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Module 7 Review Questions

Module 7 Review Questions. 1. How many drinks does it take to affect driving ability ? 2. What are 3 reasons teens give for drinking alcohol ? 3. Alcohol is what type of drug ? 4. Define the term tolerance . 5. Define the term drug.

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Module 7 Review Questions

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  1. Module 7 Review Questions

  2. 1. How many drinks does it take to affect driving ability? 2. What are 3 reasons teens give for drinking alcohol? 3. Alcohol is what type of drug? 4. Define the term tolerance. 5. Define the term drug.

  3. 6. What type of drugs can affect driving ability? 7. What is the trigger for aggressive driving? 8. What is the cause of Circadian Rhythm Fatigue? 9. What type of a drinker is most often arrested for DUI? 10. What factors affect BAC levels in females?

  4. 11. What factors affect BAC levels in males? 12. How does body weight affect BAC levels? 13. ½ of the proof of a drink determines what? 14. How does alcohol affect vision? 15. .02 BAC is a legal threshold for what?

  5. .08 BAC is a legal threshold for what? • Define BAC 18. 90% of alcohol consumed is processed through what organ in the body? 19. 10% of alcohol consumed is processed how? 20. How much alcohol is considered a drink?

  6. 21. What is the only way to sober up after drinking alcohol? 22. Why do some people choose NOT to drink? 23. How long does it take the body to eliminate .015 BAC? 24. What organs are affected by alcohol consumption? 25. The #2 leading drug involved in DUI crashes is what drug? 26. What 2 factors contribute to determining the amount of alcohol in a drink?

  7. 27. What is the Zero Tolerance Law 28. What is the Implied Consent Law? 29. What are some signs of an aggressive driver? 30. What is Road Rage?

  8. Almost Done!! 31. List 3 signs that a driver is an aggressive driver 32. What are the three types of Road Rage? 33. What is one safe strategy for dealing with an aggressive driver? 34. Define fatigue. 35. List 3 effects of marijuana on the driving task.

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