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Drugs and Our Society

Drugs and Our Society. Hallucinogens Part 10. Hallucinogens. They are among the oldest known group of drugs used for their ability to alter human perception and mood - they are mood altering drugs Naturally occurring hallucinogens have been found in plants and fungi for centuries

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Drugs and Our Society

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  1. Drugs and Our Society Hallucinogens Part 10

  2. Hallucinogens • They are among the oldest known group of drugs used for their ability to alter human perception and mood - they are mood altering drugs • Naturally occurring hallucinogens have been found in plants and fungi for centuries - many used in shamanistic religious practices - in recent years, a number of synthetic have been produced - some much more potent than the naturally occurring

  3. Hallucinogens, cont • The biochemical / the pharmacological / and the physiological basis for hallucinogen activity is not well understood - even the name for the class of drugs is not ideal - since hallucinogens do not always produce hallucinations - in non-toxic doses, these substances do produce changes in perception / thoughts / and mood 4. Physiological effects:

  4. Hallucinogens, cont - include elevated heart rate / increased blood pressure / dilated pupils • Sensory effects: - include perceptional distortions that vary with dose, setting, and mood • Psychic effects: - include disorder of thought associate with time and space - time may appear to stand still - where forms and colors seem to change - or they take on a new significance

  5. Hallucinogens, cont • These experiences can be either pleasurable or extremely frightening - effects of hallucinogens are unpredictable each time they are used • Weeks and months after some hallucinogens have been taken - the user may experience ‘flashbacks’ - fragmentary recurrences of certain aspects of the drug taking experience without taking the drug again 9. Flashbacks are unpredictable

  6. Hallucinogens, cont - more likely to occur during times of stress - occur more frequently in younger people - with older more experienced users the episodes diminish and become less intense • The 1960s were the time of ‘psychedelic’ drug use - LSD / peyote / PCP were considered drugs of the educated user - hallucinogens continued to increase in use throughout the 70’s

  7. Hallucinogens, cont • Prominent people of the time espoused the use of hallucinogens - music of the 60’s also talked of hallucinogen use and called it ‘psychedelic rock’ - rock stars / movie stars used the drug to expand their minds - they said it brought out the brilliance of their music or their acting - some highly educated people began using hallucinogens (such as Timothy Leary and LSD)

  8. Hallucinogens, cont • The 1990s has shown a resurgence in the use of hallucinogens and this is cause for concern - by 2000, 1 out of every 6 college students (14.8%) reported some use of hallucinogens during their lifetime - hallucinogenic mushrooms / LSD / MDMA are also popular among junior and senior high school students who use hallucinogens • Dangers are involved in hallucinogen use - it has shown neuronal damage in animals - and they are neurotoxic to humans

  9. Hallucinogens, cont - neurotoxic means poisonous to nerves and nerve tissue • Neuronal damage from hallucinogens impacts the serotonergic neurons and can result in: - becoming neurotic / sleep /mood / anxiety disturbances / memory deficits / attention problems elevated impulsiveness - and they can last for up to 2 years after use - but the most common danger is impaired judgment leading to accidents and injuries

  10. Hallucinogens, cont • From the beginning of time we have sought ways to alter our consciousness - through trial and error, we identified certain plants that have mind-altering properties - we have over 6,000 different types of plants that are capable of altering consciousness - today, we have 150 plants that are used for hallucinogenic purposes • Scientific interest increased after WWII - Germany did research with mind-altering drugs on its own soldiers and war prisoners

  11. Hallucinogens, cont • Today, the availability of mind-altering drugs is vast - we have government projects on-going that are used in espionage and law enforcement - there are hints that they being used under Homeland Security to protect from terrorism • Terminology can also be confusing - hallucinogen refers to drugs that have the potential to produce hallucinations - chemicals that alter thoughts / feelings / perceptions

  12. Hallucinogens, cont - and perceptions - many result in hallucinations only when taken in large quantities • Origin of hallucinogens - almost all are derived from plants - with 2 exceptions: LSD and MDMA - both are produced synthetically • These drugs are consumed for their psychic effects, not physical effects - people took them to escape everyday life - or to commune with a higher order

  13. Hallucinogens, cont - psychic powers / sacred powers / medicinal powers were attributed to these drugs - they change awareness of reality - they alter perceptions of time - perceptions of spirituality - perceptions of the universe • It helped people transcend boundaries of time and space - human research took place before the 1960s - psychiatric hospitals / government agencies / and private clinics

  14. D-lysergic acid diethylamide • The most potent hallucinogenic substance known to man - cocaine and heroin measured in milligrams (thousandths of a gram) - doses of LSD are measured in micrograms (millionths of a gram) - microgram = 1 millionth of a gram • LSD is 100 times more potent than psilocybin and psilocin - it is 400 times more potent than mescaline

  15. LSD, cont • To produce a hallucinogenic effect in humans - a dose of 25 micrograms is generally required - today, the DEA considers 50 micrograms the standard - anywhere from 20 to 80 micrograms is used • LSD is a Schedule I drug, meeting the three criteria necessary - high potential for abuse - no currently accepted medical use - lacks accepted safety for use in treatment

  16. LSD, cont • It was developed in 1938 at the Sandoz Lab in Switzerland - it was synthesized from an ergot on fungus that grows on rye - ergot is a disease of cereal crops • It sold as a new drug to stimulate circulation and respiration, and to stop bleeding in the uterine muscle - no benefits were identified and after 5 years it was put on the shelf • In 1943, Albert Hoffman accidentally ingested the drug - a few days later, he took .25 mgs in water - a new interest in treatment for schizophrenia arose

  17. LSD, cont - days later, Hoffman took .25 mgs of LSD in water - there became a new interest in the treatment for schizophrenia - it has a structural relationship to a chemical that is present in the brain • In 1949, it reached the United States and was used to treat psychosis - LSD is water soluble / odorless / colorless / and tasteless - in the late 1960s, Congress prohibited both its use and sale

  18. LSD, cont • It produces profound effects on perception and mood - tolerance develops quickly - cannot experience the effects of LSD if taken within the past 3 or 4 days - a cross-tolerance can also occur with LSD and other hallucinogens • It is consumed orally and absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract - it is metabolized by the liver and quickly excreted

  19. LSD, cont - 1960s: it came in the form or cube or tablet - today: microdots or diluted drops - it is placed on blotter paper where it can be licked or sucked (blotter acid) - it is also found in candies, such as Sweet Tarts - also transported in food coloring bottles

  20. LSD Effects • Effects begin within the hour (anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes after ingestion) - behavioral effects last 6 to 8 hours - LSD has a half-life of only 3 hours, so the effects last longer than the drug is active - it is detectable in urine 72 hours after ingestion - no fatal overdoses are documented, but people have died due to their behavior on LSD - not from pharmacological effects

  21. LSD Effects, cont • It operates on the neurotransmitter serotonin - serotonin plays a role in sensory perception and mood - synesthesia occurs, which is a blending of the senses - a person hears or tastes colors - a person can see sounds • Depersonalization and disorientation are other effects - a user may conjure up repressed memories - body image may be distorted

  22. LSD Effects, cont - feelings of becoming one with the floor - or whatever one is sitting on or lying on - person may have a psychotic reaction that lasts weeks or months - others may have a mystical or religious experience or encounter • The LSD trip has 3 distinct phases - the 1st phase lasts 1 to 2 hours and can include euphoria and crying or laughing - the 2nd phase lasts 2 to 3 hours and has

  23. LSD Effects, cont visual illusions where hallucinations appear - the 3rd phase lasts 3 to 4 hours and has a distortion of time / ego disintegration / mood swings / and occasionally panic and depression • Flashbacks - another phenomenon associated with LSD - a person re-experiences effects days, weeks and even months after last using LSD - no consensus on how often they occur - one report: 15% of users experience

  24. Flashbacks, cont - for others, flashbacks are unlikely • Cause has not been determined conclusively - may be precipitated by stress or fatigue - another study said it may occur in persons who use antidepressant drugs - flashbacks tend to be brief - but frequency and duration of flashbacks are unpredictable

  25. Peyote • A hallucinogen Aztecs used for religious rituals - comes from the Lophophora williamsil cactus (low-pho-phora) • It is a small, spineless cactus that is found in Mexico and southwestern United States - it measures about 3 inches in diameter - Mescaline is the psychoactive agent and was named after the Mescalero Apaches - users dry the crown of the cactus, suck it and swallow - or they can mix it with water and chew it

  26. Peyote, cont • The chemical sensation (norepinephrine) causes excitation and increased motor activity - dried cactus is known as a “mescal button” - they have a foul odor / rancorous taste / and are difficult to ingest • Users initially experience nausea / vomiting / and diarrhea - this often deters further use - small doses produce euphoria - larger doses generate hallucinations which involve intense colors / taste / and feelings

  27. Peyote, cont • Compared to LSD, peyote is less intense but more manageable - peyote intoxication consists of 2 phases - contentment and sensitivity - first is a great calm - then a muscular sluggishness - there is a shift from external stimuli to an introspection and meditation • Medical use

  28. Peyote, cont - treats patients with angina pectoris (chest pains) - respiratory stimulant for pneumonia patients - researchers also see promising results for alcoholism • Peyote takes effect within 30 to 90 minutes - stays in the body for about 10 hours - hallucinations last only 2 hours - eliminated from the body primarily in urine • Physiological effects

  29. Peyote, cont - dilated pupils / rise in body temperature / increase in blood pressure and heart rate - death from use have not been documented - but a person could die from behaviors while on the drug • Mescaline is similar to LSD - tolerance forms quickly - physical dependence does not occur - but there is a cross-tolerance between LSD and mescaline

  30. Peyote, cont • Synthetic mescaline is produced - it is made into liquid form / capsules / tablet - it is more palatable than the natural form - synthesizing mescaline is difficult - that sold on the street is frequently another drug, such as LSD • In the early 1800s, Apache’s / Kiowa / and Comanche's chewed the mescal buttons - incorporated them into religious rituals • Native American Church

  31. Peyote, cont - until 1990, peyote use is legal in the US for spiritual reasons - it was considered a sacrament - recreational and social use was not allowed • US Supreme Court ruled 6 to 3 - individual states could forbid peyote use for religious purposes - protection of religious freedom under the First Amendment no longer extended to sacramental use of peyote

  32. Peyote, cont - Justice Antonin Scalia (1990): “We have never held that an individual’s religious beliefs excuse him from compliance with an otherwise valid law prohibiting conduct that the State is free to regulate.” - 28 states still allow the use of peyote in Native American rituals - but vary in how it is regulated - since 1994, Native American tribes are trying to control use of non-members

  33. Psilocybin • This is a drug making a resurgence in the US - called “magic mushrooms” or “shrooms” • Aztecs called psilocybin ‘teonanacatl’ - which means “God’s Flesh” - it was spiritually significant to the Aztecs - Spaniards stopped the use after controlling the natives • Several species contain psilocybin - they grow in parts of the US / Mexico / and Europe

  34. Psilocybin, cont - in 1958, Albert Hoffman isolated the psychoactive ingredient - early 1960s, use began to increase primarily among college students - use waned after awhile when LSD became more prominent • It is chemically similar to LSD - but the effects last a shorter time and are not as intense - it can be consumed orally

  35. Psilocybin, cont - in the form of dried mushrooms - drinking a beverage containing the plant - ground up and added to foods - but can also be found in tablet form • After ingestion, stomach enzymes converts it to psilocin - a more potent psychedelic than mescaline - but it is less toxic - and like peyote, it has an unpleasant taste • As with LSD and peyote, no fatal overdoses

  36. Psilocybin, cont - at least no fatal overdoses are recorded - a person can die from ingesting other types of mushrooms - it is easy to mistake a poisonous one from psilocybin • In small doses, (4 mgs) it brings feelings of euphoria and relaxation - higher doses distort perception of both time and space - user is distracted more easily and is open to suggestions

  37. Psilocybin, cont - it interferes with the ability to concentrate - hallucinations are produced, both visual and auditory • Physiological effects: - similar to other psychoactive drugs - dilates the pupils / raises body temperature / pulse rate / blood pressure - involuntary movement of arms and legs, and muscle relaxation may follow use • Psychological effects: - produces an array of emotional responses

  38. Psilocybin, cont - ranges from uncontrolled laughter to depression - experience hallucinations within 30 minutes - last from 3 to 8 hours • There is no current medical use - researching its impact on schizophrenia - psilocybin may reduce the effects of alcohol when they are taken at the same time

  39. Anticholinergic Hallucinogens • These drugs belong to the same family as the potato - they have a long history involving sorcery and witchcraft - they have been used as medicines / poisons / and beauty aids - besides producing hallucinations - they are highly toxic in large doses • In the 1970s, they were found in many over-the-counter drugs - Sominex / Contac / Travel-eze / Endotussin

  40. Anticholinergic, cont - since the 1980s, anticholinergic drugs have been removed from OTC medications • Belladonna - “beautiful lady” in Italian - also known as “deadly nightshade” - bluish black soft berry containing ‘atropine’ - it gives a person the feeling of flying - used in witches brews / satanic rituals - associated with witches and broomsticks - irregular heartbeat and drowsiness follow

  41. Anticholinergic, cont - it has potent hallucinogenic properties - symptoms appear in 30 to 60 minutes but it can be extremely toxic - a dozen berries can be fatal (1/10th of gram) - the root is most poisonous • Locoweed / Jimsonweed (Datura) - used by North and Central American Indians - cause disorientation / delirium / and visual hallucinations - symptoms appear within 30 to 60 minutes

  42. Anticholinergic, cont - after ingesting or smoking - effects may last up between 24 to 48 hours - toxic effects can be severe, leading to coma or even death • Nutmeg / Mace - come from the Myristica tree - chemically similar to mescaline - can induce visual / auditory hallucinations if consumed in large quantities - nutmeg is from the seeds of the tree

  43. Anticholinergic, cont - mace is from the fruit of the tree - usually chewed or snuffed with tobacco - 1 or 21 teaspoons consumed - takes effect in 2 to 5 hours - not taken because of unpleasant effects - nausea / headaches / vomiting / sensory distortion - followed by extremely noxious hangover

  44. Anticholinergic, cont • Phencyclidine (PCP) - it is sometimes classified as a hallucinogen - is capable of producing hallucinations - differs from those produced by LSD - developed in the 1950s / used as a surgical anesthetic - still used as a veterinary anesthetic outside of the United States - production became illegal here in 1978, but it is still used in other countries

  45. Phencyclidine, cont • Classification is complicated - can generate anesthetic / hallucinogenic / stimulating / or depressing effects - depending on the dosage and method of administration - it has been described as a “dissociative anesthetic” - meaning the person feels separated from reality • Early use: - angel dust / dust / rocket fuel / trank / crystal

  46. Phencyclidine, cont - distributed on the West Coast in early 1960s - in San Francisco it was popular, but resulted in bizarre and violent behavior - as an anesthetic, patients remain awake and unable to recall the surgery experience - no adverse effects to circulation / heart rate / or respiration - discontinued in 1965 because of undesirable effects - agitation / delirium / disorientation

  47. Phencyclidine, cont - when the effects wear off, the user becomes unmanageable / confused / disassociated with surroundings • Street use: - distributed in tablet or capsule form - also injected / snorted / smoked - mixed with tobacco or marijuana - absorption is rapid / effects are experienced quickly - last from a few minutes to an hour

  48. Phencyclidine, cont - acute effects last 4 to 6 hours - result in agitation / delirium / disorientation - confusion can last from 8 to 24 hours - no tolerance or physical dependence results - no physical withdrawal symptoms • Illegal use - alternate to LSD because of low cost - mixed with marijuana (killed joint / sherm) - use has declined - but it is still popular in San Francisco

  49. Phencyclidine, cont • Street reputation - making users violent / incredibly strong - police / hospital workers wary of users - average size people breaking handcuffs - simultaneously wrestling several officers - being shot several times / continue to fight • Effects: - small dose: relaxation / warmth / euphoria / numbness / interferes with concentration / distorts body image / depersonalization

  50. Phencyclidine, cont - increased usage: confusion / nystagmus / poor concentration / agitation / impaired reaction time - high doses: mood swings / blank staring / repetitive actions / muscular rigidity / can produce psychotic effects similar to schizophrenia / paranoia / physical aggression / inability to eat or sleep

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