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Products & Services ( Div / Inst ) Rick Marboe, VP-Elect, P&A marboer2@asme.org

Products & Services ( Div / Inst ) Rick Marboe, VP-Elect, P&A marboer2@asme.org. Session Objectives. At the conclusion of this session, you should: Be aware of available ASME products and services and how to access them

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Products & Services ( Div / Inst ) Rick Marboe, VP-Elect, P&A marboer2@asme.org

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  1. Products & Services (Div/Inst) Rick Marboe, VP-Elect, P&A marboer2@asme.org

  2. Session Objectives • At the conclusion of this session, you should: • Be aware of available ASME products and services and how to access them • Gain an ability to understand and execute the principles of product portfolio assessment, prioritization, implementation, and management. • Leave with ideas of how your unit could increase its value to its members and customers through development of new products and services

  3. Review available ASME products & services ASME’s, K&C and Institutes Sectors’ Strategic Priorities Stage Gate Management Process Case Studies Help create potential solutions - scenario ASME’s Product Portfolio Development Approach => Your Unit Use Session Outline

  4. Session Schedule TimeActivity (5 mins) Session introduction (20 mins) Overview of available products and services (5 mins) Questions & discussion (5 mins) Review of Strategic Priorities (25 mins) Selection via Stage Gate Management Process & Case Studies (30 mins) Process Application Exercise (20 mins) Group reports & discussion (10 mins) Wrap up

  5. What is a Product/Service? • Something offered to a customer • Has a perceived value • Doesn’t necessarily have to be sold for money

  6. Product Development Model Customers e.g. Members and prospective members Customer needs Product Development Typically a volunteer-staff partnership Delivery ASME Products & Services 6

  7. Content & Delivery • Content is predominately developed by ASME volunteer membership • Delivery mechanisms are mostly developed or facilitated by ASME staff • You can create member engagement and maintain technical interest by repackaging content and using multiple delivery methods 7

  8. ASME product/service types with examples • Codes & Standards • Codes, Standards, Certifications, Training • Publications • Magazines, Books, Journals, e-Library • Membership and Member Benefits • Student, Member, Affiliate, Life, Fellow, Honorary • Insurance, Financial Products, Discounts, ThomasNet product search • Community and Content • Education • Courses, Seminars, Training, Webinars, AMA discounted courses • Events • Conferences, Meetings, Career Fairs, Early Career Forums, Exhibits • Competitions & Opportunities • Contests, Awards, Internships, Fellowships, Volunteer Opportunities • Resources • Networking, Websites, Newsletters, White Papers, Online membership directory 8

  9. Technical Content & Information • Live training courses and seminars • On Line courses on technical topics, management, college credit and leadership • ASME Journals and Conference Proceedings • ASME Press Books • ASME e-Library (75 interactive books) • Codes & Standards • Technical conferences • Technical, managerial and ethical topics related to licensure (Also the potential to develop and contribute technical content for several of the above products) 9

  10. Community Building and Networking • Local Section activities and programs • Technical Division/Institute activities and programs; Technical Chapters • ASME Code committees • Affinity Groups • Conferences • Tours and Social Events • ASME on Peerlink, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter 10

  11. Career Resources & Job Search • Career Center (articles and tips) • Resources for Entrepreneurs • Job Board • Salary Survey • Professional Practice Curriculum • Joint Society Memberships • E-Mentoring (currently being re-vamped) 11

  12. Volunteering & Giving Back • Leadership positions in your unit and the international ASME • Mentoring students and early career engineers • Mentoring student design teams (pre-university and university levels) • Supporting ASME Student Section activities • Judging student design teams and Old Guard Competitions • Supporting Engineers Week in your local community • engineeringforchange.org 12

  13. Awards & Recognition • Society awards • Dedicated Service Award • Unit awards • Lecture Award • Fellow 13

  14. Membership • Included in Membership: • ME Magazine • ASME News • ASME e-Library • Networking: Join Technical Divisions/Institutes/Local Sections/Affinity Groups • Email Alias (yourname@asme.org) 14

  15. Discounts • Discounts on personal resources/benefits: • ASME journals, conferences, courses, books • Insurance • Bank of America Financial Products • Financial Advice • FedEx shipping • Amer Mgmt Assoc courses, books, seminars 15

  16. General Resources • ASME.org • ME Magazine • ASME News • Government Relations/Public Policy • Advocacy for the Profession • Capitol Update • Federal Fellows • Environmental Scans • Ethics Center • History Center (ME landmarks) 16

  17. Specifically for Early Career Engineers • ME Today newsletter • Early Career Technical Seminars • Early Career Forums • ECLIPSE Internship 17

  18. K-12 Outreach • Public awareness of the engineering profession • Workshops for educators and engineers • Resources for pre-college teachers and counselors • Financial support for FIRST Robotics competition • Teacher Workshop Guide (for ASME Sections) • Career guidance material • Hands-on curricula • Heroes of Engineering (comics) 18

  19. What is a Product/Service? • Something that fills a market need • Something offered to a customer • Impact can be financial or mission oriented … ASME product/service types with examples: OK – We have some ideas – now how do we choose what to do?

  20. Energy – Serving as an essential energy technology resource Global Impact – Providing locally relevant standards, certification, technical information, networking, and advocacy Engineering Workforce – Expanding the capacity and effectiveness of the engineering workforce ASME Strategic Objectiveshttp://strategy.asme.org

  21. Strategy Integration Roadmap Example New Product Idea Generation New Products that Align to ASME’s Strategic Objectives Knowledge Based Business Approach for New Product Development ENERGY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Attract Students & EC Engineers Better Access To P&S Balance Volunteer Workload GLOBAL IMPACT Communication Effectiveness Revenue Generation

  22. Attract and retain students and early career engineers Balance the volunteer workload Reduce K & C’s operating subsidy Improve communication effectiveness: with members, with units Make it easier for members to access ASME products and services. Knowledge and Community Sector Strategic Objectives

  23. Serve as communication link to and from the ASME BOG Facilitate the development of new institutes. Share best practices among the Institutes and within ASME. Facilitate communications and awareness with other ASME Sectors. Recommend mergers and acquisitions of outside organizations to become Institutes of ASME (interface model). Institutes Sector Board Strategic Objectives

  24. Why do we need it? Make decisions that address business opportunities More effective use of finite volunteer and Society resources Aligns products and services to meeting Society and technical unit objectives and enhancing member customer value A Knowledge Based Business Development Process

  25. A Stage-Gate Process is a roadmap for moving a new-product project from idea to launch. The Stage-Gate divides the process into distinct stages separated by decision gates. At each stage, a prescribed set of tasks or criteria must be met in order to proceed to the next stage. The Stage Gate Process allows for: Well-defined decision criteria Significant resources to be allocated only after preliminary requirements are met Clearly identified and accepted roles and responsibilities Stage Gate Process

  26. Selection Filter Ideas Filter 1-Alignment to ASME vision, mission and core values and external trends Filter 2-Alignment to ASME’s technical communities or institutes interests and expertise Filter 3-Prioritization of ideas Selection Launch

  27. Management Process Overview:Emerging Technologies Example ET selection (draft completed) Product portfolio development & enhancement (work in progress)

  28. Phase 1: Strategic Assessment Proposal* CONTENT- Scope- Rationale IMPACT- Funding trends- Audience CONTRIBUTORS & COMPETION- Current Players- Potential Collaboration *Please see proposal template for compete list of questions Gate 1

  29. Phase 2: Community Analysis Gate 2

  30. Phase 3: Prioritization Phase Gate 3 ET Assessment Dashboard

  31. Collaboration & Portfolio Development Product/Service Roadmap CRTD Gov’t Rel News + white papers Areas for research committees to develop SPC ETC IC Balanced mix of revenue and mission products Possible disciplines for standards development Enhance portfolio of products in existing disciplines Acronyms SPC: Strategic Planning Committee (K&C – Technical Communities) ETC: Emerging Technology Committee (K&C-TC) CRTD: Center for Research & Technology Development (K&C-TC) BoND: Board on New Development (Standards & Certification) EESAB : Energy & Environmental Standards Advisory Board (S&C) IC: Interdisciplinary Council (K&C-TC) Abbreviations Tech Div: Technical Division (K&C-TC) Gov’t Rel: Government Relations BoND EESAB Tech Div

  32. ASME Journal : Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine 1st Global Congress : NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology Case Study:Product Portfolio Development :Nano Engineering & Health Care To-do list : How can we? - Continue to build community - Continue to build our relationships with multidisciplinary organizations, experts

  33. Community and Stakeholder Engagement Strategic Assessment and Analysis Product Roll-out Decision Making Idea Generation Planning, Development and Implementation Case Study: Journal on Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine

  34. Data Collection Strategic Assessment and Validation Community and Stakeholder Idea Generation Planning, Development and Implementation Product Roll-out Case Study: Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology

  35. Goals of TCOB New Product Development Funding Process • To provide Technical Communities with the opportunity to be agile, flexible and meet market demand for new products & services • To enhance our ability to deliver products that support or align with ASME’s Technical Communities’ value proposition • To promote development of new or multidisciplinary technical areas across multiple ASME units • To provide funding & a forum to launch new products for which custodial or other resources are not immediately available

  36. Mechanics of NPD Funding Process 36 • Has two “pitch” elements: 1. Oral pitch • Concept for a new product is articulated • Product examples: one-time workshop, roundtable, conference track, etc. 2. Written Proposal • “Business Plan” template • Funding Committee Decision-Making Process: • Accept/reject oral pitches; accepted pitches move to “written” phase • Review, accept/reject written proposals • Allocate $ for new products

  37. Your Ideas: Putting Them to the Test(A Group Exercise) Filter 1 - Alignment to ASME and Sector vision, mission and core values and external trends Filter 2 - Alignment to ASME’s technical unit(s) interest and expertise Filter 3 - Prioritization of ideas

  38. Division Executive Comm, Technical Committees, etc. _______________________________________________ Cross-Sector ASME units _______________________________________________ Students _______________________________________________ Retired Members _______________________________________________ ________________________ _______________________________________________ Building Community ChecklistHave you included all stakeholders?

  39. Recommend the non-ASME expert to a : Division Technical Committee? Division Executive Committee? Standards and Certification Committee? ________________________________ ________________________________ Building Multidisciplinary Relationships Checklist

  40. Strategic fit Alignment to ASME strategy? Alignment with K&C or Institutes Sectors’ strategic priorities Validation What data supports your concept? market size, potential, etc. Are you filling a need? How fast can you deliver? A few weeks, several months, next year! Have you considered differing engagement opportunities? Roundtable, article, webinar, workshop, etc. Have you leveraged ASME HQ capabilities, tools, etc.? Execute and evaluate Would your customers recommend your product? How do you plan to continue interactions with your customers? Quick New Product Launch Checklist

  41. Product Portfolio Roadmap Research Community Practicing Engineers & Early Career Engineers

  42. Recap of the Processes Tools to help your unit more effectively and efficiently make decisions about creating a portfolio of unit products and services 42

  43. Where does your idea fall on the portfolio roadmap? Engage other stakeholders and staff Validate concept Filtering process (Adaptive to your needs) Consider delivery method options Plan and Launch Evaluate and Product Improvement Unit Product Portfolio DevelopmentHow do You Start?

  44. Stage Gate Approach Phase 1: Strategic Assessment Phase 2: Community Analysis Phase 3: Prioritization Phase The stage gate is the continue or terminate decision made at the end of each phase. 44

  45. Divide into 2 or 3 groups (10 min) Brainstorm to develop a list of possible new products and services from your division or institute that are different from any provided now (expand your portfolio). What would create value that would attract or retain new members? (20 min) Use the tools that you have been exposed to in this session to stage gate these ideas as you might in your executive committee to ‘down’ select one product or service to implement. (20 min) Discussion with everyone about your product and how the process worked for each group. Knowledge into Practice

  46. Books Roadmapping Emergent Technologies by Alan Smith and David Tolfree Product Innovation and Technology Strategy by Robert Cooper & Scott Edgett Value Innovation Portfolio Management by Shelia Mello, & Wayne Mackey (all available on Amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com) Resources

  47. Contact Information • Russ Skocypec, Chair, K&C Board on Technical Knowledge Dissemination (BTKD) • rdskocy@sandia.gov • Raj Manchanda, Director, Emerging Technologies • Manchandar@asme.org • Michael Ireland, Managing Director, Knowledge & Community Sector – Irelandm@asme.org

  48. Reviewed available ASME products & Services Gained an understanding of the processes and best practices for your unit to develop and implement new products and services that: are aimed at adding value and meeting the needs of ASME’s members and customers advance the strategic priorities of ASME and the Knowledge & Community and Institutes Sectors. Gained an ability to understand and execute the principles of product portfolio assessment, prioritization, implementation, and management . Gained an understanding of how your unit can approach new product development with the idea of building a portfolio of related products. During this session, you should have:

  49. It is now up to you to bring this methodology back to your unit executive committee to implement. You can inspire others to make a difference in your unit and ASME if they know their ideas will get a fair evaluation and you develop a product and services portfolio to appeal to a breadth of customers. 49

  50. Products & Services (Divisions/Institutes)

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