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“Original Sin”

“Original Sin”. Strict sense: we make a distinction… Peccatum originale originatum – actual sinful situation into which we are born with the inner affect of disordered desires we all experience within us…

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“Original Sin”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Original Sin” Strict sense: we make a distinction… • Peccatumoriginaleoriginatum – actual sinful situation into which we are born with the inner affect of disordered desires we all experience within us… • Peccatumorginaleoriginans – first “originating sin” which brought evil and brokenness into the world

  2. Important Magisterial teachings In every person, there exists a true and proper sin (=original sin originatum), which is distinct from personal sins

  3. Important Magisterial teachings The Grace of Christ really frees man from original sin originatum

  4. Important Magisterial teachings OS originatum is linked to Adam’s sin (=OS Originans); The Magisterium speaks of “generation” to describe this relation

  5. Essential biblical assertions “Jesus Christ is the foundation and heart of creation”

  6. Essential biblical assertions “Jesus Christ is the true and only conqueror of sin, in all its forms”

  7. Essential biblical assertions “Universal sinfulness appeared from the beginning and has been further enhanced by personal sins committed by man in history”

  8. Original Sin Originatum Original Sin Originatum Original Sin Originatum

  9. Original Sin Originatum What is it? “State of alienation from God”

  10. Original Sin Originatum What is it? “it is the condition of sin in which man – individually and communally – actually finds himself entangled, because of sins committed by men from the very beginning to the present”

  11. Original Sin Originatum What is it? Man is naturally involved in this state of sin

  12. Original Sin Originatum What is it? This is overcome through baptism but it can also be re-actualized or revived through personal sins

  13. Original Sin Originatum What is it? • It is present in the baptized • not in itself, but in its effects, • so that every baptized is influenced by two opposite • yet unequal forces Next

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