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Neonatal Assessment

Neonatal Assessment. NUR 134 NEO114 M. Johnston, RN-BC, M.Ed. OB Clinical Instructor NSCC. Immediate Post Delivery. Establish Airway: Suction with bulb syringe Stimulate Check Color: Acrocyanosis Prevent Hypothermia: Clean, stimulate Provide dry blankets Check Tone:

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Neonatal Assessment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Neonatal Assessment NUR 134 NEO114 M. Johnston, RN-BC, M.Ed. OB Clinical Instructor NSCC

  2. Immediate Post Delivery Establish Airway: Suction with bulb syringe Stimulate Check Color: Acrocyanosis Prevent Hypothermia: Clean, stimulate Provide dry blankets Check Tone: Flexion of extremities

  3. Drying to prevent hypothermia

  4. Apgar Scoring Five categories: score 0-2 Assessed at: 1 minute 5 minutes

  5. Apgar Scoring Charts

  6. Apgar Scoring Dr. Virginia Apgar "Nobody, but nobody, is going to stop breathing on me!"

  7. WeightMeasure lengthHead circumference

  8. Newborn Exam Warm, dry surface Adequate lighting Calm infant

  9. Check vital signs HR range 110-160 bpm Resp rate 30-60 min Temp. 36.5 – 37.5 C

  10. Normal Findings

  11. Umbilical cord 3 vessels 2 arteries, 1 vein (AVA) Wharton’s jelly

  12. Umbilical Cord Healing 7-10 days Keep clean and dry Observe for infection

  13. Fontanels anterior posterior Sutures

  14. Head Molding

  15. Vernix Caseosa Sebaceous gland secretions White, cheesy protective coating Develops 3rd trimester Decreases as fetus develops

  16. Miliasebaceous glands, usu. found on face, nose and chin subsides spontaneously , reassure parents

  17. Telangiectatic Nevi “Stork Bites”

  18. Erythema Toxicum Most common face, trunk, extremities Found in 70% of newborns Peaks at 24-48 hours old

  19. Lanugo Fine, downy hair Develops after 20 wks gestation Mostly disappears by 40 wks gestation

  20. Meconium

  21. Mongolian spots

  22. Moro or Startle Reflex

  23. Normal Newborn Reflexes

  24. Abnormal Findings

  25. Neonatal Jaundice Physiological Pathologic Phototherapy

  26. Phototherapy

  27. Cephalohematoma Does not cross suture line

  28. Caput Succedaneumextends across the suture lineusually disappears in 3-4 days

  29. Tongue-tie occurs in approx. 4% of infants

  30. Simian Crease (Single palmar crease)

  31. Club Foot(TalipesEquinovarus)

  32. Pilonidalopening Sacral skin tag

  33. Preterm Neonates

  34. Maternal Infant Bonding

  35. Family Bonding

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