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Cover. CONTENT. Book 2 Unit 5 -. Business Meal. - Text (A). - Text (B). Content-1. Book 2 Unit 5 -. Business Meal. People and issues – Text (A). Text study. Background information. Words and expressions. Text. Looking at the text. Working with words. Listening.

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  1. Cover

  2. CONTENT Book 2 Unit 5 - Business Meal - Text (A) - Text (B)

  3. Content-1 Book 2 Unit 5 - Business Meal People and issues – Text (A) Text study Background information Words and expressions Text Looking at the text Working with words Listening Listening 1 Listening 2

  4. Content-2 Book 2 Unit 5 - Business Meal Personal view – Text (B) Text study Background information Words and expressions Text Looking at the text Working with words Listening Listening 3 Listening 4 Listening 5 Speaking

  5. Brief summary Brief summary of the unit • Topics Skills • The Chinese cuisine • Different Chinese dishes • Differences in culture and etiquette • Western dishes and their names • Understanding a menu • Talking about different meals and occasions • Matching Chinese dishes and their names • Matching Western dishes and their names • Ordering a meal Grammar • Direct and indirect speech Project • Carrying out a survey about eating habits • Presenting the results of the survey • Writing: • Writing a formal invitation • Replying to a formal invitation

  6. Warming up Warming up • What did you have for dinner last night? dinner Useful Expressions • spring roll • fried chicken • rice • hamburger • …

  7. Focus-1 Focus Match the names of the meals to the pictures. (BBQ) barbeque | business lunch | family dinner formal dinner | meal at a Chinese restaurant picnic |snack at a fast food restaurant | TV dinner snack at a fast food restaurant TV dinner formal dinner ____________ ____________ business lunch ____________ ____________

  8. Focus-2 Focus Match the names of the meals to the pictures. (BBQ) barbeque | business lunch | family dinner formal dinner | meal at a Chinese restaurant picnic |snack at a fast food restaurant | TV dinner meal at a Chinese restaurant picnic family dinner (BBQ) barbeque ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

  9. Focus-3 Focus When and with whom would you perhaps take part in them? I would take part in number ___________ with ___________.

  10. Focus-3 Focus Have you taken part in these meals? • Where did you take part in the meal? I took part in the meal in _________________. • With whom did you have the meal? I had the meal with _________________. • What did you eat? I ate _______________. It was _______________ (good/delicious/so-so). • Who prepared the meal? The kitchen chef/My mother/My father _________________.

  11. Background-1 Text study (A) Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text Chinese Cuisine It includes styles originating from the diverse regions of China, plus styles of Chinese people in other parts of the world. The history of Chinese cuisine in China stretches back for thousands of years and has changed from period to period. Over time, techniques and ingredients from the cuisines of other cultures were integrated into the cuisine of the Chinese people.

  12. BI-2 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text Silk Route The Silk Road, or Silk Route, is a series of trade and cultural transmission routes that were central to cultural interaction through regions of the Asian continent. The Silk Road gets its name from the lucrative Chinese silk trade, a major reason for the connection of trade routes into an extensive transcontinental network.

  13. W&E-1 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text n. style of cooking 烹饪 n. something very valuable 财富 v. become fully developed 变成熟 betypical of a person, place, or thing 是……的特征 n. choice挑选,选择 cuisine treasure mature characterize selection

  14. W&E-2 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text n. component part in mixture 成分,原料 adj. very careful about small details 精确的 n. something that gives a special taste 香料,调味品 adj. nourishing food makes you strong and healthy 有营养的  n. area地区 ingredient precise spice nourishing region

  15. W&E-3 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text culinaryadj. relating to cooking 烹饪的  be based on建立在……基础上 geographical adj. relating to geography 地理的 provincen. principal administrative division of country 省 Inner Mongolia 内蒙古 steamv. cook in steam 蒸煮 mutton n. meat from a sheep 羊肉 onion n. 洋葱

  16. W&E-4 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text garlic n.大蒜 characteristic adj. typical 特有的,独特的 porridgen. oatmeal or other cereal boiled in water 粥 originate v. first come from 起源,发源 soy sauce 酱油 cook n. a person who cooks 厨师 distinct adj. different 独特的,不同的

  17. W&E-5 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text influence v. affect 影响 route n. way taken from one place to another 路线 Buddhist adj. relating to Buddhism 佛教的 missionary n. a person undertaking a religious mission 传教士 Spanish adj. relating to Spain 西班牙的 trader n. someone who buys and sells goods 买卖人,生意人

  18. W&E-6 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text chilli pepper 辣椒 catch on 流行起来,受人欢迎 heaven n. sky 天空,天堂 edible adj. can be eaten 可食用的 roast v. cook or be cooked by exposure to open heat or in oven 烤 oven n. enclosed chamber for cooking food in 烤箱

  19. W&E-7 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text dim sum 点心 pastry n. 馅饼,糕点 give rise to 引起,导致 misunderstanding n. wrong idea 误解

  20. TEXT-1 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text Chinese Cuisine Chinese cuisine has a long history, and is one of the Chinese cultural treasures. It is as famous all over the world as French cuisine. Chinese cookery has developed and matured over the centuries, forming a rich cultural content. It is characterized by the fine selection of ingredients, precise cooking, particular care to the amount of spice, and how nourishing it is. Local flavours and snacks and special dishes have formed according to regions, local products, climate, historical factors, and eating habits.

  21. TEXT-2 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text The culinary map of China can be divided into four main regions, based loosely on geographical area.

  22. TEXT-3 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text In the cuisine in northern China, including Beijing, the capital of the People’s Republic of China, and the provinces of Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia, where the climate is hot and dry in summer and freezing cold in winter, people opt for solid, nourishing food. Instead of rice, wheat is the main ingredient in the north, and noodles made from wheat flour make up the main part of many meals. Steamed dumplings and pancakes are also popular.

  23. TEXT-4 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text Mutton is frequently eaten, and is the chief ingredient in Mongolian Hot Pot. Another favourite is Moo Shu Pork. This dish, with its strong flavours of onions and garlic, wrapped in steamed pancakes, is characteristic of northern-style cooking. The cuisine in eastern China is found in the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian. Both rice and wheat are grown here — rice in the warm south, wheat in the colder northern area that includes Shanghai.

  24. TEXT-5 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text Cooks in the northern regions rely on noodles and bread made from wheat flour to provide nourishment in the cold winter months. Congee — a rice dish similar to porridge and eaten for breakfast throughout China — originated in the south-eastern province of Fujian. However, there are a few features that characterize all eastern cooking, such as the use of a lot of sugar. Eastern China is also famous for “red-cooking” — a process where meat is slowly cooked in dark soy sauce, which gives the food a red colour.

  25. TEXT-6 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text The western or Sichuan cuisine is found in the provinces of Sichuan, Hunan and Yunnan. Sichuan cooking uses a lot of spices. In the past, cooks developed a cuisine distinct from other Chinese cooking styles, being mainly influenced by the foreigners travelling along China’s famous “Silk Route”. Buddhist missionaries introduced them to the spices that are characteristic in the Indian cuisine, and which Chinese cooks copied by making use of Sichuan pepper.

  26. TEXT-7 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text In the 16th century, Spanish traders introduced chilli peppers to the region. Like their northern neighbours, Sichuan cooks prefer vegetables with a strong smell, such as garlic and onions. In recent years this spicy Sichuan food has caught on in the western world. Southern or Cantonese cuisine is found in the province of Guangdong (Canton).

  27. TEXT-8 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text The Cantonese have a saying: “Anything that walks, swims, crawls or flies with its back to heaven is edible.” The popularity of southern or Cantonese cuisine comes from the use of sauces and the variety of ingredients and cooking methods used. Cantonese cooks use a wide variety of meats, poultry, and fish. Roasted and barbecued meats are very popular at restaurants and butcher’s shops, because most private Chinese kitchens do not have ovens.

  28. TEXT-9 Text study (A) Background information Words and expressions Text We also have the Cantonese to thank for dim sum, literally meaning, “touch your heart” — eating a variety of pastries and dumplings that originated in China's teahouses. This introduction to Chinese food in the western world, although delicious, gave rise to a popular misunderstanding. Since many Chinese emigrants came from Canton, most people thought that Cantonese cooking represented the sum total of Chinese cuisine.

  29. LOOKING AT THE TEXT Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 Directions: Read the text and answer the questions. 1. What, apart from the ingredients, has influenced Chinese cuisine? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ The precise cooking, particular care with the amount of spice, how nourishing it is and the region and climate have all influenced the Chinese cuisine. 2. What is the climate like in northern China? ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ The climate is hot and dry in summer and freezing cold in winter.

  30. LOOKING AT THE TEXT-1 Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 3. What is the main ingredient in northern China? ______________________________________________ Wheat is the main ingredient. 4. What meat is often eaten in northern China? ______________________________________________ Mutton is often eaten there. 5. What is grown in the south of eastern China? ______________________________________________ Rice is grown in the south of eastern China.

  31. LT-2 Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 6. What do we understand by “red-cooking”? ______________________________________________ This is a process where meat is slowly cooked in dark soy sauce. 7. Why is Sichuan cuisine a bit like the Indian cuisine? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Buddhist missionaries introduced the people there to the spices that are characteristic in the Indian cuisine. 8. What happened in the 16th century? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ In the 16th century, Spanish traders introduced chilly peppers to the Sichuan region.

  32. LT-3 Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 9. What do Cantonese cooks specialize in? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ They specialize in the use of sauces and the variety of ingredients and cooking methods used for a wide variety of meats, poultry and fish. 10. What is dim sum and what does it mean? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Dim sum is a variety of pastries and dumplings and means “touch your heart”.

  33. LT-4 Task 1 Task 2 Looking at the text Directions: Read through the text again and find out … the four main culinary regions of China. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ The four main culinary regions of China are: northern China, including Beijing, the capital of the People’s Republic of China, and the provinces of Hunan, Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia; eastern China, found in the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian; western or Sichuan cuisine, found in the provinces of Sichuan, Hunan and Yunnan; southern or Cantonese cuisine, found in the province of Guangdong (Canton).

  34. LT-5 Task 1 Task 2 Looking at the text 2. In which area, according to the text, these foods are most popular: bread, chicken, chillies, fish, mutton, noodles, pancakes, Congee, spices, dim sum. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Bread is popular in eastern China. Chicken is popular in the Cantonese area. Chillies are popular in the Sichuan area. Fish is popular in the Cantonese area. Mutton, noodles and pancakes are popular in northern China. congee is popular in the south-eastern province of Fujian. Spices are popular in the provinces of Sichuan, Hunan and Yunnan. Sweet dishes are popular in the Cantonese area.

  35. LT-6 Task 1 Task 2 Looking at the text 3. the cooking methods mentioned in the text. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ The cooking methods mentioned in the text are: steamed, “red-cooking”, roasted and barbecued. 4. who influenced some of the Chinese cuisine. _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Foreigners travelling along China’s famous Silk Route, Buddhist missionaries and Spanish traders influenced some of the Chinese cuisine.

  36. WORKING WTH WORDS-0 Working with words Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Directions: Write the opposite of these words by adding the correct prefix (mis, im, in, un). Use a dictionary if you need to. 1. characteristic: _________________ 2. developed: _________________ 3. edible: _________________ 4. famous: _________________ 5. frequent: _________________ uncharacteristic undeveloped inedible infamous infrequent

  37. WORKING WTH WORDS-1 Working with words Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Directions: Write the opposite of these words by adding the correct prefix (mis, im, in, un). Use a dictionary if you need to. 6. mature: ________________ 7. popular: ________________ 8. precise: ________________ 9. understanding: ________________ 10. patient: ________________ immature unpopular imprecise misunderstanding impatient

  38. WWW-2 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Working with words Directions: Fill in the gaps with the words from the above exercise. 1. These leaves are ____________, but those are poisonous. 2. The idea that the Chinese eat strange things is __________ but very _____________ for many western tourists. 3. You cannot enjoy the concept of "slow food" if you are ________. It is impossible to hurry a "slow food" cook. edible immature characteristic impatient

  39. WWW-3 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Working with words 4. The Chinese are not ___________ guests of their good Chinese restaurants. Some restaurants are so ____________ that you have to book months in advance to get a table. 5. The Chinese are __________ for their hot and spicy food and their cuisine is highly ____________ to cater for all tastes. 6. When ordering in a Chinese restaurant, you must know what the dishes are in order to avoid any _________________. infrequent popular famous developed misunderstandings

  40. WWW-4 Working with words Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Directions: Match the titles of the dishes with the pictures. chop suey |chow mein |dim sum |egg drop soup | egg foo young |fried rice |fried wontons |lo mein | moo shu pork |Peking duck |spring roll | wonton soup Peking duck chop suey _____________ dim sum _____________ _____________

  41. WWW-5 Working with words Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 chop suey |chow mein |dim sum |egg drop soup | egg foo young |fried rice |fried wontons |lo mein | moo shu pork |Peking duck |spring roll | wonton soup egg foo young egg drop soup fried rice _____________ _____________ _____________

  42. WWW-6 Working with words Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 chop suey |chow mein |dim sum |egg drop soup | egg foo young |fried rice |fried wontons |lo mein | moo shu pork |Peking duck |spring roll | wonton soup lo mein wonton soup fried wontons _____________ _____________ _____________

  43. WWW-6 Working with words Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 chop suey |chow mein |dim sum |egg drop soup | egg foo young |fried rice |fried wontons |lo mein | moo shu pork |Peking duck |spring roll | wonton soup moo shu pork chow mein spring roll _____________ _____________ _____________

  44. LISTENING-1 Listening Listening 1 Listening 2 A food expert Directions: Listen to this expert on Chinese food explain to a western visitor what three particular dishes are. Question: Which dishes is he describing? Answers: _______________________________________ Chop suey, Peking duck and egg foo young.

  45. L-1-2 Listening Listening 1 Listening 2 Directions: Write the names of the dishes against these statements. 1. The westernized version has more meat. ___________ 2. It is a mixture of vegetables and meat. ___________ 3. It can be served with soy sauce. ___________ 4. It is often used for leftovers. ___________ 5. It is an omelette. ___________ 6. It is a duck dish from Beijing. ___________ 7. It is very popular among Westerners. ___________ 8. It comes in a brown or white sauce. ___________ Peking duck chop suey egg foo young chop suey egg foo young Peking duck Peking duck chop suey

  46. L-2 Listening Listening1 Listening 2 At a Chinese restaurant Directions: Listen to this conversation in a restaurant in Beijing. Find out what the guests drink. Answers: __________________ The guests drink tea.

  47. L-2-2 Listening Listening1 Listening 2 Directions: Tick the correct answers. 1. What does the waiter say at the beginning? a. Are you ready to order? b. Do you want to order? c. What do you want to order? 2. What does the guest ask? a. Is lo mein good? b. Do you like lo mein? c. What is lo mein?

  48. L-2-3 Listening Listening1 Listening 2 3. The guest says ... a. I don’t think moo shu pork sounds interesting. b. moo shu pork is interesting. c. moo shu pork sounds interesting. 4. The waiter explains what moo shu pork is. a. It is pork and vegetables served in a pancake. b. It is eggs served in a pancake. c. It is pork and eggs served in a pancake.

  49. L-2-4 Listening Listening1 Listening 2 5. The guest wants to know ... a. if wonton soup has dumplings. b. what kind of soup wonton soup is. c. if wonton soup is kind. 6. The guest asks ... a. Is chow mein a noodle or a rice dish? b. Is chow mein a beef or a chicken dish? c. Is chow mein a duck or a chicken dish?

  50. L-2-5 Listening Listening1 Listening 2 7. The waiter talks about the chow mein they serve in this restaurant. a. We serve it with shrimp. b. We serve it with beef. c. We serve it with chicken. 8. The waiter says ... a. Dim sum is for more than twenty people. b. Dim sum costs twenty dollars. c. Dim sum has more than twenty dishes.

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