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Drinking and Driving… DON’T MIX !

Drinking and Driving… DON’T MIX !. Lesson Objectives What influences you? - Public Service Announcements. Lesson Objectives. The Facts and the Stats - BAC - Mental and Physical Affects of Alcohol - Laws. Lesson Objectives. What would you do???

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Drinking and Driving… DON’T MIX !

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  1. Drinking and Driving…DON’T MIX! LessonObjectives What influences you? - Public Service Announcements

  2. LessonObjectives • The Facts and the Stats - BAC - Mental and Physical Affects of Alcohol - Laws

  3. LessonObjectives • What would you do??? - If placed in a situation where you had to make a decision about driving after drinking (whether it be yourself or a friend), what would you do???

  4. Alcohol’s Effect on One’sHealth and One’s Future • Sometimes people treat you as an adult and at other times as a child. • Learning to cope with this partial independence is a natural stage of growing up. • It is the time when you are very vulnerable to peer pressure. • Understanding how alcohol can destroy your hopes, dreams, and ambitions can help you resist destructive peer pressure.

  5. What are the Effects of Alcohol? • Alcohol is a powerful and dangerous drug – it can change the way people act, think, and feel. • The high number of traffic fatalities involving young people is the reason why every state has passed laws to make it illegal for people under 21 to buy, possess, or consume alcohol.

  6. Your Responsibilities Regarding Drinking • Protect yourself from the threat that drinking poses to your health and well-being. • Protect yourself and others from the risk posed by people who drink and drive. • Don’t let friends “Drink and Drive”. • Help loved ones go to support groups if they need the help. (AA)

  7. What are the symptoms of a problem drinker? People may be able to recognize the signs of problem drinking. *Changes in a persons behavior* (Frequent lateness/absences from school, behavior problems, decline in grades, a change of friends, leisure activities that focus on alcohol, and trouble with the law.)

  8. A person with a drinking problem often denies the problem, drinks alone, has trouble sleeping, and may suffer from memory loss or blackouts. • Other symptoms can be seen in health problems such as (Liver failure, heart disease, cancer, brain damage, and malnutrition). • Alcoholism is a DISEASE. It’s consequences are devastating, and include loss of friends and family, self-esteem, and even loss of life.

  9. How Does Alcohol Affect Driving Ability? • Alcohol will decrease your skill and will damage you judgment no matter how good of a driver you are. • From the moment alcohol enters your bloodstream, you begin to loose your ability to think clearly. • Even a small amount of alcohol, one drink, causes changes in your coordination.

  10. Facts About Alcohol and Driving Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) • Even one drink of alcohol causes changes in the body. Alcohol is not digested, as food is. Rather, it’s absorbed into the bloodstream through walls of the stomach and small intestine. It is than carried to all parts of the body. Alcohol has the greatest effect on the brain because that is the organ that controls all body functions.

  11. Are They The Same? • Beer • Whiskey • Wine • Cooler • Margarita

  12. Facts About Alcohol and Driving

  13. Elimination Rate BAC STOPS DRINKING @ 12:30 am .20 .16 = PEAK @ 1:00 .15 INTOXICATED LEGALLY (.08) @ 6:00 am .10 .05 IMPAIRED (.05) @ 9:30 am .00 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 16 HRS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ABSORPTION ELIMINATION

  14. Facts About Alcohol and DrivingM.A.D.D. • In 2006, an estimated 15,827 people died in alcohol-related traffic crashes—an average of one every 33 minutes. • These deaths constitute 37 percent of the 42,532 total traffic fatalities. • Of these, 13,470 involved a driver with an illegal BAC (.08 or greater). • On average someone is killed by a drunk driver every 39 minutes. • About three in every ten Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash at some time in their lives.

  15. Facts About Alcohol and Driving • By ages 19 and 20, 70 percent of all drinkers engage in heavy drinking, suggesting that the majority of young people are at great risk of making poor decisions that have significant long-term consequences. • About 91 percent of all drinks consumed by teenagers are consumed by those who drink heavily. • Forty percent of deaths for persons aged 15 to 20 stem from automobile collisions according to the CDC. • The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration notes twenty-three percent of teenage drivers in fatal car wrecks possessed a blood-alcohol level above the legal limit of .08.

  16. Myths and Facts About Alcohol Myth – Beer is not as intoxicating as hard liquor. Fact – False. A 12 oz beer, 5oz glass of wine, & 1½ ounce shot of 80 proof liquor = same amount of alcohol. Myth – You can’t get drunk on a full stomach. Fact – Alcohol is just absorbed in the bloodstream more slowly now. All of the alcohol will still get into the bloodstream and travel to the brain and other parts of your body.

  17. Myths and Facts About Alcohol Myth – You must drink because friends want you to even though you are the driver. Fact – Real friends wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself or others. Myth – Coffee, cold shower, and a lot of exercise can sober you up. Fact – No way! The body can’t burn up much more than ½ ounce of alcohol in one hour. Only Time can sober you up.

  18. Myths and Facts About Alcohol Myth – Alcohol makes you feel better when your down in the dumps. Fact – Not Really. Alcohol is a DEPRESSANT, or “Downer”. It may make a person feel worse than before. Myth – Sometimes, cause of peer pressure at a party, there in no other choice but drink. Fact – You do have a choice. Don’t Drink. Think of all the dangers and driving statistics related to your age group.

  19. The Physical Effects of Alcohol • Drinking Drivers 16-19 years old have a higher fatal crash probability than any other age group • People who have little or no driving experience have a higher risk of being involved in a fatal crash.

  20. Affects Persons Differently Tolerance Personality Mood Experience Fatigue Medication Weight Age

  21. The Physical Effects of Alcohol 1.)Reaction Time:After 2 or more drinks a driver becomes physically slower and less alert. In fact, for some people, it may only take one drink. 2.)Coordination:Movements get sloppy and uncoordinated. Drivers who have been drinking are less able than others to make critical decisions. (Trouble steering, miss brake pedal, or step on it too late)

  22. The Physical Effects of Alcohol 3.)Distance (Depth Perception):Alcohol affects the ability to judge distance, or depth. Drinking drivers may perceive something as farther away than it really is. 4.)Speed Perception:Drinking drivers can’t tell how fast another vehicle is approaching. Such drivers have a distorted sense of how fast they are going.

  23. The Physical Effects of Alcohol 5.)Vision: Alcohol affects the reflex action of the eyes that causes the pupils to become smaller in bright light and larger as light diminishes. Similar to night blindness, drinkers’ pupils don’t return to normal size quickly enough once headlights have passed. Alcohol impairs side, color, and night vision, eye focus, and it may lead to double vision.

  24. Mental Effects of Alcohol • Alcohol also affects the part of the brain that controls the ability to reason. • Alcohol affects your judgment and can make you feel as is you are thinking more clearly than usual. • This can affect drunk drivers because they don’t have the judgment to realize something is wrong.

  25. Mental Effects of Alcohol • Alcohol affects your inhibitions, the elements of your personality that stop you from behaving without regard to possible consequences. • In drivers, the loss of inhibition can be very dangerous and can cause them to take chances they would normally avoid.

  26. Laws, TestsandPenalties for Drinking and Driving

  27. Implied Consent Law • If you are arrested for drinking and driving, you must comply/agree to take a test to determine BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration). • This is a law in all 50 states. • If you refuse, the penalty is equivalent to driving with a BAC of 0.10% or higher

  28. Zero Tolerance Law • Teenage drivers with any BAC over 0.01 violate the 21-year-old minimum drinking age laws.

  29. Tests for Intoxication • Chemical analysis of blood or urine • Breath-Test to determine the percentage of alcohol in the breath. • Field Sobriety Test 1.Standing on one leg 2.Walking in a straight line 3. HGN Reflex

  30. Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus • HGN refers to a lateral or horizontal jerking when the eye gazes to the side. • In impaired driving context, alcohol consumption hinders the ability of the brain to correctly control eye muscles, therefore causing the jerk or bounce associated with HGN.

  31. Penalties and Consequences21 years of age/BAC .08-.10 • License Suspension • $250 to $400 fine • 12 to 48 hours in an Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC) - $75/day • Possibly up to 30 days imprisonment • $100 Drunk Driving Fund Fee • $100 Alcohol Education, Rehabilitation, and Enforcement Fund Fee • $1,000 annual surcharge for 3 years • $75 Safe Neighborhood Services Fund Fee

  32. Penalties and Consequencesunder 21 years of age/BAC > .01 • License Suspension • $300 to $500 fine • 12 to 48 hours in an IDRC - $75/day • Possibly up to 30 days imprisonment • $100 DD Fund Fee • $100 AERE Fund Fee • $1,000 annual surcharge • $75 Safe Neighborhood Services Fund

  33. How Other Drugs Affect Driving Ability Alcohol is not the only drug that can impair your ability to drive. • Almost any drug can have an effect on your driving skill. • Drugs side effects differ (ability to make sound decisions, change the way you think) Synergism: The interaction of one drug with another to enhance the effect of one or both. (i.e. If a person drinks alcohol and takes a depressant, the combo could produce an effect on the person greater than the individual effects of either drug)

  34. What drugs affect driving ability? Over the-Counter Drugs: • Can be purchased legally w/out doctors prescription. • Used for colds, flu, headaches, allergies, etc. • Read the labels of these products for “Warnings”. • It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY as a driver to know what side effects may result from these medications. Prescription Drugs: • Remember to ask your doctor if you can drive safely while you are taking any prescription medication. • Look at your medication for Warning on Bottle.

  35. What drugs affect driving ability? Depressants: • Slow down, or depress the CNS. • These are used by doctors for patients suffering from anxiety, high tension, or high blood pressure. • They slow down a uses mental and physical activity. • They slow down reflexes and have a harmful effect on coordination. • Examples) Alcohol, Methadone, sleeping pills.

  36. What drugs affect driving ability? Stimulants: • Speed up, or stimulate the CNS. • Some drivers take them to stay away when driving long distances. • Can give user false feeling of well-being and make them feel super alert. • Often cause drivers to take foolish risks. • When the effects of stimulants wears off, users can become very tired quickly. • Many stimulants are illegal. • Examples) Amphetamines (Speed), Cocaine.

  37. What drugs affect driving ability? Hallucinogens: • So dangerous that selling or using them is against the law. (Mind altering drugs) • Can change the way a person thinks, sees, and acts. Marijuana: Make user drowsy, affects awareness of speed of drivers car and judgment of time and space. LSD and PCP (Angel Dust): Strongest Hallucinogens, can cause drivers to lose the ability to judge space and the speed at which they are driving, people can forget who they are, where they are, what they are doing. Narcotics: Strong depressant effect. Can cause coma or even death.

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