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5 Misconceptions To Avoid When Opting For Mobile Commerce

Mobile commerce possesses a big chunk of total retail ecommerce traffic, which amounts at a guess to almost 30% in US online retail market. This is the number observed in the study of online commerce of last 3 months.

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5 Misconceptions To Avoid When Opting For Mobile Commerce

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  1. 5 Misconceptions To Avoid When Opting For Mobile Commerce

  2. Mobile commerce possesses a big chunk of total retail ecommerce traffic, which amounts at a guess to almost 30% in US online retail market. This is the number observed in the study of online commerce of last 3 months. There is one more trend that customers registered as they shop around using online stores. Nearly, 40% of total sales through digital means were done using cross-device mode. This goes to say that consumers relied on more than one device through their shopping spree. So now that mobile has become the definition of host for digital services, we have narrated below some widely accepted prejudices and delusions about mobile commerceand ways to utilize the power of digital devices to enhance your business.

  3. Mobile Is An Optional Instrument Mobiles and all other compact digital devices are growing to become the main source of quick information and answers to the curious questions of users. Shoppers don’t take them as optional device, as just another channel to resolve their problems. They conjure internet services and choose their most favorite or available device to access the details of whatever they need to know or buy. Mobile plays an epic role in making the customer’s journey happy, delightful and fulfilling. Interacting with multiple screens or adopting multiple digital devices to search, compare, analyze and finally purchase an item has now become almost next to common. According to Criteo’s statistics, nearly 68% of shoppers make use of multiple devices to buy a product, at least half of the time they shop online. Mobile is an instrumental in bridging the gap between the physical world of buyers and the digital world of products and services, establishing a poised connection between customers and product details, content, pricing, offers and other essential influencers.

  4. Mobile Experience Is More Like A Minimalism Of Desktop Although mobile has made things easy for those who like to take their world wherever they go, it might be a little bit of exaggerated belief to say that mobile experienced is minimalist approach and digital transformation of Desktop version. The navigational and functional aspects of mobile version are different from that you enjoy on the Desktop. What you get to view on mobile is independent of desktop content and hence while designing the mobile UX, ease of usability and navigation are considered. When you change something in your desktop website, it does not get reflected on the mobile site.

  5. Mobile Is The Lifestyle Device For Young Minds This is a critically observed myth that belies the actual fact. While it is true that youngsters are among those fanatics always stuck greedily to their mobile devices and apps, the demographic trends are not just limited to people of limited age group. Teenagers prefer technology a lot, but the people aged between 46-54 are deemed fastest growing mobile users today. So this is one of the major misconceptions for businesses that think mobile commerce is only for the lavish 20-something people that do not integrate seniors and other target demographics.

  6. Tablets Are Just A Bigger Form Of Smartphones Tablets fall somewhere between the smartphone experience and desktop one with much more convenience and ease than offered by mobile screen. Users can have a better viewing experience and ease of exploring different parts of the website. Tablets can cleverly reduce the hugeness of the desktop’s regular site to the optimal size where customers can have the opportunity to analyze the content more effectively. So ignoring the importance of tablets as inevitable digital device can lead to loss of prospect customers.

  7. Mobile Is Still An Infant In Online Transactions This might be a terrible thought to harbor under the given standards of the time, that mobile is still toddling in the far-grown world of online engagement. Mobile optimized websites and mobile friendly apps are no longer a big dream. So investing only in desktop oriented websites will not be a great approach matching with modern expectations of digital customers. Customers want to see you evolve in your efforts to provide them customized, optimized and personalized services; they want you to change the status quo and enrich the customer journey with digital experience. This is why having a viable mobile web development strategy is quite important to businesses looking to reach and influence the maximum customers around the globe. Originally published at: http://bit.ly/1YlyucN

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