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The Acceptability and Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Adults with Acquired Brain Injury

The Acceptability and Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Adults with Acquired Brain Injury Authors: Anna Marson, M.A., Susan L. Tasker , PhD. University of Victoria Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies. Purpose.

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The Acceptability and Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Adults with Acquired Brain Injury

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  1. The Acceptability and Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Adults with Acquired Brain Injury Authors:Anna Marson, M.A., Susan L. Tasker, PhD. University of Victoria Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies

  2. Purpose • To explore the acceptability and effectiveness of MBCT as a group-based approach to foster psychological recovery and well-being in the chronic phase of ABI

  3. Rationale • Acquired brain injury (ABI) is well recognized as a serious public health concern (International Brain Injury Association, IBIA, 2011). Yet, little focus is given to the longer-term living and coping with ABI (Kreutzer, 2010; Tasker, 2003), and few psychotherapeutic interventions have been used and tested as appropriate supports for psychological recovery following ABI (Kreutzer, 2010)

  4. Rationale MBCT: • Effective in treating depression (e.g. Ma & Teasdale, 2004) and anxiety (e.g. Evans et al., 2008) among other psychological conditions commonly implicated in ABI • Associated with increased coping strategies (e.g. Baer, 2003) and internal loci of control (LOC; e.g. Tacon et al., 2004), which are associated with better outcomes following ABI (e.g. Lubusko et al., 1994) • Helps increase self-awareness and self-regulation (e.g. Brown & Ryan, 2003), common deficits in ABI which can greatly impede treatment and recovery (e.g. Prigatano, 2005)

  5. Objectives • (a) Extend Finucane and Mercer’s (2006) study by applying MBCT to another population (i.e., adults with ABI) • (b) Corroborate the Bedard et al. (2008) investigation reporting the effectiveness of MBCT in reducing depression in people with TBI

  6. Objectives • (c) Establish if empirical findings of the effectiveness of MBCT on depression and anxiety in the general population and in primary care patients with active symptoms of depression and anxiety extended to participants with ABI • (d) Explore the effect of MBCT on measures of locus of control, satisfaction with life, self-awareness, and coping in participants with ABI

  7. Method • N =12 (9 male, 3 female) divided into 3 groups • A mixed methods design was implemented (i.e. Qualitative and quantitative methods, as per Fleming et al.’s 1996 suggestion) • Quantitative instruments were used to assess hypotheses 1-4 addressing the effectiveness of MBCT • Instruments were administered pre- and post- treatment • Acceptability and effectiveness were measured qualitatively using focus group questions» adapted from Finucane and Mercer (2006) and assessed using thematic analysis

  8. Method • Quantitative measures included: • A demographic questionnaire*» • The Self-Awareness of Deficits Interview (SADI)» • The Brief COPE » • The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)» • The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS)» • The Adult Nowicki-Strickland Internal-External control scale (ANSIE)»

  9. Hypotheses • Hypothesis 1: Participants will describe and show a measurable alleviation of depression and anxiety symptoms as assessed by focus group data and the HADS following MBCT treatment. • Hypothesis 2: Upon completion of the MBCT program, participants will show a measureable increase in internalized LOC as assessed by focus group data and the ANSIE.

  10. Hypotheses • Hypothesis 3: Following MBCT treatment, study participants will report measurable improvements in (a) acceptance, positive reframing, and self-regulation; (b) other ways of coping; and (c) satisfaction with life, as assessed from focus group data and the Brief COPE and SWLS respectively. • Hypothesis 4: MBCT treatment will result in increased self-awareness among study participants as assessed by self-report and the SADI.

  11. Data Analysis • One-tailed paired t-tests and Cohen’s D were used to test hypotheses 1 to 4 • Inductive and deductive thematic analyses were used to code and analyse qualitative data • Effectiveness was assessed using deductive and inductive thematic analysis • Acceptability was assessed using inductive thematic analysis • An endorsement rate of 55% was used for inductive thematic analyses, as implied by Braun and Clarke (2006)

  12. Results: Effectiveness Hypothesis 1: Participants will describe and show a measurable alleviation of depression and anxiety symptoms as assessed by focus group data and the HADS following MBCT treatment. ¹ 11 participants were included in the focus group at T2 as 1 participant was out of the country

  13. Hypothesis 1: HADS

  14. Hypothesis 1: Qualitative Findings • 3 (27.3%) participants endorsed a decrease in anxiety • “It lessens my anxiety issues…Before I drive, I take my three minute break to just compile my thoughts so to speak…the anxiety level and relaxing, well yeah, I found it real beneficial.” (Participant 6)

  15. Hypothesis 1: Qualitative Findings Continued • 1 (9.10%) participant endorsed a decrease in depression • “The whole thing to me has been helpful because I have been struggling with depression…and other stuff, and that if I just keep remembering…all that is happening to me now does not mean that it is going to be (the) same way tomorrow or next week, so just by being able to be in this moment and being able to identify what’s bothering me or what is the problem…it makes it easier to get over it…and also, sort of chase away the negative thoughts that I keep in my head.”(Participant 1)

  16. Results: Effectiveness Hypothesis 2: Upon completion of the MBCT program, participants will show a measureable increase in internalized LOC as assessed by focus group data and the ANSIE. ¹ 11 participants were included in the focus group at T2 as 1 participant was out of the country

  17. Hypothesis 2: ANSIE

  18. Hypothesis 2: Qualitative Findings • 3 (27.3%) participants endorsed an increase in internal LOC • “I think everyone should be aware of the power that you actually have over your mood and basically how you view certain situations in your life, because it is a very useful tool to have…Of course there are always going to be things that are not so easy to get on top of… The main thing is I believe now that I can do it, that’s a winner…” (Participant 1)

  19. Results: Effectiveness Hypothesis 3: Following MBCT treatment, study participants will report measurable improvements in (a) acceptance, positive reframing, and self-regulation; (b) other ways of coping; and (c) satisfaction with life, as assessed from focus group data and the Brief COPE and SWLS. ¹ 11 participants were included in the focus group at T2 as 1 participant was out of the country

  20. Hypothesis 3: Brief COPE

  21. Hypothesis 3: Qualitative Findings • 2 (18.2%) participants endorsed an increase in acceptance • “[L]earning just letting things be. There is nothing I can do to change. I think we talked about that. If I can’t do anything about it then just leave it alone…” (Participant 4) • 6 (54.5%) participants endorsed an increase in self-regulation • “Well I notice that if I run into a little problem I just focus on my breathing and then it helps to center me, and then I can see it from other perspectives…And I find with this, it helps to just kind of slow you down, and just kind of stop, breath, okay…” (Participant 2)

  22. Results: Effectiveness Hypothesis 3: Following MBCT treatment, study participants will report measurable improvements in (a) acceptance, positive reframing, and self-regulation; (b) other ways of coping; and (c) satisfaction with life, as assessed from focus group data and the Brief COPE and SWLS. ¹ 11 participants were included in the focus group at T2 as 1 participant was out of the country

  23. Hypothesis 3: Brief COPE Continued

  24. Hypothesis 3: Qualitative Findings Continued • 1 (9.10%) participant endorsed a decrease in denial • “I am a very good example because I would not take any measures to help my memory. I always said no, that’s only catering to my disability. Instead of helping myself along and to help my memory, I refused, but I said no I won’t do that. I am going to remember like I used to. After four years I had to realize that it’s not happening and this helped me to actually accept the fact that it is not going to happen.” (Participant 1)

  25. Hypothesis 3: Qualitative Findings Continued • 3 (27.3%) participants endorsed an increase in satisfaction with life • “Well, [MBCT] just helps to…be more productive…I notice a big difference even with my little guy. [Also, my] [s]chool work is going much better now, you know, a better time falling to sleep at night and stuff so, getting up better. So it is good. Everything is working good, very good.” (Participant 2)

  26. Results: Effectiveness Hypothesis 4: MBCT treatment will result in increased self-awareness among study participants as assessed by self-report and the SADI. ¹ 11 participants were included in the focus group at T2 as 1 participant was out of the country. ⁺ Qualitative endorsements were made with regards to self-awareness generally.

  27. Hypothesis 4: SADI

  28. Hypothesis 4: Qualitative Findings • 8 (73%) participants endorsed an increase in self-awareness • “I made a couple of notes about the benefits that I got from the course; probably one of the biggest was awareness. I found that I am being more aware, I am paying more attention to what is going on around me...even walking down the street, I don’t have a set goal that I just head for, but, I pay more attention to what is happening beside me and around me.” (Participant 6)

  29. Qualitative Results: Effectiveness • 10 (91%) participants endorsed the effectiveness of MBCT for ABI • 2 effectiveness subthemes emerged: Breathing • 8 (73%) participants thought the program’s focus on breathing was most helpful Relaxing, Calming, Grounding • 8 (73%) participants found the program to be relaxing, calming, or grounding

  30. Qualitative Results: Acceptability • 10 (91%) participants endorsed the acceptability of MBCT for ABI • 3 subthemes emerged: Power of the Group: • The importance of being part of a group was endorsed by 6 (55%) participants Gratitude • 11 (100%) participants expressed gratitude for MBCT Wish-List Modifications: • 7(64%) participants spoke about ways in which they wished the program had been different or could be made to better for them

  31. Qualitative Results Wish-List Modifications: • 6 (55%) participants thought the program was too short • 6 (55%) participants said they were less likely to do the longer meditations on their own • 7 (64%) participants felt it was difficult to maintain a regular practice (i.e. homework)

  32. Limitations • Lack of a waitlist-control group to control for a possible expectancy effect • Small sample size • The inability to ascertain severity of ABI • Different group facilitators • Post-treatment measures were completed 1 week following treatment, thus, I am not able to report whether the benefits observed at T2 were maintained several months afterwards

  33. Implications for Counselling • Counsellors must maintain a compassionate and flexible demeanour when working with ABI • i.e., remember and empathize with the frequently associated deficits in motivation and initiation, inhibition (e.g. Kreutzer et al., 2010) and memory (e.g. Tiersky et al., 2005), as they influence group dynamics and may affect counsellor confidence • It is strongly recommended that MBCT facilitators maintain their own mindfulness practice (e.g. Segal et al., 2002)

  34. Implications for Counselling • It is important to remember that progress can be gradual, especially among a neurologically impaired population • Counsellors should recognize that adults with ABI might require greater (emotional) support than other non-neurologically impaired groups, which might necessitate additional staff • Extended MBCT programs appear to be most appropriate for this population

  35. Conclusions • Findings reported here demonstrate MBCT as an acceptable and effective approach for decreasing depression and denial; increasing positive-reframing, active coping, and self-regulation; and improving self-awareness of the functional implications of deficits among individuals with ABI • No significant benefits were observed regarding LOC, SWL, some aspects of self-awareness and coping, or anxiety

  36. Conclusions • This study replicated and extended Finucane and Mercer’s (2006) findings of MBCT as an acceptable and effective treatment for active depression to another clinical population (i.e. ABI) • However, the present data did not reveal significant decreases in anxiety

  37. Conclusions • The results support Bedard et al.’s (2008) finding of MBCT as an effective treatment in the reduction of active depression symptoms in ABI • The encouraging results of this preliminary study warrant further replication with a waitlist-control group and a larger sample size

  38. Other Quotes from Participants • “I’m very grateful for this that you let us have. It’s a great help.” • “It is like magic isn’t it?…It was like we were all touched with the magic of being together.” • “My husband said I should give you a thank-you card!”

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