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Stem Cell Treatment for Back Pain | Dr. David Greene Arizona

If you are living with chronic back pain, you may be looking for relief. Stem cell therapy is a promising treatment option for many chronic pain conditions, including lower back pain. In this presentation, Dr. David Greene Arizona discusses how stem cell therapy can help patients find relief from back pain.

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Stem Cell Treatment for Back Pain | Dr. David Greene Arizona

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  2. What Is Stem Cell Therapy? Stem cell therapy, also referred to as regenerative medicine, is an outpatient procedure that targets the underlying source of pain without medication, surgery or long recovery times. This procedure utilizes the body’s own healing ability to regenerate damaged tissues, decrease chronic pain and heal injuries more effectively. Stem cells can transform into bone, cartilage or fat cells to stimulate the body’s healing process.

  3. How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work For Back Pain? • Stem cell treatment is considered a regenerative therapy because it helps affected areas repair themselves when they are injected with stem cells. The stem cells used for this type of therapy can: • Develop into whatever cells the body may need to help repair the affected area. • Self-renew once they are injected, meaning they will continue working to repair and heal the body. • Reduce pain by acting as an anti-inflammatory agent on damaged tissue.

  4. What Back Conditions Can Stem Cell Therapy Treat? Orthopedic conditions If you have pains in your hip, elbow, knee or shoulder or have carpal tunnel syndrome, bicep tendonitis, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder or shoulder osteoarthritis, stem cell therapy could be a great option for you. Patients often have multiple pain points at the same time, and some doctors will try to treat these problem areas simultaneously. If you have any of these orthopedic pains, consult your doctor about the possibilities of stem cell therapy.

  5. Degenerative disc disease (DDD) Though this condition is referred to as a disease, the term refers to the changes your spinal discs undergo over time. Spinal discs take on the stresses of your everyday actions. As we age, our discs lose their elasticity, flexibility and shock-absorbing abilities, which is where the pains set in. If you suffer from degenerative disc disease, consult your doctor about a stem cell treatment.

  6. Disc herniations Disc herniations occur when disc materials are displaced beyond the normal area. When this happens, pressure is put on the spinal cord and/or spinal nerves, which results in severe pains, possible pinched nerves, numbness or weakness. Depending on the severity of your disc herniation, stem cell treatments can help relieve some of those pains.

  7. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction Your sacroiliac (SI) joint is where your spine meets the pelvis. The job of this joint is to take on heavy loads to allow us to walk, run, jog, jump and more. When this joint becomes inflamed, this issue is known as sacroiliitis. This pain would most often be treated with physical therapy, massages or other non-surgical methods. However, stem cell therapy could be used in place of some of these techniques.

  8. Arthritis Arthritis, or inflammation of the joints, is a common pain most people face throughout their lifetime. Most of us will experience this because as we age, our bones and joints begin showing signs of wear and tear from our daily activities. Additionally, arthritis is common in those who play sports, as their joints experience high impacts. Stem cell therapy can be used as a pain relief tactic for people coping with arthritis — specifically cases in the hands, elbows, knees, hips or shoulders.

  9. What Are The Benefits Of Stem Cell Therapy? • The benefits of stem cell therapy for back pain include the following: • Quick recovery time: Because this is an outpatient procedure, you can quickly get back to your life without needing any major downtime. • Pain relief: Previous studies have shown that stem cell therapy can have positive outcomes for treating chronic pain. • Non-surgical procedure: Stem cells can be administered through injections or intravenous routes and do not require anesthesia, which can make this procedure a good choice for people searching for non-invasive options.


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