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Sexualisation of children and adolescents through advertising

Sexualisation of children and adolescents through advertising. By Mary Donohoe (9500195YS) and Crystal de Leon (S00040867). The Sexualisation of children facts. Research shows that exposure to sexualised imagery is linked to children’s experience of: increased anxiety Depression

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Sexualisation of children and adolescents through advertising

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  1. Sexualisation of children and adolescents through advertising By Mary Donohoe (9500195YS) and Crystal de Leon (S00040867)

  2. The Sexualisation of children facts Research shows that exposure to sexualised imagery is linked to children’s experience of: • increased anxiety • Depression • low self-esteem • body image problems • eating disorders • self harm • sexually transmitted infections Kids are also becoming sexually active at younger and younger ages. reference: http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/37158.html

  3. High Fashion OR High Risk?You decide… Please watch: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/w_MindBodyResource/10-year-models-grown-high-fashion-high-risk/story?id=14221160

  4. Let children be children Childhood is meant to be a time of playfulness, learning and fun. Children are entitled to develop at their own pace, without pressure from developmentally inappropriate marketing and advertising. Reference: http://www.communities.wa.gov.au/parents/parentingresources/Pages/Sexualisationofchildrenaandyoungpeopleinthemedia.aspx

  5. What image do these toys sell? Please watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwrel&v=Hm15Fd0Vzyc&NR=1

  6. Beauty Pageants or Sexualisation of Children? Is this a result of the sexualisation of children being portrayed in the media?

  7. Harmless Fun? • Please watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83cF1qgwhqw

  8. What about boys? • The 2008 Senate inquiry into the sexualisation of children in the Media stated that “ young people “have the right of innocence and should be allowed to mature at their own rate and not forced upon [sic] by media outlets, advertisers or designers”.” • You would be hard-pressed to find a mother who would put her teenage son in a T-shirt that read: ”I’m a tits man”. Or one who would post a photo of her 16-year-old’s denim-clad bottom, emblazoned with the caption ”Booty shot!” on her blog. So why are parents of boys as young as two doing exactly this? It’s the result, say media experts, of a disturbing new trend: the sexualisation of young boys. Reference: http://collectiveshout.org/2010/10/the-sexualisation-of-boys/ http://www.generationnext.com.au/2010/11/boys-forfeit-their-right-to-innocence-as-sexualisation-takes-hold/

  9. “Fashion's Sexualization of Tweens” Please watch: http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/tween-fashions-criticized-sexy/story?id=12107505

  10. Think • What do the images of these young girls portray to you? • Are children growing up too quickly? • Are tweens ready for this world? • What are the implications?

  11. Other Articles/Clips of interest • Article: http://collectiveshout.org/2010/10/the-sexualisation-of-boys/ • Article: http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/37158.html • Watch: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xph9x0_child-beauty-pageants-copy321_school • Article: http://blog.lib.umn.edu/vanm0049/psy1001section09spring2012/2012/04/toddlers-tiaras-eating-disorders.html

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