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Treat Back Pain without Surgery

According to Dr. Vikas Mehra, an orthopedist and back pain doctor in Chandigarh, most people have nonsurgical options for treating back pain.

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Treat Back Pain without Surgery

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  1. Treat Back Pain without Surgery According to the National Institutes of Health, 80% of people will have back discomfort at some point in their lives. Finding a remedy can be a frustrating path, with intervals of ease followed by unexpected suffering. According to Dr. Vikas Mehra, an orthopedist and back pain doctor in Chandigarh, most people have nonsurgical options for treating back pain. “Surgery is normally recommended only after all other options have been exhausted,” says Dr. Vikas Mehra. “There are several non-invasive or minimally invasive treatments that can reduce pain for the vast majority of patients.” Medication-free treatments Chronic back pain, defined as discomfort that lasts three months or longer, is often caused by a muscular strain caused by lifting, overuse, or an accident. Chronic back pain can also be caused by other illnesses such as arthritis, osteoporosis, obesity, and disc issues. Doctors frequently recommend medication-free treatments like these as the initial step in treating persistent back pain: • Physical therapy — Working with a physical therapist to improve posture, strength, and flexibility through stretches, movement, and core exercises can help lessen back discomfort. • Acupuncture, acupressure, and massage therapy — Tiny needles or hand pressure can alleviate tension, relieve joint discomfort, and hasten recovery from an accident. • Aquatic/water therapy —Because water defies gravity, pools provide an ideal setting for workouts that increase flexibility, balance, and strength. • Nutrition/lifestyle modifications — Obesity frequently puts pressure on the spine and discs, which provide padding between the bones that create the spinal column. According to studies, smoking is also associated with higher back pain. • Cupping —Placing suction cups on the skin may help increase or decrease blood flow, relieve discomfort, and speed recovery time, though further research is needed to determine their usefulness. • Osteopathic manipulation — Specially trained physicians can use light pressure, resistance, and stretching to ease joint discomfort and enhance muscle balance and blood flow.

  2. Injections If those therapies aren’t enough, injections can help. Injections are frequently advised when an MRI or other imaging validates what is seen during a physical examination, according to Dr. Vikas Mehra, and they are frequently utilised to aid with physical therapy. Injections can assist identify the source of discomfort in addition to alleviating it. They are often provided in an outpatient environment, which means patients go home the same day. Among the most common injections are: • Epidural steroid injection — a cortisone (steroid) solution administered directly to the spine to reduce swelling and irritation around a nerve or section of the spinal cord. • Selective nerve root injection- Using X-ray guidance, medicine is injected into a specific nerve rather than the entire spine. • Facet joint injection — Medication is injected directly into a facet joint, which connects the spinal bones, using X-ray guidance. • Sacroiliac joint injection — an injection into the joint that connects the tailbone to the pelvis, which is a common source of lower back and leg pain. • Joint and soft tissue injection — a steroid or pain reliever injected directly into a specific joint or soft tissue area to provide pain relief that can last for weeks or months. • Radiofrequency ablation, also known as rhizotomy, is a treatment that employs radio waves to generate heat that can eliminate pain-causing tissue. Medications Anti-inflammatory medicines that can be purchased without a prescription, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen, can provide short-term relief for back pain but can cause major kidney and gastrointestinal problems with long-term usage. The same is true with cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabis (marijuana), which are permitted for recreational and medical use in Chandigarh and several other states but have the potential for serious adverse effects, especially when combined with other pharmaceuticals. Prescription pain relievers can be highly addictive and should only be used for brief periods of time, such as after surgery or shortly following a serious accident or injury.

  3. Get effective back pain doctor in Chandigarh at Dr. Vikas Mehra’s pain management clinic. Consult the best ortho doctor for back pain in Chandigarh for a better diagnosis and results. Dr. Mehra is the best orthopedic doctor in Chandigarh, India, with the best treatment options.

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