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Chapter 6 Section 1

Chapter 6 Section 1. Romans create a Republic. Roman Legends. Home of Romulus and Remus. According to Roman legend Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus who were the sons of the god Mars and a Latin Princess. They were abandoned at the Tiber River and raised by a she-wolf. 1. The Reality.

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Chapter 6 Section 1

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  1. Chapter 6 Section 1 Romans create a Republic

  2. Roman Legends Home of Romulus and Remus • According to Roman legend Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus who were the sons of the god Mars and a Latin Princess. • They were abandoned at the Tiber River and raised by a she-wolf.

  3. 1. The Reality • Rome was actually settled because of its strategic location and the availability of good soil.

  4. Groups that settled the Area • Latins: were shepherds and farmers who built small settlements or huts on top of Palatine Hill. • Greeks: Established about 50 colonies across S. Italy and Sicily and brought Greek Civilization to all of Italy. They also taught Romans how to grow olives and grapes. • Etruscans: Native to N. Italy. Romans adopted their alphabet and began to use the arch in their architecture.

  5. Religion • Romans borrowed religious ideas from Greeks. • They changed the names of Greek gods and used Etruscan rituals to win favor from the gods.

  6. 2. Etruscan influence • 600 B.C. an Etruscan became King. • Under this King Rome grew to a city almost 500 square miles. • The Valley below Paletine Hill was drained and would later become the Forum. • The King ordered the first temples and public buildings built. • Adopted their alphabet, the use of the arch, and religious ideas.

  7. Roman Republic • 509 B.C. aristocrats overthrew the Etruscan King and vowed to put to death anyone who tried to become king again. • They established a Republic in place of the monarchy. • Form of government where power rests in the hands of the people, who have the right to select their own leaders. • Only free-born males allowed the right to vote.

  8. 3. Balance of Power • During the days of the early Republic there was fighting over power between the Patricians and Plebeians. • Patricians: aristocratic landowners that held most of the power. They believed they inherited the right to govern. • Plebeians: common farmers, merchants and artisans who made up most of the population. They were not allowed to hold the highest government offices but were eventually allowed to form tribunes. • Tribunes help to protect the rights of the people.

  9. 4. Twelve Tables • 451 B.C. a group of 10 officials began writing down the Roman laws to prevent the Patricians from interpreting them to suit their own needs.

  10. New Type of Rule • Rome had 2 consuls put in place to rule. • Could only hold office for 1 year and could not be elected again for 10 years. • Each had the power to veto the other’s decision

  11. Senate Senate House • The aristocratic branch. • 300 Members (1st aristocrats then later plebeians) • Performed legislative and administrative functions. • Provided stability for the government because members held their position for life.

  12. Dictator • Leader with absolute power. • In times of crisis the Senate had the power to appoint a dictator to rule.

  13. Roman Legions • All Roman citizens were required to serve in the army. • Legions: large military units made up of 5,000 armed foot soldiers that could work together as one unit or separately as needed.

  14. 5.Rise and Fall of Rome • By the 4th century Rome dominated the Italian Peninsula. • In 390 B.C. the Gauls invaded and sacked Rome. • To reestablish control the Romans rebuilt the city and subdued one rival after another until all were gone. • By 265 B.C Rome controlled all of Italy but the Po River Valley.

  15. 6. Punic Wars • Began in 264 B.C. between Carthage and Rome. • Lasted from 264-146 B.C. • 1st war: was fought for control of Sicily and the western Mediterranean.

  16. Punic Wars cont. • 2nd war: began in 218 B.C. • Carthaginian mastermind was Hannibal • Crossed the Alps into France with 50,000 infantry, 9,000 cavalry and 60 elephants. • Most died in the trek across the Alps. • Fought up and down the Italian Peninsula for 10 years.

  17. 7. Second Punic War • The Roman general Scipio was the first to figure out a way to stop Hannibal. • He attacked Carthage and forced Hannibal to go home to protect the city.

  18. 8. 3rdPunic War • 146 B.C. Rome set fire to Carthage and sold all its residents into slavery. • The territory was made into a province of Africa. • Because Rome won the Punic wars they controlled all of the western Mediterranean.

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