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Tom Sawyer Jeopardy!!! (Cheer)

Tom Sawyer Jeopardy!!! (Cheer). By Anjana and Olivia . Vocab #1. Vocab #2. 100. 100. 200. 200. 300. 300. 400. 400. 500. Vocab #1- 100!. Marked by conspicuous religiosity… Furlough Pious Insidious Umbrella. B. Pious . Vocab #1- 200!. Turbulent or stormy… Harley-Davidson

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Tom Sawyer Jeopardy!!! (Cheer)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tom Sawyer Jeopardy!!! (Cheer) By Anjana and Olivia

  2. Vocab #1 Vocab #2 100 100 200 200 300 300 400 400 500

  3. Vocab #1- 100! Marked by conspicuous religiosity… • Furlough • Pious • Insidious • Umbrella

  4. B. Pious

  5. Vocab #1- 200! Turbulent or stormy… • Harley-Davidson • Vestige • Tempestuous • Votary

  6. C. Tempestuous

  7. Vocab #1- 300! An earned reward or wage… A. Spectrum B. Philtrum C. Snollygoster D. Meed

  8. D. Meed

  9. Vocab #1- 400! **DAILY DOUBLE** Exceeding usual limits… A. Supersede B. Athwart C. Goulash D. Transcendent

  10. D. Transcendent!!!! You just scored the highest points! (OR NOT)

  11. Vocab #1- 500! Given to or spent in enjoyment of luxury/ pleasure… A. Amiable B. Effigy C. Voluptuous D. Parter

  12. C. Voluptuous

  13. Vocab #2- 100! Someone who studies the conformation of the skull based on the belief that it is indicative of mental faculties and character… • Phrenologist • Ke$ha • Archaeologist • Frontologist

  14. A. Phrenologist

  15. Vocab #2- 200! An instrument (as a flat piece of wood like a ruler) used to punish children; school discipline… A. Omphaloskepsis B. Ferule C. Volunteer D. Big pointy stick

  16. B. Ferule

  17. Vocab #2- 300! • A private conversation… • Tête • Kasson • Dialogue • Defenestration

  18. Tête

  19. Vocab #2- 400! • A devoted admirer… A. Woodluck B. Votary C. Harper D. Philtrum

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