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GIMI Tutorial

GIMI Tutorial. GIMI Team GEC 16, Salt Lake City, March 19 th. Overview. Introduction Goals GIMI and ExoGENI , iRODS Tutorial. Introduction. Capable of supporting needs of GENI experimenters and GENI infrastructure operators

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GIMI Tutorial

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  1. GIMITutorial GIMI Team GEC 16, Salt Lake City, March 19th

  2. Overview Introduction Goals GIMI and ExoGENI, iRODS Tutorial

  3. Introduction Capable of supporting needs of GENI experimenters and GENI infrastructure operators Uses OMF/OML and integrated Rule Oriented Data System (iRODS) as its basis Provide libraries to instrument resources, to filter and process measurement flows, and to consume measurement flows Uses the iRODSfor archiving and further processing Will include access control based on accepted GENI policy and authorization mechanisms

  4. Goals • Provide easy-to-use I&M services for experimenters: • deploying slices in GENI on selected types of servers, VMs and racks, WiMAX installation, and sensor networks. • interconnected by various types of network paths • Provide comprehensive infrastructure measurement services for infrastructure operators: • deploying measurement slices on selected types of servers, VMs and racks, and WiMAX installations • interconnected by a various types of network paths In addition • slices established by other infrastructure operators, or by experimenters, can be authorized to gather data from the measurement slices

  5. Goals • This project operates two persistent services: • the GENI Measurement Data Archive Service (i.e., iRODs) and • the GENI Experimenter Portal Service

  6. GIMI and ExoGENI • GIMI and ExoGENI integration: • ExoGENI image with GIMI tools publicly available • Process to automatically set up measurement while acquiring resources • Client tools in GIMI user workspace • Will be major part of today’s tutorial

  7. GIMI and iRODS Measurement data is automatically stored in iRODS by OML server Metadata is automatically added and can be manually augmented Users can store and retrieve measurement data in iRODS iRODS client in GIMI user workspace

  8. Tutorial Persistent Server emmy9 OML Server AM XMPP Server iRODS IREEL Tutorial VM User Workspace EC NodeB NodeC NodeE NodeA NodeD RC RC RC RC RC ML ML ML ML ML Visualization iRODS Client

  9. Tutorial Persistent Server emmy9 OML Server AM XMPP Server iRODS IREEL Tutorial VM User Workspace EC Visualization iRODS Client

  10. Experiment Topology BBN

  11. XMPP Messaging emmy9 NodeA NodeB OML Server RC ML RC ML AM NodeC XMPP Server iRODS RC ML Labwiki User Workspace EC Visualization iRODS Client

  12. EC/RC Messaging emmy9 NodeA NodeB OML Server RC ML RC ML AM NodeC XMPP Server iRODS RC ML Labwiki User Workspace EC Visualization iRODS Client

  13. Data Collection emmy9 NodeA NodeB OML Server RC ML RC ML AM NodeC XMPP Server iRODS RC ML Labwiki User Workspace EC Visualization iRODS Client

  14. Trema Full-Stack OpenFlow Framework in Ruby and C Easy to use Labwiki, OMF also in Ruby Run controller on fixed node or ExoGENI VM

  15. Data Collection emmy9 NodeA NodeB OML Server RC ML RC ML AM NodeC XMPP Server iRODS RC ML Labwiki User Workspace EC Visualization iRODS Client OpenFlow

  16. Links • Tutorials • http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/GIMI-GEC16-Tutorials/GIMI-GEC16-TutorialA • http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/GIMI-GEC16-Tutorials/GIMI-GEC16-TutorialB • Videos: • http://emmy9.casa.umass.edu/GEC16-GIMI-Tutorial/Flukes-OF-gec16.mp4 • http://emmy9.casa.umass.edu/GEC16-GIMI-Tutorial/Flukes-OF-gec16-part2.mp4 • http://emmy9.casa.umass.edu/GEC16-GIMI-Tutorial/Labwiki-gec15.mp4

  17. Feedback http://tinyurl.com/GEC16-Tut-Feedback

  18. Thank YouQuestions?

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