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European Ocean Research Fleets Towards a Common Strategy and an Enhanced Use Ocean Research Fleets Working Group (Chair: J.Binot – Ifremer) Marine Board Autumn Plenary Session 06 in Bremen. Content of the Report. A - Description of the existing fleets and their management

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  1. European Ocean Research FleetsTowards a Common Strategy and an Enhanced UseOcean Research Fleets Working Group (Chair: J.Binot – Ifremer)Marine Board Autumn Plenary Session 06 in Bremen

  2. Content of the Report • A - Description of the existing fleets and their management • presentation (Table) and comparison with the US fleet • fleets’ foreseeable evolution • inventory of large and exchangeable equipment • management system of European fleets (funding schemes, peer review process and detailed scheduling procedures) • existing partnerships in Europe • B - Proposals for an enhanced European ocean research fleet and its management • How to use the existing fleet more efficiently ? • How to widen scientific access to European scientific fleets? • Approaches towards long-term investment strategies

  3. A - Description of the existing fleets and their management

  4. See Table : European multipurpose research vessels accessible for academic (basic) research outside coastal regions

  5. The average age of the Regional class ships in 2006 is 19 years: a need for decision to build to renew Regional class research ships Age of the fleet and its foreseeable evolution

  6. Survey of European inventory of large, exchangeable instruments • Availability of the sophisticated capable instruments is very limited and unevenly distributed ; a limited number of nations own most of the large and exchangeable instruments • Lending, leasing and/or exchange of instruments between European institutions do happen but still and most often on a bilateral case by case basis • Potential for a improved utilisation of large and exchangeable instruments in Europe is considerable : nevertheless many issueshave tobe taken into account : • Inter operability • Technical support • Annual programming • Cooperation outside Europe • Insurance • Transport and customs

  7. Partnerships • Barter system (OFEG example) • Shared investment and running costs • Charters • Joint projects / programmes

  8. B - Proposals for an Enhanced European Ocean research Fleet and its Management • How to use the existing fleet more efficiently ? • - Better coordination of fleet scheduling • - Promote bartering to avoid long transit-passage time between cruises • - Encourage chartering process to use the non funded time • - Create a “Scrap Premium” to get rid of old and under-employed vessels • - Better coordination of equipment scheduling • - Achieve inter-operability of equipment • - Trans-national deployment teams • - Sharing of spare parts • Proposals for implementation – Piloting bodies: • Towards Funding/national authorities • Available ship and equipment time to be published • Reinforcement of the OFEG organisation • An European Initiative for inter-operability • New marine facilities bartering groups • Development of national equipment pools

  9. How to widen scientific access to European scientific fleets? • - Joint cruises • - Rare systems • - Newly accessing states (NAS) access • Proposals for implementation – piloting bodies through MarinERA, EC, MB-ESF • Approaches towards long-term investment strategies • - investment project concerning a new vessel or equipment: prepare the conditions to maintain closer relationship in order to achieve co-ownership (long term planning) • recommendations on ownership of vessels, equipment & instruments; proposals for implementation towards five structures

  10. Conclusions • An unique opportunity to inform European and international decision makers about the status of the European research fleets • The European fleet is an important scientific tool, comparable to the US one • The scientific equipment component has been surveyed for the first time: the European set is very diverse and is number one in the world • However, renewal remains necessary (old Regional fleet ) • A lot of existing partnerships and operational cooperation schemes • P10ragmatic proposals with implementation tools and identified task leaders

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