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Legal Documents and Court Cases

Legal Documents and Court Cases. Seven Court Cases. Serna V. Portales (1972 & 1974). Portales school district was mandated to implement a bil. & bicultural program. Appealed denied. Case I. Lau V. Nichols (1974). Court ruled in favor of Lau; however, no specific remedy was imposed.

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Legal Documents and Court Cases

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  1. Legal Documents and Court Cases Seven Court Cases

  2. Serna V. Portales (1972 & 1974) Portales school district was mandated to implement a bil. & bicultural program. Appealed denied. Case I

  3. Lau V. Nichols (1974) Court ruled in favor of Lau; however, no specific remedy was imposed. Provide “meaningful education” Case II

  4. Aspira v. New York (1974) The district agree with the demands of the plaintiffs. Identification of students in need of language services. Implementation of bil. Program. Case III

  5. Rios v. Reed (1977) Patchogue-Medford School District in New York. Was not serving ELL students. L1 instruction for content areas. Foundation for bilingual programs in the 80’s. Case IV

  6. Castaneda v. Pickard (1981) Implementation of a quality bilingual program. The school District of Raymondville, TX. Violated the Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974. Sound research, adequate resources, & access to the full curriculum. Case V

  7. U.S. v. the State of Texas (1981 & 1982) Senate Bill 477 (current Bilingual Education Law) came out of this case. Mandated bilingual programs for Mexican American Children. Texas “vilified” the language and culture of mexican american children. Case VI

  8. Plyler v. Doe (1982) Undocumented immigrants have access to free public education. Proposition 187 was unconstitutional. Immigration is a federal issue, not a state issue. Case VII

  9. Roles of the Federal Government And the Office for Civil Rights

  10. Title VI of the Civil rights Act of 1964 Prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in any program receiving federal funding. Three Documents

  11. Office for Civil Rights Memorandum of 1970. Require appropriate instruction to address educational needs of language minority students. Prohibits language test as the key reason for special education. Three Documents (continued)

  12. Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974. Cannot deny equal educational opportunity to people base on race, sex, or national origin. Pressure districts to offer meaningful education to ELLs. Applied to all Schools. Three Documents (Continue)

  13. Lau Remedies in 1975 • Described process for identification and evaluation of students in bilingual education. • Should not assigned students to classes for mentally retarded due on language testing only. • Bilingual for elem. & ESL for older students.

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