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Practical Ideas On How To Earn Money Freelance Writing For The Pc Gaming Industr

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Practical Ideas On How To Earn Money Freelance Writing For The Pc Gaming Industr

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  1. An Interview with BRIAN KONRADT, author of Freelance Online poker Writing: Practical Ideas On How to Make Money Writing for the Pc Gaming Industry Q: Inform us about your book BRIAN: Freelance Texas Hold'em Writing is the first book showing freelance writers tips on how to earn money writing for the video gaming sector. Q: So it's not simply writing about online poker? BRIAN: No, it's writing for the gaming industry as a whole. This includes all sorts of casino-style video games. I focus extra on casino poker in my book because it is the most prominent game as well as writers make even more money covering online poker and also the influences of poker. Q: Inform us concerning your writing career. BRIAN: I've been an expert freelance writer because 1992. I've written for lots of publications and business in several sectors. I am generally knowledgeable as a copywriter, since the majority of my clients were firms and also advertising agency that hired me to write their marketing materials. I have actually been reporting on brand-new trends in freelance writing since 1998. I don't do much freelance writing for clients any longer since in the last ten years I have actually branched out right into various other areas. You can review my writing occupation at my web site, www.BusyEntrepreneur.com. Q: Ways in which did you generate the suggestion for your book? BRIAN: I became addicted to Texas Hold 'em when The Travel Channel began broadcasting texas hold'em events on TV. I then started playing texas hold'em for enjoyable and also came to be much more addicted. My casino poker addiction led me to investigate even more regarding poker as well as the gaming market. During my research study I satisfied freelance writers that were generating income in this growth market. I wanted practical ideas on how they barged in and also what it resembled freelancing in this industry. I intended to tell their tale. This is what offered me the concept for my book. Q: What was the writing process like? BRIAN: It took me near seven months to complete my book. I invested a lot of time investigating the sector and also speaking with writers and also poker players. Due to the fact that I run my own service during the day, I composed this book in my downtime. Q: What challenges did you encounter when writing your book? BRIAN: Obtaining a few of the information as well as facts deal with was tough, specifically discussing the gaming legislations. Interpretations of a few of the video gaming laws conflict with each other as well as do not make good sense totally, depending on who is analyzing the legislation. Q: Who developed your book cover and also web site at FreelancePokerWriting.com?

  2. BRIAN: I did. I enjoy graphic design as much as I enjoy writing. The two skills go hand-in-hand with me. I discovered a long period of time ago if you supply both solutions to business clients-- writing and graphic design- - you can make a lot more cash. The skills I had created from my freelance career made writing and making my book a great deal much easier. I likewise have two negative traits that operate in my favor: I am a control fanatic as well as I have a (less than) zero focus period. I appreciate controlling all elements of a task (writing, editing and enhancing, developing, publishing, and also marketing) in addition to juggling numerous other projects throughout the day. I obtain bored extremely quickly, so remaining active creatively is my treatment. Q: Can you make a living writing for online poker magazines? BRIAN: You can make some cash, but do not quit your day work right now. Online poker magazines (the ones on the newsstand) don't pay high rates. Typical rates are between.10 and also.15 cents per word. Developed freelance texas hold'em writers make between.35 as well as.65 cents per word. Unless you are a writer with many clips and lots of experience, it is extremely affordable writing strictly for casino poker publications. Poker trade magazines, on the other hand, do pay more and also are less competitive, but this requires you to understand business sides of gaming. Numerous writers look outside the scope of texas hold'em magazines to other publications that cover subjects pertaining to texas hold'em and also video gaming; these consist of magazines on ladies's problems, guys's issues, way of life, sports, wagering, pc gaming, innovation, traveling, entertainment, legislation and so forth. Several writers do make a living writing for these magazines. Pay rates are a lot greater, up to $1 per word and also in some cases a lot more. Q: What various other writing jobs exist for poker and also gaming writers? BRIAN: Event coverage, such as WSOP as well as WPT; Search Engine Optimization writing (writing search engine optimization duplicate) for companies and affiliates; copywriting (writing for gambling enterprises, ad agencies, and also video gaming companies); composing books and ebooks; as well as, obviously, publication writing (which includes writing for papers, unique magazines, internet sites, and blog sites). Q: Which pays the most? BRIAN: That depends. Treatment a big event can make you a lot of money since you can create numerous short articles and also news items with unique content as well as meetings. Plus, networking at How to order essay paper events is invaluable. You can nearly guarantee on your own you'll leave with even more writing jobs. Nevertheless, covering a big event requires a great deal of time-- or, must I state, a great deal of non-billable time.

  3. Numerous writers locate that SEO writing pays well. A customer will ask a writer to write 20 articles at 300 words each on a topic (making use of specific key words) for $10 per short article. A knowledgeable Search Engine Optimization writer can whip out these write-ups in less than three hrs. That's $66 a hr. Lots of Search Engine Optimization writing jobs are not for me due to the fact that I write slowly as well as I prefer writing short articles that delight as well as inform visitors. Freelance copywriting in the pc gaming market pays well. The average per hour rate is between $25 as well as $45 per hr with 3 or even more years of relevant experience. Many freelance copywriters secure copywriting gigs from ad agencies in this market. The most prominent writing job, I would certainly need to state, is freelance writing for poker-related magazines, both offline as well as online. Poker and also video gaming cover numerous topics, and also numerous writers market their write-ups to a selection of media electrical outlets. Q: Ways in which do writers break into this sector? BRIAN: I address this question extensively in my book, so I will certainly be short. Some writers start their own blogs. Other writers pitch an article suggestion to an editor. Yes, that's it. No actual big secret. Of course, you need to know your stuff. You can't fake it till you make it in this market. Q: What is the most reliable marketing strategy to publicize your writing services? BRIAN: Online as well as offline social networking is the least pricey as well as generates the very best results to build a loyal audience and also to construct connections with possible customers. Online and also offline social networking includes blogging; networking as well as schmoozing at poker events and also tournaments; taking part in conversation online forums at online poker internet sites and writing-related internet sites; signing up with a writer's association to connect with other participants; creating an individuality profile at MySpace.com; posting informative articles at AssociatedContent.com to create totally free publicity for your solutions; and so on. There are many variants of social media these days, I can not provide whatever. Q: What makes your book special or what includes worth?

  4. BRIAN: That's easy-- the whole premise of the book is special. I feel what includes worth is the interviews with freelance writers and also casino poker gamers. Much of them go to the peak of their careers. They exemplify success in every imaginable way. I was extremely fortunate to choose their minds. All of the writers and also poker gamers I talked to were eager to share their experiences so they could assist various other writers to be successful. Q: What's following for you? BRIAN: I am presently under contract to ghostwrite two books, one on local business financing, and also the other on Online marketing approaches. This ought to maintain me extra active for some time. Thanks for your time.

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