at birth that may not correspond with identities later in life. www.isna.org

  36. Two-Spirit General term used for some Native Americans who are transgendered and highly regarded in a tribe. Often given special status such as a medicine man/woman. Cultural belief that these individuals are privileged to house both male and female spirits in their bodies. Two-spirited beings were given gift of seeing two perspectives at the same time and were revered as leaders, mediators, teachers, artists, seers, and spiritual guides.

  37. Here’s one more way to understand it… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXAoG8vAyzI&feature=player_embedded

  38. Terms that can inflict distress or be offensive, or are outdated

  39. Homosexual The term is an outdated clinical term considered derogatory and offensive by many gay people. Gay and/or lesbian are more commonly accepted terms to describe people who are attracted to members of the same sex.

  40. Lifestyle Term used by people to describe how GLBTQ people live their lives. Viewed negatively because it trivializes the complexities of individual experience and implies sexual orientation as a choice.

  41. Sexual Preference Derogatory phrase referring to one’s sexual orientation and implies a choice in a person’s fundamental attraction.

  42. Transvestite Out-of-date term for someone who chooses to dress in clothing assigned to a different gender.

  43. Terms used in relation to the GLBTQQ community

  44. Questioning Refers to people who are uncertain, self-analyzing their sexual orientation or gender identity. Part of the process of identity development.

  45. Closet Place where GLBTQ people figuratively hide their sexual orientation or gender identity from others

  46. Outing Revealing other person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, especially a person in the GLBTQ community

  47. D/L or Down Low Label adopted by some African-American and Latino men who seek same sex relations, but do not necessarily identify as gay or bisexual

  48. Internalized Homophobia Refers to the self-identification of societal stereotypes by lesbian, gay, and bisexual people, causing them to dislike and resent their sexual orientation.

  49. Heterosexism Overt or tacit bias or assumption of superiority in society of heterosexuals or heterosexual behavior. Disbelief that sexual orientation is innate. Assumption that all people are heterosexual in society Observations on the questionnaire?

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