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Malaria Fever – A Detailed Guide on Types, Symptoms and Many More

Remedies Labs is your perfect clinical diagnostic centre, where you can get accurate reports on malaria fever. If you ever face any of the symptoms leading to this kind of disease, book an appointment right away! Call us at 91-7799 721 212 or email us at info@remedieslabs.com for details on the tests.

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Malaria Fever – A Detailed Guide on Types, Symptoms and Many More

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  1. Malaria Fever – A Detailed Guide on Types, Symptoms and Many More Malaria is caused by a parasite and it spreads to humans through mosquito bites. Learning about malariapreventive measuresis important if you don’t want to fall seriously ill. People, who are suffering from malaria, mostly feel sick with shaking chills, and high fever. While this disease is pretty uncommon in temperate climates, malaria is pretty common in tropical and even in some subtropical countries like India. Around 290 people get infected with this disease and over 400,000 people die on a global count. Focusing on the types: Understanding the types of malaria is important to get the right treatment plan covered. There are 5 different species to affect humans. Among the lot, two are considered to be pretty deadly. P. Falciparum: It is the most common parasite for malaria and is known to cause some serious death counts. This particular bacterium multiplies pretty fast, causing clogged blood vessels and serious blood loss.

  2. P. Vivax: Among all the malaria types, P. Vivax is another common one and a pretty deadly one as well. This is a noted malaria parasite, mostly found right outside of dry areas. This species is known to lie dormant and then rise. It infects your blood for months or years after you have been bitten. Once you are well aware of the types of malaria, it is time to get the right treatment plan going. But, before that, you need to get your blood tested out to know which species attacked you. Join us at Remedies Labs for accurate blood reports every time. Symptoms to follow: The malaria symptoms are pretty similar to the flu ones. Some common options are: Chills that will shake your body Sweating and fever Fatigue Headache Muscle cramps Chest pain Breathing problems and cough Nausea, diarrhoea and vomiting With the disease getting worse, you will come across different malaria symptoms all along, like jaundice and anaemia. The severe form of malaria is known as cerebral malaria, which might progress to a coma. So, without wasting time, once you have seen any of these symptoms, opting for a malaria test is important. It helps doctors to know where you currently stand and they get to start with the treatment procedure ASAP. For accurate malaria test reports all the time, we welcome you to come and join us at Remedies Labs right away! Tests and diagnosis: We will examine you and furs ask you about the malaria symptoms. We will further ask you about your travel history as that helps us to get a good guess regarding the malaria types. It is vital to share all valid information about the countries you have visited recently. It helps us to understand the risk big time. We will take your blood sample and send it to our lab to see if there are any malaria parasites to be seen. It helps us to know about the types of malaria, that you are infected with. The blood test is highly important to see if you have malaria. It helps us to identify the parasite type that is causing your symptoms. We will then further proceed to present this information to your healthcare provider. After learning about the malaria types you are suffering from, doctors will devise the right treatment plan.

  3. The treatment plan to follow: It is vital to start with the malaria treatment plan ASAP. Doctors will recommend medicines to kill the parasite. However, you should know that some parasites are highly resistant to malaria drugs. Doctors might recommend some drugs in combination with other medicines. The parasite type will determine which medication you need to take and for how long. Some of the major anti-malarial drugs as presented by doctors for malaria treatment are: Atovaquone Chloroquine Artemisinin drugs Doxycycline Primaquine Quinine Mefloquine Looking for the best malaria treatment-based medications is important if you want to get rid of the bacteria as soon as you can. Thanks to our test reports from Remedies Labs, doctors will be able to prescribe the right medicine to follow. Some side effects to focus at: Anti-malarial drugs are indeed known for causing some side effects. Well, it is nothing to be worried about as these side effects are pretty rare and can be treated without fail. Always remember to let your healthcare provider know about the medicines you are taking. Indeed, anti-malarial drugs can easily interfere with them. Depending on medicines, some of the side effects are: Headaches GI or gastrointestinal issues like diarrhoea and nausea Increasing sensitivity to sunlight Psychological disorders and vision issues Disturbing dreams and insomnia Anaemia and seizures But, doctors can easily treat these side effects by presenting some drug combinations. Avoid using medications on your own and wait for the malaria test from our side at Remedies Labs. Only well-trained doctors can help you with the right medication plan to follow. How to prevent malaria? If you reside where malaria is common, have a chat with your doctor to learn about the methods, to help you with the prevention of malaria. Doctors will recommend some proper medicines to follow.

  4. It is mandatory to take drugs before and during your stay in malaria-infected areas. Medicines will highly reduce your chances of getting infected. It is also important to take preventive measures to get rid of malaria and avoid mosquito bites. Make sure to apply mosquito repellent cream with DEET to all exposed skin. Be sure to use mosquito nets to prevent further biting. Put screens on doors or windows if you have stagnant water bodies near your house. Treat clothing, tents, sleeping bags and other fabric materials with insect repellent spray or cream. Try to wear long-sleeved clothing items and long pants to cover your skin. Once you are through with the preventive measures, it is time to watch out for the symptoms. If you feel any of that, visit Remedies Labs for further tests to confirm.

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