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The Innovation Development Process

Week11ForestD. The Innovation Development Process. Mini Laptop & Tablets. NEED. The One Laptop per Child (OLPC) Chairman Nicolas Negroponte.

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The Innovation Development Process

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  1. Week11ForestD The Innovation Development Process Mini Laptop & Tablets

  2. NEED The One Laptop per Child (OLPC) Chairman Nicolas Negroponte Desire: “to create educational opportunities for the world’s poorest children by providing each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop with content and software designed for collaboration, joyful, self-empowered learning” www.wikipedia.OLPC This desire to empower children of the world is considered one of the innovative forces behind the development of the smaller laptop.

  3. LEAD THINKERS • Nicolas Negroponte, Chairman • Rodrigo ArboledaHalaby, Chief Executive Officer Member Organizations AMD Red Hat eBay Marvell Google New Corporation

  4. Mass Production • ASUS in 2007 was the first mass producer of the Netbook • The smaller laptop does have its roots with the concepts of OLPC. • The mass production for consumer use was provided by alternative companies.

  5. The Different * The Same • Omitted certain features • Smaller screens • Smaller keyboards • Reduced computing power www.wikipedia.com Currently, The are some computing differences, but with the availablility of net storage and continued technology advancements it can be difficult to tell the difference between a general laptop and a mini

  6. 2008 Market Share • The Minis Flourish. • Historically, there were issues with the success of the smaller less capable versions of laptops. • Currently, “technology has matured enough to allow truly cost optimized implementations with enough performance to suit the needs of the majority of PC” consumers. (retrieved from www.wikipedia.com/minilaptop)

  7. Timeline

  8. Knowledge &Persuasion

  9. Decision Stage • The individual or organization engages in activities that lead to a choice to adopt or reject an innovation (Rogers, p. 117). • A trial period • Entire group, selected group. • A sample • An incentive program

  10. Implementation & Confirmation

  11. Communication ChannelsThe Decision Process • Channel – the means by which a message gets from the source to the receiver (p.204).

  12. The dreaded S curve display • SCurveForestD • Where the lines cross is the current year. Where tablet sales are predicted to surpass minisales. • Mini Laptop/Net book(line with arrow) 2. Tablets (line without arrow) • Time • The S Curve. • Disclaimer. * I used a word document to make this. I may have a couple tools for communication, but I am learning that I need to learn the how to of the software available. If anybody has any advice please let me know. • The S Curve. • The Netbook was developed in 1997.

  13. Perceived Attributes

  14. Persuasion Strategies • We could discuss the need for the portable devices with the entities that hire us and ask for a cash incentive to aid in the financial constraints on adopting new technology. • We could offer demonstrations at the monthly meetings. • It could be mandated by the counties; however, there system must oblige a internet only form submittal process.

  15. Suggestions: influenc the laggard. • Provide our contractor with rave review on how beneficial the innovation is and ask them to transmit this to the other specialists. • Provide demonstrations • Since the innovation is one of a cluster the only need is to be able to access forms and transmit them all electronically this gives the specialist a choice. Emphasize the choice. The free will element.

  16. Most influential attributes:Compatability & Relative Advantage • Compatability • The innovation is “consistent with past experiences and needs of potential adopters”(p. 240). • The ease of carrying a smaller device in addition with the ease of document time constraints make this innovation cluster compatible to possible adopters • Relative Advantage • Adoption of a portable device minilaptop or tablet • These are “better than the idea it supersedes”(p. 229) • The larger laptop is very heavy • Paper and pencil is too slow.


  18. Centralized

  19. Decentralized

  20. A Decentralized Approach • Early Intervention is a group of subcontractors working with children age 0-3. • The ability to use an innovation and exchange ideas maintains that sense of independent therapists working with other to find the best practices in their settings. • Conversely, if the county chooses to work with digital documents only, a centralized approach may be best. This approach is based on a top down model.

  21. Change Agents • Change Agents – individuals who influence [others] innovation decisions in a direction deemed desirable by a change agency (p. 400). • Change agent socially positioned between organization or system and the adopters • Able to understand the needs of the adopters Roles of change agent (retrieved from http://community2-diffusion.wikispaces.com/Milton+Week+8,citing Rogers) • The need to change • Establishing an information exchange relationship • Create intent to change in the client • Translate intent into action • Stabilize adoption and prevent discontinuance • Achieve a terminal relationship

  22. The EI Change Agent • The client, the EI specialist: A desire to send and retrieve documents digitally. If that is the desire the tool needed to do that is a portable communication device. A portable device is a functional alternative to the paper process in existence. • The change agent must communicate with the other members of the EI community. There are monthly meetings that provide face to face contact. In some instances the ability to meet face to face provides a more confident feeling with the adopter. However, the change agent can send snail mail or email to the EI specialists. Not every specialists attends a meeting; however, word of mouth is a big part of EI. Establishing a rapport with a few, could spread to many. Roger does discuss the fact that communication and access to communicate in the beginning of the diffusion process is a key role for the change agent. • A discussion session provides a forum to discuss the issues with the current practices, and an opportunity to display how changing to digital documents are beneficial to the therapists. Change Agent -- Organizational Adoption/Diffusion. • The role of Champions – a charismatic individual. • The change agent who works with the Early Intervention specialists might be more successful if they are identified similarly to the concept of the middle manager described in Rogers on page 415. • The innovation is “less radical” (p. 415), it is an extension of technology already used by most therapists. • A person in a similar role to a middle manager could relate to other specialists having a homophilious relationship

  23. Critical Mass

  24. Rate of Adoption Interactive Innovation

  25. Organizational Adoption 1. Optional innovation-decisions Because we are sub contractors I don’t see anybody requiring us to carry portable devices to our client visits. Not at this point. 2. Collective innovation-decisions I believe this would be the most beneficial. It would maintain that independence that therapists prefer yet would allow the innovation to improve our sending and retrieving of documents between all the entities. • Authority innovation-decision. This sounds like a great way to achieve the diffusion in our organization because we are a scattered group, with scattered innovations. However, at this point it would take getting the county on board. That entails a lot and the outcome may not be what the independent therapists are trying to achieve.

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